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The Start of

Death Penalty
● The first established death penalty
laws date as far back as the
Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code
of King Hammurabi of Babylon,
which codified the death penalty for
25 different crimes.
● The death penalty was also part of the Fourteenth Century
B.C.’s Hittite Code; in the Seventh Century B.C.’s
Draconian Code of Athens, which made death the only
punishment for all crimes; and in the Fifth Century B.C.’s
Roman Law of the Twelve Tablets. Death sentences were
carried out by such means as crucifixion, drowning, beating
to death, burning alive, and impalement.
In the Tenth Century A.D.,
● Hanging became the usual method of execution in
Britain. In the following century, William the
Conqueror would not allow persons to be hanged or
otherwise executed for any crime, except in times of
war. This trend would not last, for in the Sixteenth
Century, under the reign of Henry VIII, as many as
72,000 people are estimated to have been executed.
Some common methods of execution at that time
were boiling, burning at the stake, hanging,
beheading, and drawing and quartering. Executions
were carried out for such capital offenses as

marrying a Jew, not confessing to a crime, and

Did you know?
● The number of capital crimes in Britain continued to rise
throughout the next two centuries. By the 1700s, 222 crimes
were punishable by death in Britain, including stealing,
cutting down a tree, and robbing a rabbit warren. Because
of the severity of the death penalty, many juries would not
convict defendants if the offense was not serious.This lead
to reforms of Britain’s death penalty. From 1823 to 1837,
the death penalty was eliminated for over 100 of the 222
crimes punishable by death. (Randa, 1997)
Did you know?

● These are some of the usual crimes that

can lead to death so if you live at the
time of the death penalty are allowed
you certainly have to follow the rules
and avoid shortening their lives.
However somethings can’t be avoided
wether if its situational crime or
someone accused you and planted
evidence agaisnt you.
Usual crimes resulting to death penalty
Importation of dangerous drugs and or
Qualified piracy controlled precursors and essential chemicals
Qualified bribery Sale, trading, administration, dispensation,
delivery, distribution and transportation of
dangerous drugs and or controlled precursors
Murder and essential chemicals

Infanticide Maintenance of drug den

Rape Manufacturer of dangerous drugs and or

controlled precursor and essential chemicals
Kidnapping and serious illegal detention
Possession of dangerous drugs

Robbery with violence against or

● Cultivation of culture of plants classified as
intimidation of persons
dangerous drugs
● Destructive arson
Cultivation of culture of plants classified
as dangerous drugs
Unlawful prescription of dangerous drugs
Criminal liability of public officer for
misappropriation misapplication or
failure to account for the confiscated
seized of surrender drugs
Criminal liability for planting evidence
● Carnapping
Pros and Cons of Death Penalty
Pros: Cons:
Proponents of the death Opponents of the death penalty
penalty being legal argue that being legal argue that the
such a harsh penalty is needed punishment is cruel and unusual,
for criminals who have and, thus, unconstitutional, that
committed the worst crimes, innocent people are put to death
that the punishment deters for crimes they did not commit,
crime, and that the US and that the penalty is

Supreme Court has upheld the disproportionately applied to

death penalty as people of color.
Pros: Cons:
Proponents who argue that the Opponents who argue that the death
death penalty is needed to bring penalty is needed to bring about
about closure and solace to closure and solace to victims’ families
victims’ families argue that the argue that retributive “justice” does
finality of the death penalty is not bring closure for anyone and that
needed for families to move on the death penalty can take years of
and not live in fear of the media-friendly appeals to enact.

criminal getting out of prison.

Pros: Cons:
Proponents of abolishing the Opponents of abolishing the death
death penalty because penalty because innocent people
innocent people may be may be executed argue that the fact
executed argue that humans that death row inmates have been
are fallible and the justice exonerated proves that the checks
system is flawed, putting more and balances to prevent innocent
Black and brown people on people from being executed are in
death row than are guilty of place and working well, almost
capital crimes, and that we eliminating the chance that an
cannot risk executing one innocent person will be executed.

innocent person just to carry

about retributive “justice.”
These are just a few pros and cons we have a
lot more but this lead to a question is death
penalty a solution to prevent people from
doing crimes?
Is Death Penalty the Solution?

● No one deserves to die. When the government metes out

vengeance disguised as justice, it becomes complicit with
killers in devaluing human life and human dignity. In
civilized society,
we reject the principle of literally doing to criminals what
they do to their victims: The penalty for rape cannot be
rape, or for arson, the burning down of the arsonist’s
house. We should not, therefore, punish the murderer with


Nebrida, Jane Rose Guarino, Ma. Lorie joy N.

Salve, Macandog

Rosco, Cyrus Emman

Morco, Am-is Justine
Thank you!

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