Molecular Basis of Neo

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m Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins Basic Pathology. 7th ed.


m Rubin, Strayer. Rubins pathology-clinicopathological foundation

of medicine. 5th ed. 2008.

m Parmus. Essential clinical pathology.1996

m Porth. Pathophysiology concepts of altered health state. 7th ed.

m rurrent Molecular roncept of Oral rarcinogenesis and Invasion.

2010 Volume 22 Number 01

m Molecular Biology of Oral ravity Squamous rell rarcinoma.

Otolaryngol rlin N Am 39 (2006) 229²247

m Medelson, Howley, Gray, Israel, Thompson. The molecular basis

of cancer. 3rd ed. 2008.

m ust as cell growth is regulated by growth promoting and

growth inhibiting genes, cell survival is conditioned by

genes that promote and inhibit APOPTOSIS.

m Apoptosis is a pathway of cell death that is induced

by a tightly regulated intracellular program in which

cells destined to die activate enzymes that degrade

the cells' own nuclear DNA and nuclear and

cytoplasmic proteins Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins ë
Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
Genes regulating apoptosis are altered in cancer and these are:

Br -2 ²

D It is a anti-apoptotic gene. Its mutation results in malignancy.

D For e.g translocation of Br 2 gene from 18q21 to the

immunoglobulin heavy chain locus on 14q32 causes B-cell

lymphomas of the follicular type.

p53 ²

D It increases the transcription of pro-apoptotic gene BAX and

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins
BID. Hence mutation of this gene results in decreased apoptosis.
Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007

m Though humans literally swim in a sea of environmental

carcinogens cancer is relatively rare outcome. This is fortunate

state of affairs results from the ability of normal cells to repair

DNA damage thus preventing mutations.

m a third class of genes in which mutations contribute to

pathogenesis of cancer are genes involved in DNA mismatch

repair., so called mutator genes or caretaker genes.

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins

Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m Normal versions of DNA repair gene exercise surveillance over

the integrity of genetic information by participating in the

cellular response to DNA damage.

m When a strand of DNA is replicating, mismatch repair genes act

as ´spell checkersµ. E.g if there is an erroneous pairing of G with

T instead of A with T the mismatch repair protein corrects the

defect. Without these proof readers errors slowly accumulate in

several genes.
Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins
Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m rells with such defects in DNA repair are said to have the

replication error phenotype readily documented by examination

of microsatellite sequences in the tumor cell DNA.

m Microsatellites are tandem repeats of one to six nucleotides

scattered throughout the genome.

m Microsatellite instability is hallmark of defective mismatch


Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins

Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m HPNrr-

m Hereditary Nonpolyposis rolonic cancer also known as ynch

syndrome is a familial predisposition to the development of

colorectal cancer.

m The genes that are mutated in patients with HNPrr have not yet

been completely characterized but include the genes encoding

TGF-B receptor II, the TrF component of the B-catenin

pathway, BAX, and other oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins
Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m Xeroderma pigmentosum

m It is an autosomal recessive disease in which increased

sensitivity to sunlight is accomplished by a high incidence of skin

cancer, including basal cell carcinoma, Srr, malignant melanoma.

m UV light causes cross-linking of pyrimidine residues, thus

preventing normal DNA replication.

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins

Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m Ataxia Telangiectasia

m A rare hereditary syndrome that features cerebellar

degenration, immunological abnormalities, occulocutaneous

telangiectasia. And predisposition to cancer.

m Gene ATM on 11q22-q23 codes for a nuclear phosphoprotein

that participates in multiple responses to DNA damage.

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins

Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m Bloom syndrome

m It is an autosomal recessive syndrome.

m rlinical features include small stature, sensitivity to sun,

immunodeficiency, and predisposition to array of cancers.

m BS gene encodes a protein that has helicase activity

involved in repair of DNA damage.

