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Presented To:- Presented By:-

Prof. Deepti Tripathi Ashish Pundhir
Professor, 2nd Year, MBA 3rd Sem, 2nd Year, MBA
GIMT, Greater Noida GIMT, Greater Noida
Human resources are a term used to describe the individuals who comprise the workforce of an organization. The use of the
term 'human resources' by organizations to describe the workforce capacity available to devote to the achievement of its
strategies has drawn upon concepts developed in Organizational Psychology.

Human Resources may set strategies and develop policies, standards, systems, and processes that implement these strategies
in a whole range of areas. The following are typical of a wide range of organizations:
• Recruitment, selection, and outsourcing
• Organizational design and development
• Business transformation and change management
• Performance, conduct and behavior management
• Industrial and employee relations
• Human resources workforce analysis
• Compensation, rewards, and benefits management
• Training and development
Recruitment forms a major part of an organization's overall resourcing strategies, which identify and secure people needed for the
organization to survive and succeed in the short to medium-term.
Recruitment activities need to be responsive to the ever-increasingly competitive market to secure suitably qualified and capable
recruits at all levels.

To be effective these initiatives need to include how and when to source the best recruits internally or externally. Recruitment refers to the
process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization.
Selection may be defined as the process by which the organization chooses from among the applicants, those people whom they feel would
best meet the job requirement, considering current environmental condition.
The data has been collected by using questionnaire and it has been analyzed. Analysis of data in a general way involves a number of
closely related operation that are performed with the purpose of summarizing the collected data and organizing them in such a manner that
answer the research questions.
Strategic plans:
The steps most commonly used in developing an HR strategy:
Setting the strategic direction
Designing the Human Resource Management System
Planning the total workforce
Generating the required human resources
Investing in human resource development and performance
Assessing and sustaining organizational competence and performance.

Before an organization begin recruiting applicants, it should consider the most likely source of the type of employee it
needs. Some companies try to develop new sources, while most only tackle the existing sources they have. These sources
accordingly, may be termed as internal and external.

As a conscious focus of the organization to nurture high potential talents by providing them suitable career
growth opportunities within the organization, efforts would always be made to fill in specific vacancies from its
existing human resource pool and this is known as internal sources.
The entire process would be done through job posting (IJP) and communication including the job profile,
candidate profile, eligibility (who can apply), application deadline etc. would be made available by the HR.
Employees possessing necessary skills, knowledge, and experience matching with those required for the job
may apply through the appropriate communication channels as prescribed in the IJP.
The process of elevating a person to higher level job is what is known as promotion.
Transfer of an employee may be either from one section to another or from one department to another.

Job rotation:
Moving an employee to get specialized in various posts of the organization

The use of an internal source paves way for the following merits:
It improves the morale of employees, for they are assured of the fact they would be preferred to outsiders when
vacancies occur.
The employer is in a better position to evaluate those presently employed than outside candidates. This is
because the company maintains a record of the progress, experience and service of employees security and
opportunities for advancement.
As a person in the employment of the company, are fully aware of and well acquainted with its policies and
know its operating procedure they require little training and the chances are that they would stay longer in the
employment of the organization than a new outsider would.
It is less costly than going outside to recruit

External sources of recruitment have to be solicited from outside the organization. External sources are
external to a concern. But it involves lot of time and money. The external sources of recruitment include –
Employment at factory gate, advertisements, employment exchanges, employment agencies, educational
institutes, labor contractors, recommendations etc.

Employment at Factory Level

 This a source of external recruitment in which the applications for vacancies are presented on bulletin boards
outside the Factory or at the Gate. This kind of recruitment is applicable generally where factory workers are to
be appointed. There are people who keep on soliciting jobs from one place to another. These applicants are
called as unsolicited applicants. These types of workers apply on their own for their job. For this kind of
recruitment workers have a tendency to shift from one factory to another and therefore they are called as
“badli” workers.
Advertisement – It is an external source which has got an important place in recruitment procedure. The biggest
advantage of advertisement is that it covers a wide area of market and scattered applicants can get information from
advertisements. Medium used is Newspapers and Television.
Employment Exchanges– There are certain Employment exchanges which are run by government. Most of the
government undertakings and concerns employ people through such exchanges. Now-a-days recruitment in government
agencies has become compulsory through employment exchange .
Employment Agencies – There are certain professional organizations which look towards recruitment and
employment of people, i.e. these private agencies run by private individuals supply required manpower to needy
Using the external sources as a recruitment tool gives the following merits

1. It provides the requisite type of personnel for an organization, gives skilled training and education up to the required

2. Since persons are recruited from a large market the best selection can be made without any discrimination of caste, sex and

3. The cost of the employees will be minimized because candidates selected in this method will be placed in the minimum
pay scale.

