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Systematic Literature Review on

Digital Government in Agricultural

Marketing Application in Indonesia
and Malaysia

Kiki Pranowo, Ida Widianingsih, Heru Nurasa

Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social
and Political Science, Universitas Padjajaran


Strengthening Resilience Towards a Sustainable Future : “Learning From
The Pandemic Covid-19“
13 – 14 Desember 2021
Bandung, Indonesia
01 Novelty and Previous Research

The study aimed to identify factors that contribute to the development of Methodology
Digital Government in the marketing of agricultural products application 02 Methods and Research Question

in Indonesia and Malaysia Government. The deliverance of public

service is put into account since Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) has changed the government's ways. In Agriculture, Result
ICT gives new ways to promote products directly to buyers, cutting costs 03 Findings

and improving farmer's welfare. The method used is Systematic

Literature Review from Scopus database and other relevant data. The
research limit is from 2017 until 2021 and uses the keywords such as Discussion
Digital Government, Agricultural Application, Public Service, Indonesia, 04 Arguments of the research

and Malaysia. The result of the study shows The Government of

Indonesia and Malaysia has taken significant steps in implementing
technology to meet farmers and consumers more easily and technical
barrier in the farmers was still found. 05 The Conclusions and Recomendations

KEYWORD: Digital Government, Agricultural Marketing Application,

Indonesia, Malaysia

Platform to SDG’S : No Hunger and 04 Public Service and ICT = Digital

Zero Poverty Government

Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia &

Significant contribute to GDP’s in 05 Ministry of Agriculture and Food
02 Developing Countries Industries of Malaysia Programs

Agriculture is align with Nawacita Marketing Application to Agriculture

03 food security programs
06 Products
Research using Systematic Literature Review and keyword : Digital
Government, Agricultural Marketing Application, Indonesia, Malaysia.
Using literature study from secondary data such BPS and related
sources. The time limit from 2017 – 2021, locus in Indonesia and
Malaysia from final articles. 255 Journals (limited from 2017 – 2021, final article)

Research Question : Sorted by duplication

155 Journals

How is the implementation of Sorted by Theme and Keyword

Digital Government in 93 Journals

Agricultural Marketing Sorted by

Application in Indonesia and
Malaysia ? 23 Used
Ministry of of Agriculture (MoA) Republik of Indonesia has develop various websites and
application to bridge between the farmers and consumers also exporters. But the are
weakness such as not coordinated, some programs are Fragmented, Overlap and
Duplication between similar programs. Meanwhile Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Industries (MAFI) of Malaysia also have similar strategy. The implemented programs was
puposed to solve decreasing number of young farmers, shorten line of marketing between
producer and consumer.
Results Lacks of ICT Spreaded
Knowledges Location
Not all farmers, agricultural
Archipelago makes internet
extention have the same
connection spread not
basic knowledge on internet
evenly and stabil

The Governments
has done the right
The Governments has made
various application to market
farmers products using ICT’s
Terima Kasih

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