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Concept of health & Disease

• Health is a state of complete physical, mental
and social well being and not merely an
absence of disease or infirmity” ( WHO
• “ability to lead a socially and economically
productive life”
Biomedical Concept of Health
• Absence of disease, and if one is free from
disease then the person considered as healthy
• This concept is based on the germ theory of
• But this is inadequate to solve some of the
major health issues(malnutrition, drug abuse,
mental illness etc.)
Ecological Concept
• This concept is about the equilibrium between
man and his environment, and disease as
maladjustment to its environment
Dubos defined it as:
• “Health implies the relative absence of pain
and discomfort and a continuous adaptation
and adjustment to the environment to ensure
the optimal function”
Psychosocial Concept
• Health is not only a biomedical phenomenon,
but one which is influenced by social,
psychological, cultural, economic and political
factors of people concerned.
Holistic concept
• Holistic model is a synthesis of all the above
• It recognizes the strength of social, economic,
political and environmental influences
• It is unified or multidimensional process
involving the well-being of the whole person
in the context of his envirnment
New Philosophy of Health
• Health is a fundamental right
• Health is the essence of productive life, and not the result
of ever increasing expenditure on medical care
• Health is inter-sectoral
• Health is an integral part of development
• Health is central to the concept of quality of life
• Health involves the individuals, state and international
• Health and its maintenance is a major social investment
• Health is a world wide social goal
Physical Dimension
• Physical health is the state of being free from
illness or injury.
• It can cover a wide range of areas including
healthy diet, healthy weight, dental health,
personal hygiene and sleep.
• Physical health is vital for overall well-being.
Evaluation of Physical Health
• Self assessment of over all health
• Clinical examination
• Nutrition and dietary assessment
• Biochemical and laboratory investigation
How do I keep physically healthy?
• Walk for 30 minutes
• Hikes and runs
• keep active!!
Mental dimension
a state of balance between the individual and
surrounding world”
• A mentally healthy person is free from internal conflicts
• He is well adjusted.
• He has a strong sense of self esteem.
• He knows himself (self actualization)
• He has good self control
• He faces problems.
• One of the key to good health is a positive mental health
Social Dimension
Quantity and Quality of an individual’s inter-
personalties and the extent of involvement with the
• “Having the capacity for interpersonal
• Interacting with others
• Being a good communicator, speaker and listener
• Social skills one possesses, social functioning and
the ability to see one self
How do I keep socially healthy?
• Take time to enjoy the company of others
• Talk and listen to others, friends, family and
Emotional Dimension
• Ability to express feelings
• Limited worry
• Receptive to change

Mental health can be seen as a “knowing” or

“cognition” while emotional health relates to
How do I keep emotionally healthy?

• Talk about your feelings with friends and

• Limit worry by staying positive by thinking on
the bright side
Spiritual Dimension
– Spiritual health refers to that part of the individual
which reaches out strives for meaning and
purpose in life.”
– Reflecting on who you are and who you want to
• Keeping your values and beliefs strong.
• Your choice on how to live your life
How do I keep spiritually healthy?
• Enjoy time with nature
• Know my morals and believes
• Take time to think about my life and what is
most important

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