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Progress Lab

17/01/2022 TOPTAP
This Week
• Stability of 0.05 % dope
• Conclusion of TiO2 QDs dope
• Last week Eff
Hours PCE
0 14.48
72 13.85
144 13.53
192 13.25
216 12.5
• TTIP 200ul in 2 ml ethanol (1:10)
• Pre spin 2000 rpm 3s spin 5000 rpm 30 s
• Annealing 500⁰C 1 hour
• TiO2 QDs 0.2 M KCl Dope in TTIP
• Pre spin 2000 rpm 3s spin 5000 rpm 30 s
• Annealing 500 ⁰C 1 hour
• MAFAPbI3 (1:1)
• PbI2 461 mg
• MAI 111 mg
• FAI 53 mg
• DMF:DMSO (4:1) 1ml
• DMF 800 ul
• DMSO 200 ul
• Stirring at 70 ⁰C Over night
• Spin 5000 rpm 30 s (anti-solvent after 15 s)
• Annealing 100 ⁰C 1 hour
• Spiro-OMeTAD 0.050 g in 700 uL CB
• Stir at room temperature over night
• Dope tBp 20.16 uL and Li-TFSI 12.25 uL
• Spin 4500 rpm 30 s
2.5 %
7.5 %
10 %
Next week (Test เทียบกับ Solution
• SEM (Cross section and Grain size) and EDS ?? (25)
• PCE ??
• Box Plot ??
• Stability ??
• Conclusion PCE /
• XRD ??(พีเ่ ปิ้ ล)
• PL perovskite ?? (พีเ่ อกพงษ์)
• UV-vis and PL TiO2 QDs /
• Tauc plot TiO2 QDs /
• XRD TiO2 QDs /

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