Conduction - Part 1 - Heat and Mass Transfer

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Dr. N. R. Banapurmath
Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
KLE Technological University
Text Book and Reference books

Text Books
1. Nicati Ozisik, Heat transfer-A basic approach, 1, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2002.
2. M. Tirumaleshwar, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 4, Pearson
education, 2009.
1. Yunus A. Cengel, Heat transfer, a practical approach, 4thEdn., Tata Mc Graw
Hill, 2011.
2. Frank Kreith, Raj M. Manglik, Mark S. Bohn, Principles of heat transfer, 7th,
Cengage Learning, 2011.
3. Frank P. Incropera, David P. Dewitt, Fundamentals of Heat and mass transfer,
6th, John Wiley, 2011.
4. P.K. Nag, Heat and Mass transfer, 3rd, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2011.
Introductory concepts and Definitions:
Modes of heat transfer:
Basic laws governing conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer;
Thermal conductivity; convective heat transfer coefficient; radiation heat
transfer combined heat transfer mechanism, Mass transfer; Definition and
terms used in mass transfer analysis, Fick’s first law of diffusion. Boundary
conditions of 1st, 2nd and 3rd kind Conduction: General 3D- heat conduction
equation in Cartesian coordinate, discussion on 3-D conduction in cylindrical
and spherical coordinates (No derivation). 1-D conduction through plane and
composite walls. Overall heat transfer coefficient. Mathematical formulation.
Heat Transfer is that branch of science which helps to predict the heat energy
transfer that takes place between material bodies as a result of temperature

Difference between TD and HT:

TD deals with the relation between heat, work and other forms of energy. HT
deals with the analysis of heat transfer rate (Q) taking place in a system.
TD deals with systems in equilibrium and may be used to predict the amount of
energy required to change a system from one equilibrium state to another.
However it may be used to predict how fast a change will take place since the
system is not in equilibrium during the process.
The main of objectives of the HT are:
To determine the Heat Transfer Rate (Q)
To determine the temperature distribution in a given system**.
Cartesian coordinate system (x, y, z)
Cylindrical coordinate system (r, θ, z)
Spherical coordinate system (r, θ, Φ)
To determine the temperature distribution in a given system**.
**Heat transfer is also concerned with the determination of spatial temperature
 distribution within a body in Cartesian (x, y, z- Spatial co-ordinates),
cylindrical (r, θ, z- co-ordinate) and spherical (r, θ, Φ - co-ordinate) coordinate
systems . These co-ordinate systems are shown in Fig 1.1-1.3.  

y= r sin P(r,φ,
φ φ z)
x=r z
cos φ x
φ r
r y y
φ x

Fig: 1.2: Cylindrical or Polar co-

ordinate system
Applications of Heat Transfer
• In Mechanical engineering: in boilers; condensers, heat exchangers; turbine systems, internal
combustion engines etc. Boilers and condensers are special type of heat exchangers in which change of
phase from liquid to vapour or vice-versa takes place, with the aid of heat transfer process. In internal
combustion engines chemical energy contained in fossil/renewable fuel will be used to develop power.
• Metallurgical engineering: in furnaces, heat treatment of components.
• Electrical engineering: cooling systems for electric motors, generators, transformers etc
• Chemical engineering: in process equipments used in refineries, chemical plants etc.
• Nuclear engineering: in removal of heat generated by nuclear fission using liquid metal coolants,
design of nuclear fuel rods against possible burn out etc
• Aerospace engineering and space technology: in the design of aircraft systems and components,
rockets, missiles etc.
• Cryogenic engineering: in production, storage, transportation, and utilization of cryogenic liquids (low
temperature applications ranging from 100 K to 4K or even lower) for different industrial, research and
defence applications.
• Civil engineering: In the design of suspension bridges, railway tracks, air-conditioning and insulation of
There are three modes of heat transfer:
• Conduction
• Convection
• Radiation
Conduction is a process by which heat flows from a region of higher
temperature to region of lower temperature within a medium (solid, liquid or
gaseous) or between different mediums in direct physical contact. In conduction
heat flow, the energy is transmitted by direct molecular communication without
appreciable displacement of the molecules.
Conduction is governed by Fourier Law of Heat Conduction:
French mathematical physicist Joseph Fourier stated the empirical law of
This law states that “the rate of heat flow by conduction in a given particular
direction is proportional to the area normal to the heat flow direction and to
the temperature gradient in that direction”
Conduction is governed by Fourier Law of Heat Conduction:
Consider heat flow in the positive direction with temperaturs [Fig.1.6].
For the heat flow in the direction (Cartesian coordinate system) the Fourier law
is given by,

Temperature profile T(x)