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins

Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m BRrA-1 & BRrA-2 gene:

m BRrA-1 is located on 17q21 and BRrA-2 is located on 13q12-13.

m Mutation of both the genes causes 80% of familial breast


Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins

Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins
Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m After a fixed number of divisions, normal cells become arrested in a

terminally nondividing state known as replicative senescence.

m It has been noted that with each cell division there is some

shortening of specialized structures, called telomeres, at the ends

of chromosomes.

m Once the telomeres are shortened beyond a certain point, the loss

of telomere function leads to activation of p53-dependent cellcycle

checkpoints, causing proliferative arrest or apoptosis . thus,

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins
telomere shortening functions as 7th
Basic Pathology. a clock
ed. 2007 that counts cell divisions.
m In germ cells, telomere shortening is prevented by the sustained

function of the enzyme telomerase, thus explaining the ability of

these cells to self-replicate extensively. This enzyme is absent from

most somatic cells,

m and hence they suffer progressive loss of telomeres. Introduction

of telomerase into normal human cells causes considerable extension

of their life span

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins

Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m Telomerase activity and maintenance of telomere length are

essential for the maintenance of replicative potential in cancer

cells. Reactivation of telomerase in cells with abnormal genomes

confers an unlimited proliferative capacity to cells that have

tumorigenic potential.

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins

Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m Tumors stimulate the growth of host blood vessels, a process

called angiogenesis, which is essential for supplying nutrients to

the tumor. Even with genetic abnormalities that dysregulate

growth and survival of individual cells, tumors cannot enlarge

beyond 1-2 mm diameter or thickness unless they are

vascularized. Presumably the 1- to 2-mm zone represents the

maximal distance across which oxygen and nutrients can diffuse

from blood vessels.

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins
Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007

m Beyond this size, the tumor fails to enlarge without

vascularisation because of hypoxia-induced cell death

m Tumor angiogenesis can occur by recruitment of endothelial cell

precursors or by sprouting of existing capillaries, as in

physiologic angiogenesis.
Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins
Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007







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m However, tumor blood vessels differ from the normal

vasculature by being tortuous and irregularly shape and by being

leaky. The leakiness is attributed largely to the increased

production of VEGF." In contrast to normal mature vessels,

which are quiescent structures, tumor vessels may grow


Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins

Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m Tumor growth is controlled by a balance between angiogenic and

anti-angiogenic factors.

m The important angiogenic factors are VEGF and bFGF.

m The anti-angiogenic factors are thrombospondin-1, angiostatin,

endostatin and tumstatin

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins

Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m Invasion and metastasis are biologic hallmarks of malignant

tumors. They are the major cause of cancer-related morbidity

and mortality and hence are the subjects of intense scrutiny.

m The metastatic cascade will be divided into two phases:

m (1) invasion of the extracellular matrix and

m (2) vascular dissemination and homing of tumor cells.

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins

Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m Invasion ofthe ErM is an active process that can be resolved

into several steps

m X Detachment ("loosening up") of the tumor cells from each


m X Attachment to matrix components

m X Degradation of ErM

m X Migration of tumor cells

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins
Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m Vascular Dissemination and Homing of Tumor rells

D Once in the circulation, tumor cells are particularly vulnerable to

destruction by innate and adaptive immune defenses.

D Within the circulation, tumor cells tend to aggregate in clumps.

This is favoured by homotypic adhesions among tumor cells as

well as heterotypic adhesion between tumor cells and blood cells,

particularly platelets.

D Formation of platelet²tumor aggregates may enhance tumor cell

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins
survival and implantability.
Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007

m Arrest and extravasation of tumor emboli at distant sites

involve adhesion to the endothelium, followed by egress through

the basement membrane.

m The site at which circulating tumor cells leave the capillaries to

form secondary deposits is related, in part, to the anatomic

location of the primary tumor.

m rhemokines have a very important role in determining the target

tissues for metastasis

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell. Robbins
Basic Pathology. 7th ed. 2007
m Microenvironment of cancer plays a critical role in
determining its development.

m Supportive tissues (stroma) of cancer actively

collaborate with cancer cells.

m romposition of the stroma

- fibroblast
- myofibroblast
- inflammatory white blood cells
- endothelial cells of blood and
lymphatic vessels

m rancer cells and stromal cells evolve together.

m Prior to the middle of the twentieth century, before DNA was

given a special status in biology, the developmental biologist and

evolutionist ronrad H. Waddington (1905-1975) emphasized that

genetics and developmental biology were related, hypothesizing

that patterns of gene expression, turning genes on and off, and

not the genes themselves, define each cell type, thus linking

genes and gene action to development.

m Waddington coined the term ¶epigenetics· from the Greek word

epigenesis, referring to embryology and genetics as ´a gradual

coming into being of newly formed organs and tissues out of an

initially undifferentiated massµ.

