Corrosion de Los Metales Ingles

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Definition :

It is defined as the deterioration or destruction suffered by metals and their alloys; when they interact
with the environment in which they work or when it is caused by chemical or electrochemical action.
Corrosion caused enormous damage to the economy of many countries.
Clasificación :

According to the newspaper or nature :

Chemical corrosion: By chemical destruction of metal corrosion or other material is defined as the action of gas
or non-electrolyte liquid (gasoline, oils etc.).? A typical example of chemical corrosion is chemical oxidation of metals at high
temperatures.? On corrosion chemical on the surface of the metal oxide film is formed. The strength of this film is different
for different metals and alloys. In alloys of iron with carbon, the oxide film is weak, easily destroyed and the continuous
oxidation carried into the alloy.? On other metals and alloys oxide films are very resistant. For example, upon the oxidation of
aluminum on the surface thereof a firm oxide film which protects the metal against further oxidation originates.

Ectrochemical corrosion: They are named for the processes carried out by the action of electrolyte on the
metal . The electrolytic processes can be very complex depending on the nature of the metal and the electrolyte , but in
general correspond to a redox reaction , in which the metal undergoes oxidation and destroyed ( dissolved) . Natural waters
containing salts , moist air , acidic solutions are most common with those metal contact in practice electrolytes. The tendency
of metals to give their ions to the solution , called pressure solution . Each metal has its own solution pressure . As a
consequence , when dissimilar metals are placed in the same electrolyte , acquires each different electric potential to form
galvanic couples .
In these pairs the metal with lower potential (high pressure solution) becomes ; anode and destroyed , i.e. oxidized or goes into
solution . The second metal acts as a cathode potential greater and not dissolved .

2) According to the morphology of the attack:

a) Uniform or general corrosion : The metal is destroyed in uniform manner over the entire
surface. This type of corrosion is observed more frequently in pure metals and alloys homogeneous.
b) localized corrosion : This is divide into:

Corrosión galvánica: is an accelerated corrosion which can occur when dissimilar metals (with different
redox pair) is electrically joined in the presence of an electrolyte.

Corrosión por picadura o pitting: Pitting occurs as the local anodic dissolution process where the metal
loss is increased by the presence of small and large cathode anode. The bites are usually small diameter (tenths
of a millimeter)

Corrosión por fisura o crevice: Around the hole formed by contact with another piece of metal equal to
or different from the first or a non-metallic element. The process of pitting and crevice have in common is that
the chemical aggressive semiestancado situation anode located.

Corrosión intergranular: As its name suggests, the intergranular corrosion occurs preferentially along
grain boundaries of certain alloys in specific environments and, therefore, the sample is disintegrated along the
grain boundaries. This type of corrosion prevails in some stainless steels, which, when heated to temperatures
between 500 and 800 ° C for sufficiently long periods of time, are sensitized to intergranular attack.

Corrosión por erosión: By combining the action of chemical attack and mechanical abrasion or wear, as a
result of the movement of a fluid, erosion corrosion arises.

Corrosión bajo tensión: The combined action of an applied tensile stress and a corrosive environment
causes stress corrosion; both factors are necessary. Some potentially inert materials in a corrosive
environment are particularly susceptible to this type of corrosion when subjected to an effort. Small cracks
which then propagate in perpendicular direction to the effort, and consequently may receive an error form.

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