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Communicating in the regime of

New Age, Social Media and technology

Vijay Vancheswar
Managerial Communication
New Age Communications—changing trends in marketing

 Smart Marketing deploys intelligent Communication

channels by understanding the way “Consumers Act”

 Need : Understanding Consumer Psyche and utilising

relevant New Age Communication options

 Prior to New Age Communications : “Funnel Metaphor”

 Now : Concept of CDJ-> “ Consumer Decision Journey”
[Source : McKinsey Study of 20,000 companies across five
industries(automobiles; skin care; insurance; consumer electronics
and mobile telecom)]

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Influence in Branding-the driver of

Context :
• Today consumers connect with brands in new ways
• Communication and media channels extend beyond
manufacturers and retailers control

• Earlier Model :
 Shoppers winnow Brand Choices to arrive at final selection

 Digital interactions enables-shifting between an array of options
 Key determinant : Brand Engagement and Peer Advocacy

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Then : The Funnel Metaphor


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Now: The Consumer Decision Journey (CDJ)



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Now: A Phased Approach…

• Consider

• Evaluate

• Buy

• Enjoy

• Advocate

• Bond

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CDJ… contd.

CDJ has three parts:-

 Understanding Consumer’s Decision Journey

 Determining Priority ‘Touch Points’ and leveraging these

[ Key Communication Interventions]

 Resource Allocation

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Case : McKinsey’s client –global consumer electronic

company- used CDJ as a pilot exercise in a Single
Market to launch a new TV model
 Three focus areas:-
 What Consumers do ?

 What Consumers see ?

 What Consumers say ? … Implications for Communication

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Findings :
 More than ‘Working Media spend’ (Paid Media) , focus required on ‘Owned
Media’ ( company channels & websites) and ‘Earned Media’ [customer
created channels-blogs, opinion forums, tweets; communities of brand
enthusiasts( Harley Davidson)]
Takeaway: need for right people and technology for creating and managing content
e.g. (i) Apple :
 has eliminated jargon; aligned product descriptions
 created a rich library of explanatory communication sensitive videos for
consumer engagement
 Instituted an ‘off-line Genius Bar’ to enable customers address their issues
 All aimed to get consistency, accuracy and integration across touch points

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e.g. (ii) Nike :
 Nike moved from “Just Do It” to actually helping consumers act on the motto
with Nike gear
-> records and transmits workout data; global fund raising races; customised
online training programmes
 McDonald’s provides ‘Tailored Messages’ which include discount coupons,
contest opportunities, special event invitations  Communication a key

 CMO’s role as overseer and driver of ‘content supply chain’ and ‘publisher’
increasing-> coordinated communication across all functions
e.g. Digital Governance Council with representatives of all customer facing functions;
CIO a participant rather than a driver
 Focus on “What Customers Say” for use in Product Development and Service Programs

 Convergence of People Resources and Talent to obtain right content and messaging

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Five Ways for Effective Communication through
New Age Media

Permissive Collaborative Real-Time Looped
Communication Communication Communication Communication

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Some examples: Permissive; Collaborative; Real Time;
Close-Looped and Viral Communication

 Permissive: Dove Hair Damage Meter-engage with users;

encourage participation of peers/friends, Dove – ‘You
are more Beautiful than You Think’ Campaign( Gill Zamora,
FBI trained forensic artist), Coca Cola localised engagement
( viral effect); share information, experience and influence
helped gain significant market share
 Collaborative, Real Time and Close Looping: Dell Idea Storm
– 400 ideas of users put into action for developing new
products and improving old ones; helped build customer
engagement and reputation, ‘No Child Marriage Campaign’
by NGO Child Survival India

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Some examples…

 Did Aircel in its ‘save the Tiger’ campaign

complete close-looping ?

Yes No

 What would close-looping be in this context ?

 Need to show people how people’s participation made a difference…
 What could it have done ?
 Create a “Population Clock” as people signed on…based on signed
petition of people provide feedback - “on ground impact”->positive results

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Some examples…

Real Time : 24x7 Communication with customers and fans

 e.g. Old Spice shift from old gen (grandfathers) users to New
Gen (youth) …

 Used ex-football player and model Issaiah; tweeted

extensively; engaged youth

 Result : in 10 days- 6 million You Tube views-22,000

comments…over a 100% gain in market share

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Communicating to influence Brands

 Ability to co-create

 Thought Leadership

 Third party influencers- Advocacy recognition

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Social Decision Cycle



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New Age Media: Emerging Social Media Channels
Which among these are the most popular non-Google destinations
for youth ( 18-34 yrs) and sought after ?
 Facebook- Facebook is a for-profit corporation and online social
networking service based in Menlo Park, California, United States
 Instagram- is a free photo and video sharing app available on Apple iOS,
Android and Windows Phone
 P interest- A content sharing service that allows members to "pin"
images, videos and other objects to their pin board 
 Reddit- An entertainment, social news, and news website. Reddit's
registered community members can submit content, such as text posts or
direct links
 Imgur( pronounced: image- er)-Imgur is an online image ( videos,
games, science, technology, movies) sharing community and image host
founded by Alan Schaaf
Imgur ! Reedit a
close second…
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New Age Media: Emerging Social Media Channels:
Some Terminologies to know and Guard against !

 Morphing : distorting victims pictures

 Phishing : attempt to acquire sensitive information such as
user names, passwords and credit card details ( and sometimes
indirectly money !) , often for malicious reasons by
masquerading as a trustworthy entity in electronic
 Vishing : an act of using the telephone to scare and fool the
user into surrendering private information ( by pretending to be
a legitimate business)that is then used for identification theft
 Smishing : A security attack in which the user is tricked into
downloading a ‘Trojan horse virus’ or other malware onto his
cellphone or other mobile device

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Evaluation of New Age Communication

• –recognised as a good referral for online

• Four factors of evaluation
1 Bounce Factor inversely related to IMPACT
2 Traffic Rank directly related to IMPACT
3 Metatabs (keywords) directly related to IMPACT
e.g. pagalguy shows pgdm admissions first;
MBA Universe shows MBA
4 Time on site directly related to IMPACT

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Social and New Age Communication channels

 Its changing the way people communicate

 Brands need to embed themselves onto various new age
communication streams
 It helps innovate and create better products by
collaborating and engaging with customers
 It serves customers in Real time
 It helps leverage network effect of communities
 It helps create Thought Leadership

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