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DHCP and DNS server

What is a server?

 A server is a device or program dedicated to providing services to other programs,

referred to as ‘clients’.
What is DHCP server ?

 DHCP(Dynamic host configuration protocol) server is a device that dynamically

assigns IP address and other network configuration parameters to each device on a
network so that they can communicate with each other.
 Dynamic host configuration protocol is a network protocol.
 Its works on client server model.
 It works on small environment accurately.
 Allocate IP addresses to network host. So that they can communicate on an IP
 Make administration easy.

 We make our router as a DHCP server.

 Windows Server 2016 includes DHCP Server, which is an optional networking server
role that you can deploy on your network to lease IP addresses and other information
to DHCP clients.
How many types of address allocate in

 Static address allocation

 Dynamic address allocation
 Manual and Automatic Configuration
Static address allocation

 A DHCP server has a database that statically binds physical address to IP address.
Dynamic address allocation

 DHCP has second database with pool of IP addresses. This second database makes
DHCP dynamic.
 When a DHCP client request a temporary IP address, the DHCP server goes to pool of
available IP address and assign a IP address for a negotiable period of time.
Why DHCP issue IP address for specific
Manual and automatic configuration

 Admin can manually edit address also.

 Hence DHCP allow both automatic as well as manual Configuration of IP address.
Components of DHCP
 DHCP server: The server device is in charge of answering an IP address request,
provide an available IP address, store it for the time of the lease and renew it later.
 DHCP client: It must be present on the client devices (computer, mobile, device,
 DHCP scope: This is the range of IP addresses that the DHCP server can offer to the
DHCP clients.
 Subnet: If the network is divided into pieces, there will be so-called subnets.
Lease. That is the time period that indicates how long a client can use the assigned IP
address before it expires. 
 DHCP relay: The relay is in charge of communication between the DHCP server and
the client. It will listen for messages and pass them to the right place. 
How do DHCP works?

 DHCP works at the application layer to dynamically assign the IP address to the client
and this happens through the exchange of a series of messages called DHCP
transactions or DHCP conversation.
DHCP Discovery:

 The DHCP client broadcast messages to discover the DHCP servers. The client
computer sends a packet with the default broadcast destination of or
the specific subnet broadcast address if any configured. is a special
broadcast address, which means “this network”: it lets you send a broadcast packet
to the network you’re connected to.
DHCP Offer:

 When the DHCP server receives the DHCP Discover message then it suggests or
offers an IP address(form IP address pool) to the client by sending a DHCP offer
message to the client. This DHCP offer message contains the proposed IP address for
DHCP client, IP address of the server, MAC address of the client, subnet mask, default
gateway, DNS address, and lease information.
DHCP Request

 The IP address arrives to the device. The device will accept it and will send a request
to use it.

 The server gets the accepting message from the device. It will provide the IP address
to the device, together with the subnet mask and the DNS server. It will write a record
with the information of the newly connected device that usually includes the MAC
address of the connected device, the IP address that was assigned, and the expiration
date of that IP address.
What is DNS server?

 DNS server is a device that locates the internet domain names and translates them
into internet protocol (IP) addresses.

 The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of the Internet. When users
type domain names such as ‘’ or ‘’ into web browsers, DNS
is responsible for finding the correct IP address for those sites.
How do DNS servers resolve a DNS
 In a typical DNS query without any caching, there are four servers that work together
to deliver an IP address to the client:
 recursive resolvers:
 root nameservers:
 TLD nameservers:
 authoritative nameservers:
Recursive resolvers:
 A recursive resolver (also known
as a DNS recursor) is the first stop
in a DNS query. The recursive
resolver acts as a middleman
between a client and a DNS
nameserver. During this process,
the recursive resolver will cache
information received from
authoritative name servers.
Root nameservers:
 The root nameserver provide the
IP addresses of the TLD server.
TLD nameservers:

 For each of the top-level domains

there is a TLD server.
 Examples of TLD are:
.com , .org , .pk , .edu , .gov etc.
TLD servers provide the IP addresses
for authoritative DNS servers.
Authoritative nameservers:

 The authoritative
nameserver contains information
specific to the domain name it serves
(e.g. and it can provide a
recursive resolver with the IP address
of that server found in the DNS A
record, or if the domain has a
CNAME record (alias) it will provide
the recursive resolver with an alias.

Q1. What is DHCP?

Ans: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: assigns IPs to the clients requested dynamically or automatically.
Q2. How does DNS and DHCP work together?
Ans: The DHCP service can use DNS in two ways: The DHCP server can look up the host name that is mapped to an
IP address that the server is assigning to the client. ... The DHCP server can attempt to make a DNS mapping on a
client's behalf, if the DHCP server is configured to update DNS.
Q3.Does DHCP give DNS?
Ans: Brief Introduction: DHCP and DNS. DHCP and DNS are two essential services in IT networks. While a DHCP
server sends out information that clients need to communicate with other machines and services, DNS ensures that
servers, clients, and services can be found by their names.
Q4. Why DNS and DHCP server are used?
Ans: DNS, Domain Name System Server is used to translate domain names to IP Addresses or used
to translate IP Addresses to domain names. DHCP, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server is
used to configure hosts mechanically.
Q5. How do DNS work?
Ans: The Internet's DNS system works much like a phone book by managing the mapping between
names and numbers. DNS servers translate requests for names into IP addresses, controlling which
server an end user will reach when they type a domain name into their web browser. These requests
are called queries.
1. What is the purpose of the DHCP server?
A – to provide storage for email
B – to translate URLs to IP addresses
C – to translate IPv4 addresses to MAC addresses
D – to provide an IP configuration information to hosts
2. How is the message sent from a PC2 when is first powers on and attempts to contact the DHCP
A – Layer 3 unicast
B – Layer 3 broadcast
C – Layer 3 multicast
D – Without any Layer 3 encapsulation
3. Which IP range is to /
A. Aging
4. DHCP audit logs are stored in ________
A. Multicast Scope
B. DNS PTR Record
C. Super Scope
D. %systemroot%\system32\dchp
5. DHCP ____ _______ occur every 60 minutes
A. Multicast Scope
B. Super Scope
C. Subnet Mask
D. Automatic Backups
6. Internetworking protocol for routing packets over a network is called_________.
D. Aging
7. Which Displays entries in DNS cache?
A. ipconfig /displaydns
B. ipconfig /flushdns
C. Normal DHCP Scope
D. ipconfig /registerdns
8. _______ is used for assigning Class D IP addresses and related network settings
A. Normal DHCP Scope
B. Super Scope
C. Class C
D. Multicast Scope
9. Name server designated as the recipient of forwarded queries is known as _______
A. Class B
B. Class C
C. Forwarder
D. None of the above
10. Dynamic DNS clients register their A records using a ______ method
A. DNS PTR Record
B. Scavenging
C. DNS A Record
D. Nonsecure Method

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