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Introduction to Databases

Daniela Puiu
Applications Specialist
Center for the Study of Biological Complexity, VCU
General Concepts
• Database definition
– Organized collection of logically related data
• Data
– Known facts
– Types: text, graphics, images, sound, videos
• Database management system (DBMS)
– Software package for defining and managing
a database
Database Examples

• Class roster
• Hospital patients
• Literature (published articles in a certain
• Genomic information
• Protein structure
• Taxonomy
• Single nucleotide polymorphism
Example: Microbial Database
Data about the protein coding regions in the microbial
genomes sequenced so far.

Organism: Gene (protein coding regions):

• Name • Name
• Accession number • Accession number
• Genome size • Organism
• GC% • Location on the chromosome
• Release date (start,end)
• Genome center • Strand
• Size
• Sequence
• Product
• Sequence
Database Models
• Flat files ‘60
• Hierarchical ‘60
• Network ‘70
• Relational ‘80
• Object oriented ‘90
• Object relational ‘90
• Web enabled ‘90
Database Types (cont.)
Type Typical number of Typical Typical size
users architecture

Personal 1 Desktop/Laptop/ MB
Workgroup 5-25 Client/server:2 tier MB-GB

Department 25-100 Client/server:3 tier GB

Enterprise >100 Client/server: GB-TB

Internet >1000 Web sever & MB-GB
Flat Files
• Data is stored as records in regular files
• Records usually have a simple structure and fixed
number of fields
• For fast access may support indexing of fields in
the records
• No mechanisms for relating data between files
• One needs special programs in order to access
and manipulate the data
Flat Files Example
• Microbial database:
– Genbank format:
• Escherichia coli K12
• Streptococcus pneumoniae R6
• …
– Fasta format: multiple files
• Escherichia coli K12: genome , genes , gene positions
• Streptococcus pneumoniae R6: genome , genes , gene positions
• …
• Data manipulation:
– Sequence extraction, search
– Indexing
– Format conversion
– …
Relational Database
• Data is organized into tables: rows & columns
• Each row represents an instance of an entity
• Each column represents an attribute of an entity
• Metadata describes each table column
• Relationships between entities are represented
by values stored in the columns of the
corresponding tables (keys)
• Accessible through Standard Query Language
Enterprise data model
• Graphical representation of the high level
• Example: Microbial database
– each organism has multiple corresponding genes
– One:Many relation

1 m
Organism Gene
• Data that describes the properties or
characteristics of other data
• Does not include sample data
• Allows database designers and users to
understand the meaning of the data
Metadata & Data Table
Name Type Max Length Description
Name Alphanumeric 100 Organism name
Size Integer 10 Genome length (bases)
Gc Float 5 Percent GC
Accession Alphanumeric 10 Accession number
Release Date 8 Release date
Center Alphanumeric 100 Genome center name
Sequence Alphanumeric Variable Sequence

Name Size Gc Accession Release Center Sequence

Escherichia coli K12 4,640,000 50 NC_000913 09/05/1997 Univ. AGCTTTTC
Wisconsin ATT…
Streptococcus 2,040,000 40 NC_003098 09/07/2001 Eli Lilly and TTGAAAGA
pneumoniae R6 Company AAA…

Metadata & Data Table (cont.)
Name Type Max Length Description
Name Alphanumeric 100 Gene name
Accession Alphanumeric 10 Gene accession number
OAccesion Alphanumeric 10 Organism accession number
Start Integer 10 Gene start
End Integer 10 Gene end
Strand Character 1 Gene strand
Product Alphanumeric 1000 Gene annotation
Sequence Alphanumeric Variable Gene sequence

Name Accession OAccession Start End Strand Product Sequence

thrL 16127995 NC_000913 190 255 + the operon leader MKRI…

thrA 16127996 NC_000913 337 2799 + homoserine MRVL…
dehydrogenase I
transposas 15902058 NC_003098 20207 20554 + transposase MWYN…
• Used to connect tables
• Field(s) that have the same value in the related tables
• Organism.Accession=Gene.OAccession
• Organism.Accession
– Unique
– Primary key
• Gene.OAccession
– Not unique
– Secondary key
• ANSI (American National Standards
Institute) standard computer language for
accessing and manipulating database
• SQL statements are used to retrieve and
update data in a database.
• Includes:
– Data Manipulation Language (DML)
– Data Definition Language (DDL)
Data Manipulation Language
Syntax for executing queries, updating,
inserting, and deleting records.

• SELECT - extracts data from one or more table

• INSERT INTO - inserts new data into a table
• UPDATE - updates data in a table
• DELETE FROM - deletes data from a table
DML Example
Select all Escherichia coli K12 genes which are in the 1MB-
2MB region of the chromosome:

FROM Organism, Gene
Organism.Name=“Escherichia coli K12” AND
Organism.Accession=Gene.OAccession AND
Gene.Start>=1,000,000 AND
DML Example (cont.)
(Name, Accession, OAccession, Start, End, Strand, Sequence)
(“thrL”, 16127995,”NC_000913”,190,255,’+’,”thr operon leader
peptide”, “MKRI…”)

UPDATE Gene SET Start=160 WHERE Accession= ”NC_000913”

DELETE FROM Gene WHERE Accession= ”NC_000913”

Data Definition Language
Syntax for creating ,editing, deleting:
• Databases
• Tables
• Views
• Indexes
• Constraints
• Users
• Privileges
DDL Examples


Name varchar(100)
Size int(10)
Gc decimal(5)
Accession varchar(10)
Release date(8)
Center varchar(100));

ALTER TABLE Organism ADD Sequence varchar;

DROP TABLE Organism;
• Software package for defining and
managing a database.
• Examples:
– Proprietary: MS Access, MS SQL Server,
DB2, Oracle, Sybase
– Open source: MySql, PostgreSQL
DBMS Advantages
• Program-data independence
• Minimal data redundancy
• Improved data consistency & quality
– Access control
– Transaction control
• Improved accessibility & data sharing
• Increased productivity of application
• Enforced standards
Web Databases
• Data is accessible through Internet
• Have different underlying database
• Example: biological databases
– Molecular data: NCBI , Swissprot , PDB , GO
– Protein interaction : DIP , BIND
– Organism specific: Mouse , Worm, Yeast
– Literature: Pubmed
– Disease
CSBC Resources
• Database and software list
– Molecular databases: Genbank, EMBL, NR, NT,
RefSeq, Swissprot
• MS Excel, MS Access
• MySQL, PostgreSQL
• Computer resources
– : 8 processor Sun server
– : 64 processor Beowulf cluster

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