Integers LVL 2 Category 4

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1. A lizard climb 24 ft above the ground, and climbs up 12
ft more then, fell down at 13 ft. How far off the ground is
the lizard now?
20 ft

10 ft

30 ft
2. Mr. Franzia deposited Php 20, 000.00. After five days, he
withdraw Php 3,500.00. The following week, he deposited
Php. 2,000.00. How much money he has in the bank?
PHP. 18,500.00

PHP. 18,000.00

PHP. 15,800.00
3. A monkey sits on a limb that is 20 ft. above the ground; He
swings up 8 ft., climbs up 10 ft. more then, jumps down 13 ft.
How far off the ground is the monkey?
21 ft

22 ft

23 ft.
4. Ana save her money at the bank for emergency purposes. Her account
balance was Php. 10,000.00. Each month she deposited Php 550.00. How
much money she have in 24 months less the 5% bank interest on her account?

Php.22, 140.00

Php.22, 040.00

Php.22, 240.00
5. If the rabbit is at -22 units away from zero, and his
home is at +10 units away from zero. How far he will
travel to get home?

20 units

32 units

49 units
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1. A Monkey climb 30 ft. above the ground, and climbs up
15 ft more then, fell down, 13 ft. How far off the ground is
the Monkey now?
  23 ft

32 ft.

30 ft
2. Mr. Rody deposited Php 60, 000.00. After five days, he
withdraws Php 30,500.00 at the bank. The following week, he
deposited Php. 20,000.00. How much money he has in the bank?
Php 49,500.00

Php 59,500.00

Php 50,500.00
3. A chameleon sits on a trunk that is 35 ft. above the
ground, He climbs up 8 ft., climbs up 10 ft. more then,
climbs down 13 ft. How far off the ground is the monkey?

20 ft

30 ft

40 ft.
4. Ivan save his money at the bank for his tuition fees. His account
balance was Php. 15,000.00. Each month he deposited Php
550.00. How much money he will have in 24 months on his
Php. 30,200.00
  Php. 28,200.00

Php. 20,200.00
 5. If the rabbit is at -2 units away from zero, and his
home is at +19 units away from zero. How far he will
travel to get home?
  18 unts


24 units
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1. A Monkey climb 50 ft. above the ground, and climbs up
5 ft more then, fell down, 15 ft. How far off the ground is
the Monkey now?  

60 ft

50 ft

40 ft.
2. Ms. Real deposited Php 80, 000.00. After five days, she
withdraw Php 30,500.00. The following week, she deposited
Php. 17,000.00. How much money she has in the bank?  

Php. 60,500.00

Php. 66,500.00

Php. 65,500.00
3. A tarsier sits on a trunk that is 35 ft above the ground,
He climbs up 9 ft, climbs up 15 ft more then, climbs down
20 ft. How far off the ground is the tarsier?  

38 ft.

39 ft.

40 ft.
4. Charmaine saves her money at the bank for her debut. Her account
balance was Php. 15,000.00, each month she deposited Php 1,550.00.
How much money she will have in 24 months on her account?

  Php 50,200.00
  Php 51,200.00

Php 52,200.00
 5. If the rabbit is at -10 units away from zero, and his
home is at +15 units away from zero. How far he will
travel to get home?  


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