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B. Respond to Reading
A.)Why do you think Terenty helped the orphans? what role does he
play on the life of the children?

⇢ Uncle Terenty, as Fyokla called him on the story " A Day in The
Country by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, is a village cobbler, whom to
Fyokla and to his brother Danilka, is a father and someone whom
they can trust.
Terenty helped the two because they are orphans with no shelter and
with no one to go to. It was him who loved, cared, and fed them
without the two knowing. He played as a father whom they can ask
about the wonders of nature. It was him who made the two orphans
live for a reason. He was their helper, their father, and their trusted
B.)Explain the relevance of the following lines to your life. “The grass and the
trees are fed by the rain, as we are by bread. And as for the thunder, don’t you
be frightened, little orphan.” “Why should it kill a little thing like you?”
⇢ There is nothing to be afraid of because everything has a reason and
a certain purpose to fill. The rain is like a blessing for the plants just as
same as we being blessed with something to eat. The thunder might
be scary but it could never kill a little orphan, the thunder is like a
challenge or obstacle given by God to test you and he knows that
you'll be able to overcome it because he will never give you
something you can't handle and that you should never be afraid of it
for he is always there for you and won't let aything bad happen to
C.)In the story: A Day in the Country, Why does Danilka say that there is no
secret in nature that baffles Terenty? Through a storyboard, cite some
situations in the story that prove your answer.
⇢ Danilka was able to say that there is no secret in nature that baffles
Terenty because Terenty was able to manage all his questions about
nature. Terenty was able to answer everything he asked about the
secrets of nature.

Just like when Terenty compared the nightingale and the sparrow to
a singing-bird without a sin and a spiteful bird (respectively).
Another one is the swarm of bees flying, looking for home. He
informed Danilka that, to make them settle, all he need to do is to
sprinkle them with water.
D.)In the story: A Day in the Country, The author compares a nightingale to a
sparrow. To whom can you compare these two birds? Show your answer using
comparison and contrast diagram.
⇢ The nightingale was being compared to a singing-bird, without a sin who  has
a voice given him in his throat, to praise God and gladden man's heart. The
sparrow was a bad, spiteful bird just like a pickpocket in his ways who
doesn't like man to be happy.
So I can compare the nightingale to a good man and a sparrow to a bad man.
Good man
>He praised God
Bad man
>He don't want people to be happy.
>He didn't praise God
E.)How does terenty recognize the gift of nature? Give some details
from the text that will support your answer through sketching them.

⇢ Terenty was able to recognize the gift of nature  because he has been in the field all
his life,with the birds singing as if teaching him the wonders of nature and their
He knows everything in nature. The wild flowers and their names and the herbs and
its uses.
No questions are left unanswered or baffled him which makes Danilka more awed
the beauty of  nature.
Terenty recognized the gift of nature as he described and related them to man's life.
One of which is when he tried to compare the two birds, nightingale and the
sparrow as the bird given with a golden voice and a bird akin to a pick-pocket,
respectively. He also share about the swarm of bees, the singing birds, the thunder,
the grass and many others.

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