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Presented by;
Roll no : 1036
Leaf Rust Of Coffee is a devastating foliar
disease of coffee plants caused by the fungus
Hemileia vastatrix.

Infection occurs over a wide range of

temperatures (minimum 15°C, optimum 22°C,
and maximum 28°C). Infection
only occurs through stomata on the underside
of the leaf.
•Leaf Rust of Coffee is caused by the fungus called
Hemileia vastatrix.
•Hemileia vastatrix is a fungus of the order 
pucciniales that causes coffee leaf rust. A disease
that is devastating to susceptible coffee
plantations . Coffee serves as the obligate host of
coffee rust, that is, the rust must have access to
and come into physical contact with coffee in
order to survive.
• The rust sori , orange to brown in colour appears
mainly on the lower surface of the surface of the
•Defoliation is very common .
•In severe infection, the entire leaf may turn brown
and dries up.
•Extensive defoliation weakens the plant and results
in poor yield and death of plant.
Spread Of Disease:
The rust is autocious , but the fact that the spores to
re-infect the coffee, suggest the possibility of an
alternate host. Since the spermogonial aceal stages
are not known , the uredial stage serves as the source
of primary and secondary infection.
Control Measure:
•By spraying bordeaux mixture or other fungicides
like copper fungicide and sulphur fungicide.
•Cultivation under shades prevents secondary
•“Kents” variety of coffee is fairly resistant.
•Fallen leaves should be composted or destroyed.
•Using resistant variety is the best method to avoid
•Metallic copper fungicides are the least expensive
and most effective method
Gowing under shady regions

Spraying fungicides

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