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Muhammad Rifai



Homonyms - word that has no related sense

Homographh - Same form but different meaning
Tank – Military arms
Tank – a thing that to contain water

Bisa – dapat melakukan sesuatu

Bisa – Racun
Homophone – Different meaning but same sound


Pray – expression of thanks to a deity or other object of worship.

Prey – an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food

Bank – Tempat menyimpan uang

Bang – sapaan untuk seseorang ( laki laki )

Synonym is a semantic relationship which states that there is a similarity in meaning between
one word and another. This synonymous relation is two-way. That is, if a word is synonymous
with each other, it can be ascertained that the word has the same meaning.

Denotative – referring to actual, real world difference in referents


Talk, declamation, descant, dissertation, exhortation, harangue, homily, recitation.

Membaca, melafalkan, melisankan, mengatakan, mengeja

Connotative – referring how the speaker feels about referent rather than any real difference in the referent itself


Ill, afflicted, down with, feeling rotten, got the bug, off one’s feet

Bodoh, bebal, otak udang, sempit mata, kepala kopong.

Absolute synonyms – couch potato not sofa potato

Paronym – A word that sounds like another word, and is similar in spelling, but means something different.
Ex. – accept, except femine, feminist

Antonym are word that are in any sense opposite in meaning

Day - night , light- dark Siang – malam

Complementary pairs – Antonym in which the presence one of quality or state

signifise the absence of the other or vise versa.
Ex. Push-pull. Yes-no, hidup-mati, pria-wanita
Gradable pair – which allow for the natural, gradual transition of two poles.

Ex. Wet-Dry, modern-Old fashioned. Utara-selatan.

Rational Opposite – share the same semantic features but the focus, the direction
is reversed.


Evolve-devolve, moral-amoral
Hyponym and meronym

Hyponym – the logical relationship of inclusion


Mammal (superordinate) - cat, dog, whale, mongkey

Superordinate form of mammal and its hyponym are cat, dog, whale, mongkey

Kendaraan – Sepeda motor, mobil, sepeda

Meronym ( Part/Whole ) – a term that is used to describe a part/whole relationship between lexical


A has B that means B is part of A

Computer – Screen, Mouse, Keyboard

Screen, mouse, keyboard are meronym of computer

Rumah – Ruang tamu, dapur, kamar tidur

Ruang tamu, dapur, kamar tidur adalah bagian dari rumah

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