Heat flow direction

Heat flow path, x

Fig. 1.6: Direction of heat flow

Thermal conductivity
It is a physical property of a given substance or material. It indicates the amount
of heat that will flow across a unit area of the given material, if the temperature
gradient across the material is unity.
It has the dimensions of W/mK. It can be determined experimentally by
measuring the rate of heat transfer and temperature gradient in the given
material using equation (1.3). Thermal conductivity:
It is primarily a function of
• t type of material,
temperature, and position
of the substance.
Example 1: The two surfaces of the metallic plate 10 mm thick are maintained
respectively at 150oC and 50oC temperature. Estimate conduction heat transfer
rate and heat flux across the plate for a constant material thermal conductivity
of 25 W/moC and heat conduction area of 0.5 m2. How much is the heat energy
flow in a time span of 500 seconds.
10 mm

k=25 W/moC
150 oC K
Area =0.5 m2

50o C

Fig E1.5: Conduction in metallic plate

Solution 1:
Given data:
dx= 10mm=10x10-3 m, T1=150oC, T2=50oC , k = 25 W/mK, A = 0.5 m2

10 mm

k=25 W/moC
150 oC K
Area =0.5 m2

50o C

Fig E1.5: Conduction in metallic plate

Example 2: Example 1.7: The heat loss from planar boiler wall is reduced by 24.5
mm thick Asbestos insulation (0.15 W/moC) layer applied over it. Determine
heat transfer rate and heat flux across the planar boiler of 1.5 m2 area
maintained at temperatures of 450oC and 25oC respectively on either sides of
the insulation. What is asbestos insulation thickness that can decrease heat
transfer rate to 75% of the current value?

450 oC 25oC


Boiler wall

24.5 mm
Fig.E1.7: Asbestos Insulation on boiler wall

Solution 2: Asbestos

Boiler wall
To find: Q? and q? A=1.5m2

We have the from equation (1.1),

24.5 mm
dT (25  450) 3 Fig.E1.7: Asbestos Insulation on boiler wall
Q x  k A  0.15  1.5  3
 3 .90  10 W  3.90 kW
dx 24.5  10

Q x 3.90kW kW
Heat flux(q x )    2.60
A 1.5m 2 m2

To insulation thickness for specified heat transfer rate can be determined by rearranging the
equation of the Fourier’s law of heat conduction.
 dT   25  450 
Q x  0.75  3.90  2.935kW  dx  kA   0.15  1.5
  32.58  10 -3 m  32.58mm
 Qx   2.935  10 
When compared to solids, molecules in liquids and gases have more freedom of
motion and while moving they carry over heat energy. The transfer of heat
energy from one region to another in liquid and gases associated with such
macroscopic motion as described above added on to the energy transfer by
conduction is called convection heat transfer. Convection heat transfer is broadly
classified as free or natural convection, and forced convection.
Free Convection:
If the fluid motion is set up by buoyancy effects arising from density difference
caused by temperature difference in the fluid the heat transfer is said to be free
or natural convection.
Forced Convection:
If the fluid motion is introduced artificially with the aid of a pump or a fan which
forces the fluid flow over the solid surface then the heat transfer is said to be
forced convection.
Convection governing equation):
Newton’s law of Cooling or Heating:
Newton’s law of cooling states that when a cold fluid at a temperature is in
contact with a hot solid surface , the heat transfer rate from the hot solid surface
to the cold fluid is proportional to the cross sectional area normal to the heat
flow and the temperature difference between the surface and the cold fluid.

u (y)
y Tf
fluid velocity
fluid temperature profile
fluid flow, h, Tf profile

q conv.

wall, Tw q cond.
Fig. 1.8: Convective heat transfer from the hot wall at Tw to a cold fluid at Tf
Convection governing equation):
Newton’s law of Heating:
Newton’s law of heating states that when a hot fluid at a temperature is in
contact with a cold solid surface , the heat transfer rate from the hot fluid to the
cold solid surface is proportional to the cross sectional area normal to the heat
flow and the temperature difference between the fluid and the cold surface.
Q is the rate of heat flow through an area, W
q is the heat flux W/m2,
h is the heat transfer coefficient, W/m2K
Tw is the cold solid or wall temperature, K
Tf is the hot fluid temperature, K
Convection governing equation):
• Comparing the heat transfer by conduction (eqn. 1.1) at the solid surface to
that by convection (eqn. 1.4) from surface to the surrounding fluid, we get
u (y)
y Tf
fluid velocity
fluid temperature profile
fluid flow, h, Tf profile

q conv.

wall, Tw q cond.
Fig. 1.8: Convective heat transfer from the hot wall at Tw to a cold fluid at Tf