4. The entry of new persons with varied expansion and talent will help in human resource mix.

5. It also helps in bringing new ideas, better techniques and improved methods to the organization.
This chapter describes the research methodology adopted by the researcher for the purpose of the
‘Research methodology’ is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It is a science of
studying how research is done scientifically. In it, we study the various steps that are generally
adopted by a researcher in studying his/her research problem along with the logic behind them.
It includes:
Research Design
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Research Design
Descriptive Research has been used, which involves surveys and fact findings of different
kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is the description of the state of affairs, as it exists
at present. The main characteristics of this method are that the researcher has no control over the
variable; he can only report what has happened or what is happening.
The sampling size for the study was 100 employees from various departments. It includes Finance, Sales, and

The sampling technique adopted for the study is Stratified Random sampling. A method of sampling that involves the division
of a population into smaller groups known as strata. In stratified random sampling, the strata are formed based on members'
shared attributes or characteristics. A random sample from each stratum is taken in a number proportional to the stratum's size
when compared to the population. These subsets of the strata are then pooled to form a random sample. So, in my study I
have taken four departments each 25% of them and done the sample method.
Questionnaire Design
The questionnaire to study the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process consists of both open and close ended
questions. The researcher used Questionnaire method for the purpose of collecting data. “A Questionnaire is a list of
questions sent to a number of persons for them to answer. It secures standardized results that can be tabulated and
The questionnaire were passed to various departments like HR, Marketing, Finance, Operations, etc

The source of information is generally classified as primary and secondary.

Primary data refers to information that is generated to meet the specific requirement of the investigation at hand.
The primary data will be collected through the questionnaire from the employees of BhartiAirtel limited.
Secondary data is information that is collected for the purpose other than to solve the specific problem under
investigation. The secondary sources of data collection were information obtained from books, magazines, websites
and articles on the topic etc. In the study, the researcher would use the secondary data to supplement the primary

• The company needs to recruit high quality staff with the right skills on the appropriate contracts to deliver the
key objective of the position and organization.
• Employee feedback after placement, will increase his/ her morale.
• Employee should be given enough time to reflect and plan improvements.
• The company must choose a recruiting approach that produce the best pool of candidates quickly and cost
• The company can focus on minimizing the percentage of non- joining candidates after the recruitment process.
• To keep an update of the man power required in the sales department a summary sheet and via tracker of sales
employees in each zone was created.
• To enable an easy raise of MRF and to cut down the time consumed in getting one done a power point
presentation was prepared which was provided with a demo of the process to be followed.
• It is important for the organization to know exactly what they have to offer potential employee, than highlight
their best features when recruiting candidates.

Recruitment is essential to effective Human Resource Management. It is the heart of the whole HR systems in the
organization. The effectiveness of many other HR activities, such as selection and training depends largely on the
quality of new employees attracted through the recruitment process.
The study has been conducted only for the recruitment of level 1 and level 2 class of employees. Policies should
always be reviewed as these are affected by the changing environment. Management should get specific training on the
process of recruitment to increase their awareness on the danger of wrong placements.
HR practitioners should be on the guard against all the malpractices and advocate for professional approach
through out the system. The HR should indicate disagreement in the event that biasing towards certain candidates is
creeping in and point out the repercussion that may follow in terms of performance and motivation.
Finally, better recruitment and selection strategies result in improved organizational outcomes. The more
effectively organizations recruit and select candidates, the more likely they are to hire and retain satisfied employees. In
addition, the effectiveness of the organization’s selection system can influence bottom-line business outcomes, such as
productivity and financial performance. Hence, investing in the development of a comprehensive and valid selection
system is money well spent.
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