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Studying Feasibility of Development Interventions

What is Feasibility Study ?

Dr. Md. Nurul Amin

Associate Professor
Department of Public Administration
Jahangirnagar University
What is ‘feasibility’ ?

 The English word feasible comes from faire, the French

verb meaning “to do.” Hence, feasibility refers to
“capable of being done” of an idea.

 Feasibility may define as “the possibility that can be

made, done, or achieved, or is reasonable”.
[Cambridge English Dictionary]
What is ‘feasibility’ ?

Therefore, ‘feasibility’ means the degree or

state of being easily, conveniently, or
reasonably done. If something is ‘feasible,’ it
means that we can do it, make it, or achieve
it. In other words, it is ‘doable’ and also
Understanding feasibility study
Mary Holz-Clause & Don Hofstrand [in Iowa State
University webpage] write:
“A feasibility study is an analysis of the viability of an idea.”
“The feasibility study focuses on helping answer the
essential question of ‘should we proceed with the
proposed project idea?’ All activities of the study are
directed toward helping answer this question.”
Understanding feasibility study

 According to Business Dictionary, feasibility study refers to

“an analysis and evaluation of a proposed project to determine
if it (1) is technically feasible, (2) is feasible within the
estimated cost, and (3) will be profitable. Feasibility studies are
almost always conducted where large sums are at stake.
Understanding feasibility study

Feasibility study/ analysis is client –oriented advice

relevant to development plan and informed by
technical, economic, ecological and socio-political
[for example, Feasibility study of the construction of
Padma Bridge ]
Why do we care feasibility analysis ?
 Theoretical reason [one studies feasibility analysis so that one
can know more about the development process, both in pursuit
of knowledge for its own sake and to inform practitioners]
 Practical reason [To become aware of any potential problems
that could occur while implementing the development project;
Make an initial "go" or "no-go" decision about moving ahead
with the development plan. Hence, aids decision-making on the
development interventions]
Thank You

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