Which of The Following Is NOT Part of The Axial Skeleton?: 1. Skull 2. Vertebral Column 3. Pelvis 4. Rib Cage

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Which of the following is NOT

part of the axial skeleton?

1. skull    

2. vertebral column
3. pelvis
4. rib cage

|    |  
Which of the following provides support for
the body, attachment sites for muscles, and
protection for internal organs?
1. skin    

2. spinal cord
3. skeleton
4. joints

|    |  
Which of the following is NOT a function of
bones in the human skeletal system?

1. store minerals    

2. regulate body
3. move body parts
4. protect organs

|    |  
ow many bones are found in
an adult human skeleton?
1. 150    

2. 200
3. 206
4. 212

|    |  
The main function of the skull is
1. produce blood cells.    
2. protect the heart and
3. protect the brain.
4. act like a lever for
muscle attachment.

|    |  
Which of the following contains nerves and
blood vessels and runs through the compact
1. osteocytes    

2. aversian canals
3. bone marrow
4. periosteum

|    |  
Which of the following is true
about red marrow?
1. It makes blood cells.    
2. It stores fat.
3. It produces new
4. It is found in
compact bones of

|    |  
The periosteum is a
1. place for storing fat cells.    

2. location for red blood cell

3. tough layer of connective tissue
surrounding a bone.
4. latticework structure that adds
strength to the bone.

Where are aversian canals
1. in the periosteum    

2. running through
compact bone
3. running through
4. running through
spongy bone

|    |  
Which of the following is NOT
true about spongy bone?
1. It is less dense than    
compact bone.
2. It is organized into
structures that resemble
a bridge¶s supporting
3. It is soft and spongy.
4. It adds strength to bone
without adding mass.

|    |  
What is the skeleton of an
embryo mainly composed of?
1. bone    

2. cartilage
3. bone marrow
4. growth plates

|    |  
What is the function of cells
called osteoclasts?
1. build and maintain    
2. break down bone
3. support the skin
4. produce blood

|    |  
If a bone is broken, which of the following
produces new bone tissue to heal the
1. marrow    

2. aversian canals
3. osteoblasts
4. leukocytes

|    |  
Which are mature bone cells
embedded in the bone matrix?
1. osteoblasts    

2. osteocytes
3. osteoclasts
4. cartilage

|    |  
Ossification occurs in which of
the following?
1. embryos    
2. newborn children
and teenagers
3. embryos and
newborn children
4. embryos, newborn
children, and

|    |  
Œiagram A in Figure 36±1 is an example of a

1. ball-and-socket joint.
2. saddle joint.
3. hinge joint.
4. pivot joint.

ÿaddle joints are represented in
which diagram in Figure 36±1?
1. Œiagram A    

2. Œiagram B
3. Œiagram C
4. Œiagram Œ

|    |  
Which type of freely movable joints in Figure
36±1 are examples of joints that permit only
back-and-forth movement?
1. Œiagram A    

2. Œiagram B
3. Œiagram C
4. Œiagram Œ

|    |  
Digaments connect
1. cartilage to bone.    

2. muscle to muscle.
3. bone to muscle.
4. bone to bone.

|    |  
What body part has a joint that works in
a manner similar to a door?

1. wrist    

2. thumb
3. skull
4. knee

|    |  
In Figure 36±2, B is an example of

1. cardiac muscle.
2. skeletal muscle.
3. smooth muscle.
4. heart muscle.

Which diagram(s) in Figure 36±2
show(s) muscles that are striated?
1. A and B    

2. B
3. C
4. A and C

|    |  
Which diagram(s) in Figure 36±2 show(s)
muscles that decrease the size of the pupils
of your eyes in bright light?
1. A    

2. B
3. C
4. A and C

|    |  
About what percentage of the mass of
the human body is made up of muscle?

1. less than 10    
2. 20 percent
3. 30 percent
4. more than 40

|    |  
Where is cardiac muscle tissue
located in the body?
1. heart    

2. ribs
3. skull
4. bones

|    |  
Where is the protein called actin
located in the body?
1. ATP molecules    

2. thin filaments
3. myosin filaments
4. acetylcholine

|    |  
In addition to myosin, what other protein is
involved in skeletal muscle contraction?

1. collagen    

2. actin
3. ATP
4. chitin

|    |  
What happens when the thin filaments in a
muscle fiber slide over the thick filaments?

1. A muscle contracts.    
2. A muscle relaxes.
3. A muscle both
contracts and
4. A muscle neither
contracts nor

|    |  
 yosin and actin make up
1. osteoblasts.    

2. collagen.
3. myofibrils.
4. red marrow.

|    |  
According to the sliding-filament model,
which of the following steps does NOT occur
in muscle contraction?
1.  yosin and actin filaments come    

near each other.

2.  yosin filaments form cross-
bridges with actin filaments.
3. Cross-bridges pull the two filaments
past each other.
4. Actin filaments return to their
original positions.

What tough connective tissues
join skeletal muscles to bones?
1. joints    

2. ligaments
3. periosteum
4. tendons

|    |  
Which of the following types of muscle
generally remains in a state of partial
contraction when your legs are straight?

1. skeletal muscle
2. cardiac muscle
3. smooth muscle
4. all of the above

|    |  
Which of the following is NOT
true about muscle tone?
1. It is responsible for keeping the    
back and legs straight when you¶re
2. It is increased through regular
3. It describes the tightening of some
4. It increases with age.

The elbow joint bends when the
1. triceps muscle    
2. triceps muscle
3. biceps muscle
4. biceps muscle

|    |  
Which of the following is NOT true about the
effects of exercise on muscles?

