Adverb, Adjective and Noun Clause

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Adverb, Adjective and Noun

Adverb clause

 Adverb clause is a dependent clause that is

connected with an independent clause by
using an adverbial subordinator.
 Adverbial subordinator:
 Time: when, while, whenever, after, before,
until, since
 I saw her when I was on the train.
 Cause: because, since
 She loves me because I’m a good daughter.
 Result: so that
 I drink so that I won’t feel thirsty.
 Contrast: although, though, eventhough,
inspite of, despite, while, whereas
 Eventhough it’s raining, she still goes to
 Wish: if, as if
 If I were a president, I would build a school.
 Try it!!!
 ...... He had had the accident, he went to the

 I don’t care about anything else......... I’m too busy

with my work.

 although she’s rich, she never buys expensive things.

 Despite/ inspite of Her rich condition, she never buys
expensive things.
Exercise Adverb Clause Page 120
 1. The government has imposed a 40 percent tariff on
imports of raw materials.
 This is why Indonesian cable manufacturers are facing
difficult times.
 2.A lot of harmful incidents have recently happened in
 This is because sophisticated technological devices are very
vulnerable to electromagnetic devices.
 3. The company needed more capital to finance the new toll-
road project.
 For this purpose, the company has issued bonds amounting
to Rp. 1 billion.
Adjective clause

 Adjective clause: a dependent clause that is

connected with an independent clause by using a
relative connector.
 Adjective clause functions to modify a noun.

 Relative connector: (functions as a subject)

 Who: for people
 Which: for things
 That: for people and things
 The girl who is crying there is my friend.
 Relative connector: (functions as an object)
 Whom: for people
 Which: for things
 That: for people and things
 The man whom I saw yesterday is my friend.

 Relative connector: (functions as an object of preposition)

 Relative connector + preposition
 e.g about whom, of which, for which...
 The woman about whom I talk is my teacher.
 The woman whom I talk about is my teacher.
 Relative connector to show possesion:
 Whose
 The girl whose hat is red is my sister.

 Relative connector to show place:

 Where
 In which
 The place where/ in which I see her is my house.

 Relative connector to show time:

 When
 On which
 The time when/ on which I see her is Sunday.
 Try to guess:
 He is a man who is popular all around the
 He is a man who leads a country that is very
 He is a man whose skin is black.
Exercise Adjective Clause Page 124

 1. International action was needed to deal with the

problems faced by exporting countries whose principal
exports were primary commodities
 2. Our new sales campaigne which we are relying on to
acquire a larger share of the market will be launched
next week.

 3. The company deals with the export of raw materials.

 He has been working for since he left school
 The company which he has been working for since he
left school deals with the export of raw materials.
Noun Clause

 A noun clause is a clause that has the same

function as a noun, which is: as a subject or an

 Whom I care about is my mother.

 Whom I care about: a noun clause functions as a
 The person whom I care about is my mother.
 Whom I care about: an adjective clause functions
as a modifier that describes a noun.
 Words used to introduce noun clauses:
 (1) question words
 When, who, where, whom, why, what, which,
whose, how

 (2) whether, if

 (3) that
Noun clauses which begin with a
question word
 Question:
 What does she eat?
 Who lives there?
 Where is he?

 Noun Clause:
 I don’t see what she eats.
 Who lives there is my neighbour.
 I know where he is.
Noun clauses which begin with
whether or if
 Yes/No Question
 Will she comes?

 Noun Clause
 I don’t know whether she will come.
 I don’t know if she will come.
 Whether she comes or not is unimportant to
Noun clauses which begin with that

 Statement (Expression of an idea or fact)

 He is a good actor
 She doesn’t understand spoken English.

 Noun Clause
 I think that he is a good actor.
 I think he is a good actor.
 That she doesn’t understand spoken English is obvious.
 It is obvious that she doesn’t understand spoken
 Try to combine the sentences!
 This is necessary.
 More money should be allocated for

 Businessmen were wondering about this.

 “Will the government take other drastic steps
to stabilize the economy”?
Exercise Adverb clause page 120
 1. The government has imposed a 40 percent tariff on imports
of raw materials so that Indonesian cable manufacturers are
facing difficult times.
 2.A lot of harmful incidents have recently happened in society
because sophisticated technological devices are very
vulnerable to electromagnetic devices.
 3. The company needed more capital to finance the new toll-
road project so that the company has issued bonds
amounting to Rp. 1 billion.
 4.Private investors in real estate are competing to build new
resort areas because tourism in the Asia-Pacific region has
been growing very rapidly.
 5.The rate of crime in general has sharply decreased
although the majority of our people are in a very bad
economic condition.
 6.The company has just installed facsimile machine for
its offices after it used courier services to send
documents to its branches all over the country.
 7.Although he moved to his new house assigned only for
cabinet ministers, already, he has become so arrogant.
 8.People in Jakarta have problems with the public
transport because the number of vehicles is insufficient
to meet the demand.
Exercise Adjective Clause Page 124

