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Name of Researcher:
Jimmy C. Mariquit
Chapter 1
According to Terrance G. Lichtenwald (2018), Special Weapons and Tactical Teams
cannot operate without behavioral specialists. Community leaders' continuous comprehensive
oversight of Special Weapons and Tactical Teams is required for appropriate communication
among professionals and policy decisions derived from pattern analysis of Post Incident
Reports. Offender risk assessment requires law enforcement, corrections, and mental health
contributions. Repeat barricade offender scenarios are required components of professional
development for Special Weapons and Tactics teams, mental health providers, attorneys,
judges, and community leaders.
The role of SWAT in counterterrorism is set to become more important than ever before.
During the 1970s and ’80s, such units operated in a supportive role to negotiation teams. Even
if the popular media remained fixated on commandos rather than negotiators, the success of a
hostage rescue mission would be decided by whether continuous dialogue could tire out the
terrorists, or else distract them at a crucial moment.
Today, however, negotiators have next to no role in preventing a massacre of hostages, once
terrorists have decided to carry one out. It is only SWAT that can save the lives of innocents.
Governments, therefore, need to recognize the changing nature of terrorism and suitably
upgrade the reaction capabilities of their counterterrorism units (Dale, 2020).
Special weapon and tactics SWAT teams and public safety bomb squads PSBSs need to
better collaborate to effectively and efficiently respond to the joint hazards that the United
States faces. The collaboration between SWAT and PSBS might seem easy in theory, but
challenges exist. Evaluating those challenges through the lens of trust, this thesis finds that
cultivating trust between the two different disciplines requires socialization and frequent joint
hazard training. Such barriers as independence of training and frequency of common missions,
unit organization, and culture can inhibit SWAT and PSBS from collaborating, developing
trust, and discovering collective weaknesses before a critical incident occurs (Gomez, 2020).
In comparison with Canada, the more pronounced ability to acquire special weapons and
tactics (SWAT) equipment in the United States suggests the resulting proliferation of SWAT
teams with adequate material resources is likely to continue. This proliferation has stimulated
media and public discourses against the “militarization” of police. In Canada, however, the
amalgamation of SWAT teams has led to increased standardization in SWAT training, member
specialization and protocols of applied practice (Dale, 2018).
With this scenario, the researcher was motivated to determine the competency of special
weapons and tactics (SWAT) personnel and preparedness towards crisis management, in order
to know what are their skills and ability in dealing with this kind of work. The researcher also
wants to know on what is the level of preparedness of swat personnel towards crisis

This study aimed to determine the competency of special weapons and tactics (SWAT) personnel

and preparedness towards crisis management.

Specifically, the researcher sought to answer the following questions:

1. To determine the level of competency of special weapons and tactics (SWAT) personnel?

2. To determine their level of preparedness towards crisis management?

3. Is there a significant relationship between competency of special weapons and tactics (SWAT)

personnel and their preparedness towards crisis management?

There is no significant relationship between the competency of special weapons and tactics
(SWAT) personnel and their preparedness towards crisis management.
Conceptual Framework
This conceptual framework was a guide in this study of the competency of special weapons
and tactics (SWAT) personnel and their preparedness towards crisis management.
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Competency of
special weapons Level of preparedness towards
and tactics (SWAT) crisis management.

Figure1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 showed the paradigm of the study. The independent variable contains the competency
of special weapons and tactics (SWAT) personnel, while the dependent variable is their
preparedness towards crisis management.

Research Design
This study used the descriptive correlational survey method of research to collect
information from a portion of a target population to describe preferences. The strengths of a
survey are that possible to gather data on a limited number of variables from a large number of
subjects and it can used for many different topics and populations. Specifically, this method
determines the competency of special weapons and tactics (SWAT) personnel and
preparedness towards crisis management.
According to Yanely Katzutob 2020, A descriptive correlational study is a study in which
the researcher is primarily interested in describing relationships among variables, without
seeking to establish a causal connection. It describes the variables and the relationships that
occur naturally between and among them.
Research Locale
The study conducted at Koronadal City South Cotabato, were the researcher found that
there are SWAT personnel in this place. It is a simple City under the administration of Mayor
Eliordo U. Ogena who were elected last 2019. The City has 27 barangay: Carpenter Hill,
Concepcion, Santa Cruz, San Isidro, New Pangasinan, Rotonda, General Paulino Santos,
Morales and etc . The total population of this City as the 2015 data is, 195,398.
The researcher conducted this study to know the competency of special weapons and
tactics (SWAT) personnel and preparedness towards crisis management., specifically in
Koronadal City South Cotabato.
Research Instrument
To measure the competency of special weapons and tactics (SWAT) personnel and
preparedness towards crisis management, the needed data of this study will be gather using
questionnaires made by the researcher and it will validate by the three experts. The
questionnaire consists of 30 items that dealt with the effects of polygamy among the
individuals who had been raised in polygamous family. The questionnaires, which used has the
following parameter of limits: Specifically, the study utilized the range of 4 Always 3
Sometimes 2 Seldom 1 Never.
Data Gathering Procedure
Before the actual conduct of this study, the researcher formulated the survey questionnaire.
After formulating those questionnaires, the researcher send a letter to the head of SWAT team,
asking for approval to conduct a survey. After the head of SWAT team approved, the
researcher will distribute the questionnaire to the respondents and give them enough time to
answer those questions. It will be collected
Statistical Treatment
To determine the competency of special weapons and tactics (SWAT) personnel, frequency
counts and percentage used.
To determine their level of preparedness towards crisis management, frequency count and
weighted mean utilized.

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