Adolf Hitler

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(Adolf Schicklgruber)
• INTERGRITY - Despite the fact that Hitler was a terrific leader, he lacked the ability to think logically. Hitler's lack of social
intelligence and ethical reasoning stems from his lack of self-awareness, empathy, and interest in others. He was immoral in his
thinking and deeds, taking advantage of situations that his followers were in in order to achieve his aims in the most ruthless manner
possible. The most egregious illustration of his unethical and cruel behaviour, as well as his twisted thinking, is his use of his army to
send Jews to extermination camps.

• CONFIDENCE – Hitler was quite confident in his own abilities. His rise through the ranks, his eloquent speeches, the fact that he
was able to pull Germany back from the brink of economic disaster, and the wars he fought in important locations and at critical
times all demonstrate Hitler's enormous confidence.

• SOCIABILITY - Surprisingly, Hitler was the more attentive boss when it came to his secretaries and others who worked closely with
him. In fact, those who worked closely with the fuehrer adored him. His secretaries were never enraged by his roughness or lack of
consideration for them. Hitler knew their names and birthdays, and he paid them visits when they were sick, and they rewarded him
with lifelong allegiance, even after his crimes were widely publicised.

• DETERMINATION - Hitler's tenacity of purpose and determination were two attributes that characterised him throughout his reign.
He was a man who desired power and dominance. He rose from a basic front-line soldier to become Germany's chancellor and
commander of a massive army in order to get the power to dominate Germany and conquer the entire world. This demonstrates his
strong desire and ability to reach his goals and achieve everything he desired

• INTELLIGENCE - The intelligence of Adolf Hitler is undeniable. In just a few years, he was able to bring Germany back from the
brink of economic ruin and restore its prosperity, transforming it from a battered country to a world power. The fact that Hitler rose
from a front-line soldier to become the Fuehrer demonstrates not only his immense desire and skill to achieve his goals, but also his
extraordinary mental sharpness, since he was able to manipulate, even brainwash, an entire nation to do so.

• Honesty - Adolf Hitler was honest to his aim, to his relatives, to the friends, to his country people and to himself.
Through out his life he did not cheat any body for money (which most of the dictators do). When he died he had no
personal property. He always used to say that, ‘Germany is my first love’ and accordingly he lived for Germany
and died for Germany.

• Ability to delegate - There might occur some difference on this point, however, it is true that Adolf Hitler had a full
fledged ministry to support him. Obviously, the final decision used to his. Many a times, he accepted their ideas
even when he was not fully convinced. 1936 Berlin Olympic games is an excellent example. He was not in favor of
holding the games in Germany because for him it sheer loss of time. However, when Gobbels convinced him about
usefulness of the games as an opportunity to get new friends, he allowed the games. Berlin Olympics was an
outstanding event. A country which has lost a world war in 1918, held those games with just 18 years - Great. Up to
1942–43 his delegation worked well, however, there after his entire strategy started getting set back and at times
irrational also (opening two war fronts simultaneously or declaring war on US)

• THE FUEHRER PRINCIPLE – came to dominate Nazi Germany after Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor on January 30 th 1933. It played
its part within the Nazi party in the lead up to 1933 but there were challenges to the

• Sacrifice of personal life - He had relations with Eva Braun for a long time, but Germany was always his first love and priority. Eva Braun
attempted suicide twice to attract attention of Adolf Hitler but Adolf Hitler always gave priority to Germany first. But to my mind the greatest
gesture was that he married her just the day before both of them committed suicide on 30-April-1945. A true lover and caring man.

• Leading from front - Very few Chancellors and President actually visit the battlefield, however, he visited the battle field, stayed with the
ordinary soldiers and ate the same food which the soldiers used to eat. During WW-I he used to get a boxes containing food from his land
lord. He used to share the food with other soldiers. Even after becoming Fuhrer, he always remained obliged to landlord and his wife and
often expressed the gratitude in public.

“Transformational leadership is a type of leadership style that leads to positive changes in those who follow. Transformational
leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic and passionate. Not only are these leaders concerned and involved in the process;
they are also focused on helping every member of the group succeed as well”.
Transformational leaders engage in intellectual stimulation and inspirational motivation. As far as intellectual stimulation is
concerned, Hitler was visionary wanted for Germany to be the first power and for him to conquer the world. As far as
inspirational motivation is concerned, Hitler strived to be different in order to become the “great” world leader and had the
proper for him plans and tactics on how to achieve his goals.

Hitler was a high task oriented leader. He had clear vision and knowledge of the path for execute his strategy so he is the one
who directed his people in an attempt to execute his vision. He wanted to monitor everything and retain control of every task,
which was about to be executed. He never blamed himself for his failure but the other which in his case was Germany as a


The Holocaust was the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million European Jews by the Nazi German
regime and its allies and collaborators. The Holocaust was an evolving process that took place throughout Europe between 1933
and 1945.
1. Antisemitism was at the foundation of the Holocaust. Antisemitism, the hatred of or prejudice against Jews, was a basic
tenet of Nazi ideology. This prejudice was also widespread throughout Europe.
2. Nazi Germany’s persecution of Jews evolved and became increasingly more radical between 1933 and 1945. This
radicalization culminated in the mass murder of six million Jews.
3. During World War II, Nazi Germany and its allies and collaborators killed nearly two out of every three European Jews
using deadly living conditions, brutal mistreatment, mass shootings and gassings, and specially designed killing

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