• From Fig. 1.8 it is clear that at y=0, heat transfer has to take place by
conduction and not by convection. Hence in the conduction equation it is
customary to write this as a boundary condition. Equation (1.6) gives
relationship between heat transfer coefficient ( ) with thermal conductivity (k)
of the solid surface and the temperature gradient at the wall. This equation is
used to determine heat transfer coefficient experimentally.
Heat Transfer Coefficient
• Heat transfer coefficient is the amount of heat transferred between a solid
surface and fluid per unit area and unit temperature gradient. The heat
transfer coefficient depends on the type of fluid flow i.e., laminar or turbulent,
the geometry of the body, flow area, physical properties of fluid, average
temperature and the position along the solid surface. It also depends on the
whether the convection is free or forced.
Sl. Types of flow heat transfer coefficient, h W/m2 K
1 Free convection, air 6-30
2 Forced Convection, air 10-200
3 Free convection, water 500-1000
4 Forced Convection, water 600-8000
5 Boiling water 2500-57000
6 Condensation of steam 2500-70000
• All bodies at all temperatures levels emit thermal radiation. Unlike conduction
and convection modes of heat transfer, this mode does not require any
material medium.
• Radiation is a process in which heat flows from a body at a higher temperature
to another body at a lower temperature when the two are separated in space.
This phenomenon subsists even if vacuum exists between them.
• The propagation of energy being carried out by electromagnetic waves emitted
from the surface of the body according to Maxwell’s classic electromagnetic
wave theory or in the form of discrete photons according to Planck’s
• Both these concepts have been utilized in the investigation of radiation heat
Stefan-Boltzmann law
• The most commonly used law of thermal radiation is the Stefan-Boltzmann
• It states that the thermal radiation heat flux (W/m2) or emissive power emitted
from a black surface (black surface is one which absorbs all the incident
radiation falling on it) is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute
temperature of the surface and is given by the following equation:

• σ is the constant of proportionally called the Stefan Boltzmann constant and its
value is = 5.67x10-8 W/m2 K4,
• T is the absolute temperature in K,
• is the black body emissive power.
Stefan-Boltzmann law
Radiation exchange between two bodies:
• If two black bodies of same surface A and maintained at different
temperatures T1 and T2 are exchanging radiation then the net heat exchange is
proportional to the difference in fourth power of the absolute temperatures.

• For real surfaces equation (1.13) can be modified by including emissivity as

Radiation Heat Transfer Coefficient:
• Let us define a term radiation heat transfer coefficient like convection heat
transfer coefficient.
• This is particularly useful in cases where both convection and radiation occur
• Analogous to convection, we can write:

• where hr is the radiation heat transfer coefficient.

Radiation Heat Transfer Coefficient:
Radiation Heat Transfer Coefficient:
• Where hc is the convective and hr is the radiation heat transfer coefficient.
The purpose of equation (1.15) is just to make the radiation equation
• This is because the heat transfer rate be made proportional to temperature

• rather than to the difference between the two temperatures to the fourth
Numerical Problems on Radiation Heat Transfer
Example 1: A heated plate of 0.2 m diameter has one of its surfaces insulated
and the other is maintained at 550 K. If the hot surface has an emissivity 0.9
and is exposed to a surroundings maintained at 300 K, with atmospheric air as
separating medium determine heat loss by radiation from the hot plate to

Radiating surface of 0.2 m

diameter plate with emissivity of
0.9 and T1= 550 K
Insulated non-radiating surface


Fig. E1.15: Gray surface radiating on one side and insulated on other
Numerical Problems on Radiation Heat Transfer
Combined Heat Transfer Mechanism
In many critical situations, heat transfer may occur by one or all the three
modes. All three modes of heat transfer are generally present in varying
degrees in different physical problems.
Applying the energy balance
Combined Heat Transfer Mechanism
Example 1: The 0.5m x 0.75 m hot plate is maintained at a temperature of 250
oC with air at 20oC flowing over it with a convection heat transfer coefficientof
25 W/m2K. Determine the convective heat transfer rate. The plate made of
carbon steel having thermal conductivity k = 43 W/mK has a thickness is 2 cm
and looses 300 W at plate surface by radiation. Determine the inside plate
Combined Heat Transfer Mechanism
Combined Heat Transfer Mechanism
Solution 1:
Combined Heat Transfer Mechanism
Example 2: A 5 cm diameter horizontal steel pipe is maintained at 323 K
temperature in a large room where the air and room wall temperature at 293
K. Calculate the total heat transfer assuming surface emissivity of the steel as
0.8, and convective heat transfer coefficient to be 6.5 W/m2K.
Combined Heat Transfer Mechanism
Combined Heat Transfer Mechanism
Combined Heat Transfer Mechanism
Example 3: Electronic power devices are mounted to a heat sink having an
exposed surface area of 0.045 m2 and an emissivity of 0.8. When the devices
dissipate a total power of 20 W and air and surroundings are at 27oC, the
average sink temperature is 42oC. What average temperature will the heat sink
reach when the devices dissipate 30 W for the same environmental
Example 3: Electronic power devices are mounted to a heat sink having an
exposed surface area of 0.045 m2 and an emissivity of 0.8. When the devices
dissipate a total power of 20 W and air and surroundings are at 27oC, the
average sink temperature is 42oC. What average temperature will the heat sink
reach when the devices dissipate 30 W for the same environmental

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