MC Session 6 Effective Written Commn 2020

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Enhancing Business Writing Skills


To enhance the English writing skills and

capabilities of the participants for their
business transactions or correspondence
Need of Effective Communication –
Reasons Why?

 English is the international medium of

 The way you communicate impacts how you are
 Impacts and improves an individual’s self-worth
and esteem
 Every employee is potentially a ambassador for
enhancing the ‘Organisation’s Brand
Impact of Communication


perception Personality

Methodology – Two Parts
on good

kind of

Follow KISS - Keep it Short and Simple

Basic Rules of Writing Good English

 Do not use a long word when a short one will do

 If it is possible to cut a word, cut it out
 Use active voice as often as you can
 Keep the message brief and simple
 Avoid the abstract
 Stick to the point
Verbal – Visual Impact of MAIL

Hi John! I got your mail just now and have

noted the contents. Actually there is some
misunderstanding. I sent you the details on
your query ten days ago. Please check your
inbox. You’ll certainly find it there.
I hope that will RTI. BTW, you have not
replied on the query that I sent you yesterday.
I am unable to finish the module till I
hear from you. Please expedite. Rohit.
Dear John :
Thanks for your mail. We appreciate your concern on our
apparent lack of response to your query.

Actually we replied on the same day. It may not have

reached you, so I am re attaching the mail with the
clarifications. If there are any other queries, please tell us.

I had requested a small clarification re XXXXXX

yesterday. If you send me the information today, I will be able
to complete the module and deliver as per schedule on Friday.

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,
Shorten Sentences…
 Apart from the fact – Except that
 As a consequence of - Because of
 At the time of writing – While writing
 In connection with – About
 In more than one instance - More than once
 Enclosing herewith – Enclosing
Cut Redundancy….
Actual facts – Facts
Added bonus – Bonus
Advance warning – Warning
Important essentials – Essentials
Past history – History
Merge together – Merge
Unexpected surprise - Surprise
Additional Information on the Agenda
3 Key Guidelines for
Effective Communication

Structure Specific

Step 1- Mix medium length sentences, break down longer ones
 Your sentence length should vary from 2-20 words. Be
punchy. But do not use only short sentences. Mix
short and medium length sentences.
 Most long sentences can be broken into 2 or 3 shorter
 Follow the exercise provided.-[Avoid Stringy and See-
Saw Sentences]-Stringy-too much info packed in a
sentence; see-saw: that goes back & forth :
 “A blog can add visibility to a business, although it can be labour
intensive to maintain, but the time spent on the blog could be
worth while if it generates a buzz among our potential
 “A blog can add visibility to a business. True, maintaining a blog
takes time, but if it generates a buzz among our potential
customers, the time will be well spent” [ use helpful transitional
phrases(True,... on the other hand, in addition etc.)]
Step 2 – Use Active Verbs
 Writers who use active verbs come across as professional
while those who use passive verbs sound bureaucratic.
 Verbs are ‘do words’ like buy, sell and build.
 Verbs can be used actively or passively.

Passive (X) - Active (√)

In the last three years, seven new buildings were built by IMI

IMI built seven buildings in the last three years

This matter will be considered by us

We will consider this matter shortly

The road was dug up by MTNL workers

MTNL workers dug up the road

Use active verbs…cont.
Exceptions where passive usage is good

 To make something less hostile –

 ‘this bill has not been paid’ (passive) is softer
than ‘you have not paid this bill’ (active)
 To avoid taking the blame –
 ‘a mistake was made’ (passive) rather than ‘we
made a mistake’ (active)
 When you don’t know who the doer is or do not
want to name the doer –
 ‘the names of the people to be promoted have
been announced’
Step 3 – Write as you speak
 Use ‘You’ and ‘We’

 Applicants must send us….

You must send us…
 We always tell customers before we…
We will tell you before we…

 Advice is available from….

You can get advice from…

Please Note :
 Similarly, always call your organization (WE). And there is nothing wrong
with using ‘we’ and ‘I’ in the same letter.
 Use words that the recipient will understand (not necessarily simple

 Use jargon if and only if it the recipient will understand it easily

 Guideline on use of numerals : 1 to 9 : use WORDS, 10 and above : USE

Step 4 – Give Concise Instructions
Instruction Bureaucratic language

 ‘Sit down!’ ‘Those who have come to attend the

session are advised to sit down.’

 ‘Please be seated ‘Those who have come for the meeting are advised
that they are seated.

 ‘Brush your teeth.’ ‘Your teeth should be brushed’ 

 ‘Please send it to me.’ ‘I should be grateful if you would send it to me’

Instructions are the fastest and most direct way of giving someone direction.
Many of us do not use commands for fear of sounding impolite. But if you
put the word ‘please’ in front – ‘please do this’ – the problem goes away

 !
PLEASE and Thank You are
MAGICAL word !
Step 5 - Avoid Nominalization
Nominalizations are formed from verbs.-also called ‘zombie noun’, use of a word
which is not a noun (verb, adjective or adverb) as a noun or the head of a noun
phrase with or without morphological transformation

Verb Nominalisation

1. Complete Completion
2. Introduce Introduction
3. Provide Provision
4. Fail Failure
5. Arrange Arrangement
6. Investigate Investigation

 We had a discussion about the matter.