1. It increases muscle tone.    

2. It adds material to the

outside of the muscle cells.
3. It increases the efficiency of
the heart.
4. It can cause muscles to
visibly increase in size.

The most important function of
the skin is
1. protection.    

2. storing fat.
3. sweating.
4. insulation.

|    |  
What two layers make up skin?
1. keratin and dermis    
2. epidermis and
3. epidermis and
4. melanin and keratin

|    |  
The top layer of the epidermis is
made of
1. flat, dead cells.    

2. melanin.
3. collagen.
4. healthy, living

|    |  
Which of the following is NOT a
function of skin?
1. helps regulate body    
2. removes body
3. contracts and
relaxes muscles
4. helps prevent

|    |  
What happens when the keratin-
producing cells of the skin die?
1.  elanin and keratin    
are produced.
2. An additional dermis
layer is formed.
3. A waterproof coating
is formed.
4.  elanin is produced.

|    |  
Which of the following is NOT part
of the integumentary system?
1. skin    

2. cartilage
3. nails
4. hair

|    |  
From which of the following does the
basic structure of hair and nails form?

1. sweat    

2. melanin
3. collagen
4. keratin

|    |  
Individual hairs are columns of cells
that died after becoming filled with
1. keratin.    

2. dermis.
3. melanin.
4. sweat.

|    |  
Which of the following are tubelike pockets
of epidermal cells that extend into the
1. epidermal layers    

2. keratin layers
3. melanin cells
4. hair follicles

|    |  
Which of the following structures is
NOT formed by keratin?
1. reptile scales    

2. feathers
3. tip of the nose
4. hair

|    |  
Bones provide a system of fixed points on
which muscles act to produce movement.
1. True  
2. False

|    |
The appendicular skeleton consists of the
arms, legs, pelvis, and shoulder area.
1. True  
2. False

|    |
The periosteum is a tough layer of
connective tissue that surrounds a typical
bone. _________________________
1. True  
2. False

|    |
Îed marrow is made up primarily of fat
cells. _________________________

1. True  

2. False

|    |
In adults, cartilage is found in parts of the
body where flexibility is needed.
1. True  
2. False

|    |
The condition in which joints are inflamed is
bursitis. _________________________

1. True  

2. False

|    |
The different classes of joints are based on
their location.
1. True  
2. False

|    |
Because skeletalmuscle cells are long and
slender, they are often called muscle fibers.
1. True  
2. False

|    |
ÿmooth muscle is found in just one place in
the body. _________________________

1. True  

2. False

|    |
The thick filaments in myofibrils contain a
protein called actin.
1. True  
2. False

|    |
ATP supplies the energy for muscle
contraction. _________________________

1. True  

2. False

|    |
Individual skeletal muscles can only push in
one direction.
1. True  
2. False

|    |
 elanocytes are located in the dermis.

1. True  

2. False

|    |
The outer layer of dead cells of the skin is
shed every seven to ten weeks.
1. True  
2. False

|    |
Nails grow from an area of rapidly dividing
cells known as the nail root.
1. True  
2. False

|    |
Participant ÿcores
0 Participant 1
0 Participant 2
0 Participant 3
0 Participant 4
0 Participant 5
The vertebral column and skull are part of
the ____________________ skeleton.

The ____________________ form a
cage that protects the heart and lungs.

A less dense tissue known as ____________________ is
found in the ends of long bones and in the middle part of
short, flat bones.

The process by which cartilage changes
slowly to bone is ____________________.

mnlike bone, cartilage does not contain any
____________________ and must therefore
rely on nutrients in surrounding tissues.

The joints between adjacent vertebrae are
slightly ____________________ joints.

A ____________________ consists of two
layers made up of ligaments and cells that
produce synovial fluid.

 ost ____________________ muscles
are controlled by the nervous system.

The concept used to explain the action of
filaments in muscle contraction is the

The point of contact between a motor
neuron and a skeletal muscular cell is called
a(an) _________________________.

The muscle that opens, or extends, the
elbow joint is the ____________________.

A slight scratch of the skin does not cause
bleeding because the epidermis lacks

The dark brown pigment in the skin
is called ____________________.

air and nails are part of the
_________________________ system.

Nail roots are to nails as
_________________________ are to hair.

What are three functions of the
human skeleton?

Name and describe the two major
parts of the skeletal system.

What are bones made of?

What are growth plates and
where are they located?

Where is cartilage located on an adult
human? Why is cartilage necessary?

Figure 36±3
What type of joint²immovable, slightly
movable, or freely movable²is being
illustrated in Figure 36±3?

In Figure 36±3, identify and explain the
function of the structure labeled A.

In Figure 36±3, identify and give the
functions of the structures labeled B and C.

What are the three different
types of muscle?

If you were to tie your shoelaces, which
muscle tissue would be involved? Why?

Mach muscle fiber has an all-or-none
response. ow, then, can the strength of the
muscle contraction vary?

In a left-handed person, which hand would
probably have more strength? Why?

Compare the structures found in the
epidermis with the structures found in the

What are the four functions of
the integumentary system?

Compare and contrast keratin
and melanin.

Further explain these functions of the skeleton:
allows movement, stores mineral reserves, and
provides a site for blood cell formation.

Compare and contrast spongy
bone and compact bone.

Why might a doctor X-ray the wrist of a very
short 17-year-old boy, even if there has
been no injury?

Name the three types of joints.
Give an example of each type.

Name and compare the three
types of muscle.

Œescribe the roles of acetylcholine and the
enzyme that destroys this chemical at the
neuromuscular junction.

When a musician is playing the violin, the
muscles in the upper arms are working in
pairs. Œescribe this dual action.

Why is exercise important for
the body?

ow does skin help to control
body temperature?

ow is hair produced and how
does it grow?


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