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Course, Year & Section: BSED FILIPINO 3A
I. Think of a slogan that would describe performance-based assessment, tell something about it. Paste it here.

“Together, we are strong enough”

In this quote, performance based assessment will be more

interesting if the teacher and student collaborate to their
learning so that no one left behind. It is easier to learn a task
if we helping each other .
II. List down five activities which
are considered as performance-
based outputs. From the list you
have made, what do you think are
the competencies to be
accomplished? What assessment
procedures were done by the
instructor? (use the sample template that
Activitie Competencies Assessment
s Procedure/s
The students are expected to The teacher will prepare a study and
Case Study Critical think and solve the the students will create a feasible
problem. Critical Thinking will be solution to address the problem To
sharpened and developed by assess the activity, the teacher will
use Pre-specified quality standards
the learners.

The students will be required The teacher will give a dilemma and he
Position Paper to make decision or clarify a will allow the student to defined their
their position. position
To assess the activity, the teacher will
use Pre-specified quality Standards.
The students were able to The teacher will ask the students to
demonstrate the culture and show what they learned thru acting To
Play tradition of a particular era thru assess the activity, the teacher will
Acting. use Multiple evaluation criteria.

The students were able to show To assess the activity, the teacher
Action their knowledge gained in the will use Multiple evaluation criteria
discussion and skills they to really know if the students really
acquired. apply what they learned

Simple The students will be able to The teacher will ask the students
shows the culture and to show what they learned without
Gallery telling what they learned
tradition of a particular era
To assess the activity, the teacher
thru the use of pictures will use Multiple evaluation criteria
III. As a teacher education
student, think of a subject
you plan to teach and
make workable tasks
which are applicable to
your teaching situation in
the different types of
performance assessment.

Use the sample template that follows:

Types of Performance Performance Task to be Workable Tasks
Tasks Undertaken (Authentic)
Dramatic Reading The student Recite a work of The student will do oral
literature (as a poem or play)
with an interpretative or
interpretation, where a
dramatic use of the voice and reader would read a
often of gestures. story in a dramatic
Developing exhibits visual presentations or summative assessments,
displays that need little or no but the process of building
explanation from the creators up to a final exhibition
includes ongoing
assessment, feedback, and

Determining position Requires student to make shows how the students use
decision clarify a position knowledge and skills to
complete well-defined
complex tasks.

students are able to explore Activities that practicing

Completing an inquiring and solve open-ended and professionals perform or
complex questions. naturally relate to daily living.

Solving a problem specific activities that require utilize to assess critical thinking
students to demonstrate mastery and problem solving are each
of knowledge or skills through aligned with a specific thinking
application within the task. type

Demonstration tasks Shows how the student use teaching method used to
knowledge and a kills to communicate an idea with
complete well defined tasks the
aid of visuals such as flip
charts, posters, power
IV. Plus-Minus-
Interesting Framework.
Write down the pluses
and minuses of using

(Use the sample template that follows:)

Plus (+) Minus (-) Interesting

Example: Clarifies the Requires a considerable time To what extent does

meaning of complex learning to construct, complete and Performance-Based
targets in authentic contexts. score. Assessment measure the level
of authenticity?

1. Can be adopted and Norm data may be user How can check the results
implemented quickly norms rather than true against those obtained from
national sample. other assessment methods?

2. Are scored objectively. Measures relatively superficial Check results against those
knowledge or learning. obtained from other
assessment methods.

3. It will force us to update We won’t have the time Could we simply replace the
our during the time left this term flash element
content and streamline to update the existing

4. Can make longitudinal May be cost prohibitive to If possible, select tests that
comparisons administer as a pre- and also provide
posttest criterionreferenced results

5. Provide for external Measures relatively superficial How to select carefully based
validity knowledge or learning on faculty review and
determination of
match between test conten?.

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