m Epigenetic changes set the stage for alterations in gene

expression and have been identified as important components of

m It has become evident during the past few years that certain

tumor suppressor genes may be inactivated not because of

structural changes but because the gene is silenced by

hypermethylation of promoter sequences without a change in

DNA base sequence· .

m Methylation also participates in the phenomenon called genomic

imprinting, in which the maternal or paternal allele of a gene or

chromosome is modified by methylation and is inactivated.

m Some oral cancer patients develop Srr over a broad area

of the oral mucosa, with multiple lesions arising

simultaneously or over a period of time

m The mechanisms of ¶field cancerization are unkown ,

although three basic hypotheses were proposed recently

by Ogden
       D !
m Firstly, ¶field changes· (molecular changes throughout the

oral mucosa of oral cancer patients) may predispose to

the development of multiple primary cancers.

m In this scenario, a large region of the oral mucosa may be

exposed to the etiological agent(s) which causes

independent transformation of multiple epithelial cells at

separate sites.

       D !
m Different etiological agent
A single etiological agentsacting
acting at
at different
different sites
sites would

cause multiple
multiple separate
separate cancers
cancers with
with different
identical genetic

defects, each
each arising
arising as
as aa separate clone within the oral


m Subsequent genetic modification (due to spontaneous

mutation or continued exposure to exogenous mutagens) may

render the separate clones genetically distinct.

       D !
m Secondly, the etiological agent(s) may transform a single oral

epithelial cell.

m The expanding clone of cancer cells may spread through the

oral mucosa via local tissue spread, regional blood vessels,

seeding via the saliva into a mucosal erosion or seeding due to

the trauma of surgery.

m This would give rise to geographically distinct but genetically

identical cancers.

       D !
m The clinical significance of p53 mutation within the normal oral

epithelium of oral cancer patients is unclear.

m Some reports suggest an association with the development of second

primary cancers while others find no such association.

m Recent molecular studies have shown that oral cancer is a clonal

proliferation of neoplastic keratinocytes (that is, oral cancers arise

from a single genetically altered cell) and that multiple primary tumours

result from the migration of clonally-related pre-neoplastic cells

through the oral epithelium

       D !
m Thirdly, a tumor may have a paracrine effect on the adjacent

oral mucosa. Of great recent interest is that tumors have been

found to secrete tumor inhibitory factors including inhibitors of


m Removal of the primary tumor would remove these inhibitors of

cancer development and hence promote second primary tumor


       D !
m Alternatively, tumors may secrete promoters of apoptosis.

m Removal of the primary tumors would reduce the level of

apoptosis in adjacent tissue and hence promote second primary

tumor formation.

m The advent of technology and high-throughput analytical tools has

facilitated the dissection of the genetic pathways that govern

tumor biology. One such analytical tool is genomics.

m Genomic is the study of the patterns of gene expression in a

cellular system, which generally refers to the field of biology that

seeks to understand biologic processes from a global view,

evaluating all the transcriptional activity of a particular system

under certain conditions.

  # $  % &  ' %
m Its counterpart, proteomics, is the evaluation of the entire

network of proteins that contribute to cellular function.

m These two complementary fields brought tremendous advances

in the understanding of tumor biology, primarily by allowing

scientists to study the changes that occur in thousands of

genes or proteins in a single experiment.


  # $  % &  ' %
m One particular tool, which has identified genomic signatures of

lymphatic metastasis for OrSrr and may allow the early

detection of occult metastases in selected patients.

m The clinical usefulness of these technologies is currently under

evaluation in other tumor systems

m Gene therapy is a technique for correcting defective genes

which are responsible for genetic abnormalities and diseases.

The idea of gene transfer for treating human diseases was put

forward by rUSArK and TARNER in 1998. The idea envisages

the transfer of a therapeutic gene into cancer cells via a vector.

These processes delete the mutant alleles· and are replaced by

the therapeutic or functional gene.

Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Journal [ OMPJ ] Vol j No 2 Jul- Dec 20j0 50
m More specific
strategies based on
genetic instability of
cancer cells.

m More specific delivery

of anticancer drugs
using monoclonal

m Development of
specific small
m rancer treatment by targeting angiogenesis.

m rancer treatment by inducing immune responses.

m rocktail approaches to suppress drug resistance.

m Genomic profiling makes specific treatment

strategies possible.

m No magic solution. Still a long way to go«


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