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Being a college student is not that easy. I am one of those students
who is taking up Bachelor of Science in Criminology. Efforts, time,
money and dedication were some of what you need to take this course.
Efforts and tuition fee is not a joke. I and my family need to find ways
for me to finish my studies but the question is, how ? How can we cover
all the expenses when my parents don’t have stable jobs? I can’t force
and squeeze them to produce the money I need.
What can I do? Should I grab the hand that leads to illegal works to
have what I need? Should I take the risk just to finish my studies? How
will I help my parents then?
 Pre-conventional Morality
- moral code is shaped by the standards of adults and the consequences of following or
breaking the rules.

 Conventional Morality
- people focus on following the norms and social standards.

 Post-Conventional morality
-judgement is based on chosen principles
-moral reasoning is based on individual rights and justice
Stage 1
Obedience and Punishments

“ I will not let myself into the world of illegal works

like gambling or selling prohibited drugs so that my
parent’s would not be mad at me and I would not go
to prison.”
Stage 2:
Individualism and Exchange

“ I will do whatever it takes even if it costs my

life just make sure to take care of all the expenses
of my family.”
Stage 3:
Interpersonal Relationships
“ I will smoke and drink too so that my friends will
like me and I can say that I belong.”
“To belong, I’ll do anything they want so I can say
that I am really part of the group and someone will
help me if I’m in trouble.”
Stage 4:
Maintaining Social Order

“ I should not be into illegal works like selling

drugs just to provide my financial needs for it is
against the law and I will be punished.”
Stage 5:
Social Contract and Individual Rights

“I already decided what I must and must not do so just

respect my decision.”
Stage 6:
Universal Principles
“ If abortion became legal in our country where
abortionist can earn money and people can avoid
unwanted pregnancies through it, I will be one of the
people who will be against it for it is against God’s
Where are you now in moral development?
The six stages of Kohlberg’s moral development can help
us decide whether we’ll do the right thing or not. I’m in the
point of realizing my mistakes and thinking what are the
consequences of my wrongdoings. I just want to make the
right decision, and push harder to accomplish things. I will
make ways to finish my studies ,to achieve my dreams so that
I can help my parents and other people in need.
Every action has it’s consequences so do it
Yeah it’s not easy but it will be worth it!

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