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Radiologi Dasar

dr. Intan Aryanti, SpRad

Departemen Ilmu Radiologi

Fakultas Kedokteran Militer Universitas Pertahanan
• Sejarah radiologi
• Pembentukan sinar X
• Sifat2 sinar X
• Bahaya radiasi dan pencegahan
• Konvensional :Radiolusen-opak
• CT
• US
• Fluoroscopy
• Nuclear medicine
Basic neuroradiology
• Dah ada slidenya
Tinggal dibagusin lg, dicari sumbernya
• In 1895, Wilhelm Röntgen (or Roentgen), working in a darkened
laboratory in Würzburg, Germany, discovered x-rays
• Working with a cathode-ray tube; consisted of a glass envelope
(bulb) with positive and negative electrodes encapsulated in it.
• The tube was shielded with heavy black paper, and discovered a
green colored fluorescent light generated by a material located a
few feet away from the tube

How x-rays are produced
• 3.29
• 2.43
l Digital
Conventional radiographic images Digital radiography

• were produced by a combination • photographic film was replaced

of ionizing radiation and light by a photosensitive cassette or
striking a photosensitive surface. plate that could be processed by
• radiographic images resting an electronic reader.
comfortably on a piece of film. • Digital format.
• Major drawback : • PACS : picture archiving,
need physical storage space, communications and storage
radiographic films could system.
physically be in only one place at
a time
Sinar X :
Merupakan pancaran gelombang elektromagnetik yang sejenis
dengan gelombang radio, panas, cahaya dan sinar UV.
Perbedaannya : Panjang gelombang sinar X pendek mudah tembus
Satuan Angstrom (A)
Gelombang yang digunakan dalam kedokteran antara 0,50 A-0,125 A.
Sifat-sifat sinar X
1. Daya tembus besar.
semakin tinggi tegangan (KV) makin besar daya tembus.
makin rendah berat atom/kepadatan benda, daya tembus makin besar.
2. Petebaran
Radiasi hambur pengaburan kelabu gambar
Digunakan grid untuk menguranginya.
3. Penyerapan
Penyerapan sinar x sesuai dgn berat atom/kepadatan objek
4. Efek fotografik
Menghitamkan emulsi fim (AgBr) setelah diproses scr kimia.
5. Pendaran
Kalsium tungstate/Zink sulfis memendarkan cahaya (luminisensi)
Fosforesensi/after glow.
6. Ionisasi
7. Efek biologic
Perubahan2 biologi pada jaringan- radioterapi.
• Fluoroskopi
• Radiografi

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