 We discussed the matter

 There will be a stoppage of traffic on the Haryana border by trucker.

 Truckers will stop traffic on the Haryana border

 The construction of the domestic departure terminal has been done by a team
from the aviation group
 A team from the aviation group constructed the domestic departure
 The provisional mark sheets were distributed by us
 We distributed the existing mark sheets (morphological change)
Step 6 – Remove Unnecessary Words

 The standing charge is payable in respect of each

and every quarter.
 You will be sent a letter regarding current interest
rates not less often then once a year.
 Notice must be given of your intention to cancel
the allotment a period of 30 days prior to(before)
your cancellation.
 Should you be unable to agree to the contents of
the statement or you have any questions
thereon, please write to this department at the
address overleaf, enclosing your passbook or
certificate and the statement.
 If you disagree with the contents of ….
Step 7 – Look for the Positive

 If you don’t send your payment, we

wont be able to renew your
membership of the society. (negative).

 Please send your payment so that we

can renew your membership of the
society. (positive)
Step 8 – Use Lists
 Lists are excellent for splitting information up.

 People with a mathematical brain or those who display a

very sharp sense of humour or chess players of club
standard or higher are more likely to show early signs of
being musical.

 People who :

 Have a mathematical brain;

 Display a very sharp sense of humour; and
 Are chess players of club standard or higher,
are more likely to show early signs of being musical.
Step 9 – Skip the perfect grammar

 You can start a sentence with and, but, because,

so or however, true
 You can ‘split infinitives’.(form of a verb not
indicating tense, number or person)… So you can
say to boldly go
 You can end a sentence with a preposition
( qualifier of a noun or pronoun). In fact, it is
something we should stand up for
 And you can repeat the same word twice in a
sentence if you can’t find a better word
Step 10 – Replace Bureaucratic Words

Avoid Use
 Additional extra
 Advise tell
 Applicant you
 Commence start
 Complete fill in
 Comply with keep to
A Quick Recap : 10 Guidelines

1. Use short sentences ..20 words to a sentence. Combine short and medium
sentences. Avoid Stringy and See-Saw Sentences
2. Use Active Voice as far as possible
Exceptions: Conveying Sensitive/Negative information/dilution
3. Write as you Speak
4. Give Concise Instructions
5. Look for Positives (+)- prevents interpersonal sledging/fault finding
6. Avoid Redundancy
7. Avoid Nominalization
8. Perfect Grammar is a guideline not a rule-exceptions exist
9. Use the Power of Listing
10. Be cautious on use of Bureaucratic words-as far as possible avoid it

Group Exercise : 5 minutes: 10 Groups (2 minutes each present )

Internal Placing an
Information order as
to a
to all customer

Your company a financial services company is shifting its base from Mumbai to
Delhi ( real estate cost, availability and focus on government clients). Draft a letter
on behalf of the CEO to all employees- 300 words-( clear purpose, audience focus
and economy of words) –[groups 1, 3, 5 ]

You are an important customer(Taj Group of Hotels) for Arient

Technologies(suppliers of security management systems). You are likely to place a
big order for Rs.200 crore on Arient. Use this opportunity to get more value for
yourselves( better warranty and service terms , cost and payment terms, reciprocal
deals)- focus on getting value-creative ideas-300 words-[groups 2,4,6,11]

Your important customer is very unhappy with the product performance and service
of your Elevator( Votis brand). As head of marketing you need to quickly set things
right. State the three main things that you will write to him about as priority action
points – 300 words ( groups-7,8,9,10)
Structuring of a Letter (6 Types)

Laudatory (good
Informative – Seeking/Sourcing -
External and Internal External and Internal
- External and Internal

Grievance ( Bad Persuasive

Feedback – Positive
News) - External and (Marketing) – External
and Negative
Internal and Internal
5W1H Communication Model
Inverted Pyramid structure
3 Broad Categories
a) Good News c) Persuasive Letters
 Inquiries • Sales
 Information • Appeals
 Response • Changing mindsets
 Award • Need Satisfaction

b) Bad News
 Problems
 Complaints
 Grievances
Communication Consistency
Examples as per your Corporate Brand Identity
Guidelines to synergise with Written Communications

 Some Examples
– Posters
– Wallpapers
– Letters
– POPs (Promotional Material)
Effective Writing Skills –Six Tips and Exercise
 Video-Effective writing skills

 Six Tips :
 Use Resonant Characters
 Engage with Active Verbs
 Use the 8 word Test: have a max of 8 words between the
noun and verb in a sentence
 Link Sentences and Phrases with Explicit Connectors
 Start from the Familiar(old) and then move to the New
 Use the PSA Paradigm-Purpose->Solution-> Action
 Exercise : Rewrite : Bad Writing
An Exercise : Improve and correct this
“Developmental success for everyone
within an organization from top to
bottom and all steps in between is
ensured when good work is encouraged
among the front-line people. Those
responsible for leadership will get more
loyalty and harder work from their team
members if they treat them well.”
A Better Version :
 “ We can ensure the developmental
success of all employees in an
organization by encouraging the good
work done by its front-line employees.
By treating their team members well,
managers can secure better loyalty and
commitment from them.”

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