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Jung y los Filmes

• It is obvious enough that psychology, being a

study of psychic processes, can be brought to
bear on the study of literature, for the human
psyche Is the womb of all arts and sciences...
• Psychology and aesthetics will always have to
turn to one another for help, and the one will
not invalidate the other.
• 'The movies are far more efficient than the
theatre; they are less restricted, they are able
to produce amazing symbols to show the
collective unconscious, since their methods of
presentation are so unlimited'.
• Again some film theoreticians regard films not as
individual, and therefore 'authored' products but as
cultural expressions of a 'fundamental motif' which is the
'common property of all mankind'. As Monaco has
commented, 'The "auteur theory" as applied to cinema is
thus not only historically inaccurate but also
fundamentally misleading. Movies are not "authored" but
are rather reflections of shared thoughts and structures'.2
• 2 Monaco, P., 'Film as Myth and National Folklore', In: The
Power of Mythin Literature and Film, ed. Carrabino, V.,
(Tallahasse, 1980): p39

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