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Unit 3

Introduction to SETS

Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman

Learning Objectives

 Discuss basic properties of sets

 Describe the set builder notation and Rooster
 Perform operations on mathematical expression
 Acknowledge that mathematics is a useful

Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman

 History
 Georg Cantor (1845-1918) introduced the word set in 1879
 Definition
Set – collection of well defined and distinct objects
called elements

 - used to denote membership of object in the set

- used to enclose the elements of the set
Upper case letters A, B, C, …– used to name a set
Lower case letter a,b,c,…– sometimes used as
elements of the set
Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman
The set A is a set of natural numbers less than 100.
Set-builder form

A  xform
Roster / x is a natural number, x  100

A  1,2,3,...,99
3 A
50  A
101 A
Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman
Sets of Numbers
Set of natural numbers

Set of integers

Set of rational numbers

Set of real numbers

N  1,2,3,...

Z  ...,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,...
 p 
Q   x / x  where p, q  Z , q  0
 q 

R  x / x is either rational or irrational 

Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman

Using the Set-Builder Notation
Let R denotes the set of all real numbers.
Describe the following set:
xR / -5 < x < 1
Read: “x is an element of the set of real
numbers such that negative five is less than x
and x is less than 1”

Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman

Using the Set-Builder Notation
Let Z denotes the set of all integers
Describe the following set:
xZ / -5 < x < 1

List the elements of the set:

-4, -3, -2, -1, 0

Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman

Using the Set-Builder Notation

Let be the set of negative


List the elements of the set

x / -5 < x < 1
-4, -3, -2, -1

Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman

Subset of a Set
 The set A is a subset of set B (AB), if and
only if, every element of A is in B.
 Let M = g,r,e,a,t
Tell if each of the following sets is a subset of
the set M
a. a,t
b. e,a,t
c. t,e,a,m
d. r,g,e,t,a
Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman
Proper Subset of a Set
A is a proper subset of B (AB), if and only
if, every element of A is in B but there is at
least one element of B that is not in A.
Let A =1,4,3
B =1,2,3,4,5
C =2,3,1,4,5
Is AB?
Is CB?
Is BC?
Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman
Let A = B = nZ  0n10
C =10, 20,30,40,50
Tell if each of the following is TRUE or
FALSE. If FALSE, explain why?
a. BA
b. C is a proper subset of A
c. C and B have at least one element in
d. C B
e. C C
Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman
Number of Subsets of a Set
Let S = a,i,r
Subsets of S:  or 
How many subsets does a set with any element have?
Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman
Number of Subsets of a Given Set
 How many subsets does a set have if it has
no element?
1 element?
2 elements
3 elements?
4 elements
10 elements?
50 elements?
n elements? Formula: 2^n ( 2 to the power of n)
Remark. The cardinal number of a sets refers to the number
of elements of a set. n(A)= no of elements of set A
Power of a Set
 Set whose elements are its subsets
Let S = a,i,r
 Let P(S) denotes the power of a set S
P( S )    , a
, r
, i , a, i
, a, r
, i, r
, i, r , a 
Based on S and P(S) tell whether each of the following
 a  P (S ) a P(S )
a P(S ) a, r P( S )
How many elements does P(S) have?
Check Your Progress

Given sets A, B, and C. Tell whether each of the following

is TRUE or FALSE. If false, explain why?

A= B= C  2
a. 2C b. 2A
c. 2B d. C  A
e. AB f. BA

g. A and B are equal sets

Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman

Cartesian Product
 Definition
Given sets A and B. The Cartesian product of A
and B, denoted AxB and read “A cross B” is the
set of all ordered pairs (a,b), where a is in A and
b is in B.
AxB= (a,b) aA and bB

Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman

 Let A = 1,3,-4 and B =0,3
Find a) AxB b) BxA
AxB =(1,0),(1,3),(3,0),(3,3),(-4,0),(-4,3)
BxA = (0,1),(0,3),(0,-4),(3,1),(3,3),(3,-4)
 Plot on the coordinate plane the points
(1,3) and (3,1)
 Are ordered pairs (1,3) and (3,1) the same?
Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman
Check Your Progress
Let A = -1, 0, 1 and B =0, 1, 2
Refer to the given sets. Tell whether or not each of
the following statements is true.
1. n(AxB) = 6
2. (0,0) AxB
3. (1, -1)  AxB
4. (1, -1)  BxA
5. (0, 2) AxB
6. (0,1), (1, 2)AxB
Chapter 3.1 Exercises
Tell whether each of the following is true or
false. If false explain why.
x  x, y, z x  x, y, z
x 4 x, y , z
2. x x, y, z
x5 x, y, z
y x, y
, z

Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman


Prepared by Jessica B. Canaman

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