 1. International action was needed to deal with the problems

faced by exporting countries whose principal exports were
primary commodities
 2. Our new sales campaigne on which we are relying to acquire
a larger share of the market will be launched next week.
 3. The company which he has been working for since he left
school deals with the export of raw materials.
 4.Many of the workers whom the manager considered lacking
in capability have been relieved from their jobs.
 5. The developing countries some of which World Bank has
extended a large amount of long-term loans to should make a
careful planning in setting up their development programs.
 6. The country whose national income depends greatly
on tourism has for the past few years made a significant
increase in its foreign reserves.
 7. The lecturer gave the students a long explanation
about the homework assignment which totally confused
 8. The repairs to Yanti’s computer were finished the
same day about which she was very pleased.
 9. The constantly rising prices of raw material over
which he can have no control have made the
productivity of his textile factory decrease.
 10. The most popular manager whom everybody
praised for being a very capable and sociable manager
has been promoted to one of the Directors of the bank.
 11.The psychologist talked to the woman whose child
had been kidnapped for over a week to calm her down.
 12. The professor called in the students whose
performance was less than satisfactory.
 13. Rescuers had to navigate the flooded town half of
which was underwater in rowboats.
Exercise Noun Clause Page 128-129

 1. This is necessary that more money should

be allocated for research.
 2. This is vital that the environment should not
be damaged for the sake of commercial gains.
 3. Businessmen were wondering whether/if
the government will take other drastic steps to
stabilize the economy.
 4. He told us that excess production of a
commodity will lead to a glut on the market.
 5. I would like to know whether the
committee has made up the budget for the
new project.
 6. The tourist wanted to know where the
nearest shopping center is and whether
he/she can good batik there.
 7. The police were trying to find out why the
alarm system didn’t work when the burglars
got into the building.
 8. The professor demanded that the papers
that scored D should be rewritten before the
end of the term.
 9. The manager requested that the present
supervisor should be replaced because his
performance is unsatisfactory.
 10. My academic supervisor pointed out that I
should pass all the prerequisite subjects with
good grades.
Clause Review Page 130 -131

 Adjective Clause
 Combine the following pairs of sentences making
the second sentences of each pair an adjective
 OPEC Countries, which now control the production
of price oil in the world, use their oil resources to
develop their economies and gain political strength.
 Many companies have a special budget for market
research to discover trends among customers
whose taste and demands change rapidly.
 The twin lady doctors are famous for their charity for
the street children whose needs for education are
often neglected.
 Abu Dhabi, where/ in which scientists are hired to
develop solar power plants as an alternative energy
source, is investing billions in oil and gas profits to
turn itself into the world’s leader in renewable energy.
 Babies brains have trilions of neurons, some of which
have already formed circuits that regulate breathing.
 Adverb Clause
 Combine the following pairs of sentences by
using appropriate conjunction indicated in
1. University fresh graduates complain about
the lack of job opportunities in the country
while/whereas companies complain about
the lack of univeersity graduates with good
2. In the early 17th century, the century became
a European peasant favorite because/since
not only did it yield four times more calories
per acre than grain, it also, as an
underground crop, was less likely to be looted
by armies lliving off the land in the war times.
3. Many food allergies will not develop if the
foods are not fed to an infant until her or his
intentines mature at around seven months.
4. The demand for electricity power throughout
the island of Java is increasing very high so
that PLN has to install a new power station in
5. The policeman was rushed to the hospital
after he had been stabbed in the park.
 Noun Clause
 Combine the following pairs of sentences!
1. The office manager will explain where she
should work and what she should do to the
2. I can’t decide whether/if I should buy a brand
new laptop or a used one.
3. The president of the company is considering
whether he has to hire a new manager or not.
4. The city has forbid that garbage is dumped in
the river.
5. Many enviromentalists fear that the earth
will run out essential natural resources before
the end of the twenty first century.
Review clauses exercise IV. Pp 131-132

 1. Sound must have some material to pass

through because it can not travel through a
 2. Life expectancy in Japan, which is several years
lower in the UK, is now over 80.
 3. There were no laws to protect dodo birds. As a
result, Dodo birds became extinct.
 4. The first typewriter which was not practical was
invented in 1714 by Henry Mill who lived in
 5. The Taj Mahal, which immortalizes the love of the emperor
Shah Jehan for his favorite wife, is one of the most beautiful
buildings in the world.

 6. Television programs change frequently in the United

States eventhough/but/whereas/while the tastes of TV
viewers change constantly.

 7. One language experiment, which succeeded in teaching a

chimpanzee, which was named Sarah, to communicate with
her trainers , used colored plastic shape as substitutes for
spoken words.
 8. It is understandable that people like to live
in a city.
 9. Credit cards are dangerous because they
encourage people to buy things that people
do not really need.
 10. Many Americans use their microwave to
make popcorn. On the other hand, the
Iroquois Indian used heated sand to pop

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