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ITF O-Ring detection.


Production Engineering Team / COAVIS


1. Background
- We had a customer complaint due to O-ring missing.

2. Cause
- The O-ring is placed in the ITF at station 50 manually.
- The O-ring is not visible to make a revision in the following stations.

3. Improvement
- Leak test machine, the port tester was modified.
 Increase 2.13mm of length.
 Inner diameter were increase to 9.61mm
- With this, the O-ring is making the seal.
Improvement method



1. With the length increase we reach the O-ring area.

2. With the port tester wider the seal make with the O-ring.
3. When the O-ring isn’t place the differences of air flow alarmed NG.
Appendix – Results after improvement
■ ITF O-ring detection on Leak test
- Piece with O-ring the port tester make a seal and the pressure get into the set values.
- Piece without O-ring, the port tester don’t make seal with anything and the pressure doesn’t reach set values.

■ ITF Leak Test Pressure result

With O-ring
Test 1 2 3 4 5
Spec 40.5-60 43.8 43.7 43.7 43.7 43.6
Result Ok OK OK OK OK

Without O-ring
Test 1 2 3 4 5
Spec 40.5-60 34.5 34.7 34.6 34.5 34.6

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