Business Research Management

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Name – Rogit Dhangar

Corce name- MBA I

Roll-22 Div-A
Subject – Business Research Management
Topic-Foundations Of Research


1. Research Methodology

2 Objectives of Research

3 Types of Research

4 The Significance of Research

5 The Importance of Research Methodology

6 Research Problem

 7 Methods of Acquiring Knowledge

 8 The Functions of Research

Research Methodology

Research comprises two words, “Re” and search”. While “Re”

implies a repetitive or iterative process, “Search” denotes
Making thorough examination of or looking over carefully in
order to find something. Different researchers have defined
research in various ways due to its wide scope. But, in general,
research can be defined as a scientific process where new
facts, ideas, and theories are established and/or proved in
different areas of knowledge. Research aims at adding to the
existing stock of knowledge for the betterment of world.
Objectives of Research:

Research discover solutions to problems by applying the procedures

of science, the important objective of the research is to discover the
hidden truth. Distinct studies of research have distinct objectives and
few common objectives are as follows:
• The foremost objective is to achieve thorough knowledge and also
understanding with an observed circumstance.
• The second one is to define the frequency of distinct things.
• The next is to test a statement which is assumed to be genuine and
that statement is about the casual relationship between variables.
• The last one is to accurately describe the characteristics of a
specific individual or a group or a situation.
Types of Research:

There are five important types of research and those are as follows:
• Descriptive vs. Analytical
• Applied vs. Fundamental
• Quantitative vs. Qualitative
• Conceptual vs. Empirical
• Few other types of research
1.Descriptive vs. Analytical: the surveys and fact-finding investigations of
distinct types come under descriptive research. In analytical research, a
researcher has to avail data which already exists and has to make an accurate
Applied vs. Fundamental: the objectives of the applied research are to search
an answer for the difficulty which is facing by a firm or a society. Theory’s
formulation and interference of general principles with particulars are related
to fundamental research. The feature of collecting knowledge for the sake of
knowledge is best suited to fundamental research.
Quantitative vs. Qualitative: quantitative measurement of few
characteristics which are explained in quantities is nothing but the
quantitative research. Well, qualitative research is related to the
parameter of quality.
Conceptual vs. Empirical: the conceptual research is concerned with
ideas and theories. Empirical research is perfect when we have the
proof which explains that few variables generate a change on other
variables in some way or the other.
5. Few other types of research: Other research type includes few
changes when compared with the types of research explained above
and those changes occur by depending on the current conditions. So,
in this category we can think of the following research:

• Longitudinal research
• Laboratory research
• Simulation research
• Diagnostic research
• Historical research
The Significance of Research

Few vital avenues of research are as follows:

• The foremost importance of research is that the research on
present concepts and theories aid to recognize the applications and
range of them.
• It furnishes guidelines for solving difficulties.
• It plays a vital role in business and in industries to increase gain
and productivity and also to enhance the quality of goods.
• It leads to the recognizing of modern materials, modern living
things and much more.
• The social research aids in searching solutions to social difficulties.
• Research leads to the modern lifestyle and fills it with glory and
 Research Methodology: Research methodology is nothing but a
systematic way of solving a difficulty. It is the science which studies
about carried out procedures of research like describing the
research work, explaining the research work and also predicting.
All these parameters together are called as a research methodology. It
is also explained as a method of study through which we can gain
knowledge. Its main objective is to give a work plan about research.

The Importance of Research Methodology: Designing a

methodology is necessary for the difficulty which is going to be solved
and the researcher has to do this thing. Research methodology is
important because researcher should not only know about the
problem but also about the method of solving it. The below points
explain us the role of methodology in solving the difficulty, they are:
• It aids in selecting the best method to solve the problem.
• It tells about the output of selected method and its accuracy.
• It aids in knowing the efficiency of the method.
Research Problem

Step 1: Identify a broad problem area

Practical research problems- If you are doing practical research, you can identify a
problem by reading reports, following up on previous research, and talking to people who
work in the relevant field or organization. You might look for:
• Issues with performance or efficiency in an organization
• Processes that could be improved in an institution
• Areas of concern among practitioners in a field
• Difficulties faced by specific groups of people in society
• If your research is connected to a job or internship, you will need to find a research
problem that has practical relevance for the organization.
Methods of Acquiring Knowledge

Intuition- is the first approach to acquiring knowledge that is not based on a known
reasoning process. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary defines intuition as
“the act or process of coming to direct knowledge or certainty without reasoning or
inferring.” The problem with the intuitive approach is that it does not provide a
mechanism for separating accurate from inaccurate knowledge. The use of intuition is
sometimes used in science and it is probably seen most readily in the process of forming
hypotheses. Although most scientific hypotheses are derived from prior research, some
hypotheses arise from hunches and new ways of looking at the literature.
Authority -as an approach to acquiring knowledge represents an acceptance of
information or facts stated by another because that person is a highly respected source.
The problem with the authority approach is that the information or facts stated by the
authority might be inaccurate. If the authority approach dictates that we accept
whatever is decreed, how can this approach be used in science? In the beginning stages
of the research process, when the problem is being identified and the hypothesis is
being formed, a scientist might consult someone who is considered “theauthority in the
area to assess the probability that the hypothesis is one that is testable and addresses an
important research question.
The Functions of Research

The main function of research is to improve research procedures through the refinement
andextension of knowledge. The refinement of existing knowledge or the acquisition of new
knowledge is essentially an intermediate step toward the improvement of the research process.
The improvement is associated with various aspects:
1. Research encourages scientific and inductive thinking, besides promoting the development of
logical habits of thinking and organisation.
2. The function of research is to make a decision concerning the refinement or extensionof

knowledge in this particular area.

3. Research assumes significant role in the formation of policies, for the government and
business. Research also tries to solve various operational and planning problems.
4. Another function of research is to aid administrators to improve the Social systems.
is equally important to social scientists for analysing social relationships and seeking
explanations to various social problems.
5. The function of research is to improve the students learning and classroom problem
with which teacher is encountering with problems. The more effective techniques for
teachingcan be developed.
Conclusion For Research Methodology

The purpose of research is not to look for proofs that would fit the
author’s pre-existing theories, but to learn about the subject of the
investigation as much as possible and then form those theories,
opinions, and arguments on the basis of this newly found
knowledge and understanding. And what if there is no data that
prove your theory? What if, after hours and days of searching, you
realize that there is nothing out there that would allow you to make
the claim that you wanted to make? Most likely, this will lead to
frustration, a change of the paper’s topic, and having to start all
over again. 
Thank You

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