A Blogger in Their Midst Group3 SecA

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Situation Analysis
Will Somerset, CEO of Lancaster-Webb during an industrial conference discovers
existence of Glove Girl who is blogging about Lancaster-Webb products in her personal
blog. Will Somerset’s event coincided with that of Glove Girl’s. A big sales prospect was
absent from Will’s event probably due to Glove Girl’s question about the ethics of that

Glove Girl identifies herself as an employee of Lancaster-Webb. Her blog is popular and
has great reach. Her blog sometimes contain confidential and inaccurate information
which might lead to legal as well as business issues for Lancaster-Webb. Glove Girl was
requested by Communication Chief not to discuss Lancaster Webb customers on her
blog but she did not comply.

VP of marketing considers her blog as an effective marketing tool. Lancaster Webb is

offered a business opportunity by a customer but they want to hire Glove Girl for her
potential. 2
The Problem
How to handle Glove Girl & blog
as a communication tool for
company’s benefit ?

Evaluation Criteria

Revenue Confidentiality Content Control

Impact on Sales Prevent dissemination of Extent of content
confidential Information moderation

Employee Legal Customer

Motivation Issues Intimacy
Alignment with Minimize chance of Extent of customer
employee wants legal disputes connect


Option A: Let Glove Girl continue with her blog in the existing manner

Option B : Ask Glove Girl to clearly state that blog represents her personal views and
those suited to company can be endorsed on company website

Option C: Offer Glove Girl a corporate communication role with strict NDA and start a
company blog where Glove Girl will publish about company

Option D: Accept deal from Fort Worth General, let go Glove Girl and start a company
blog where other employee can publish about company

Option E: Fire Glove Girl for sharing company information and don’t pursue blogging as
a marketing tool & use conventional communication tools
Evaluation & Selection
Option A Option B Option C Option D Option E
Revenue (25%) 8 8 8 6 2

Customer Intimacy (25%) 10 10 8 4 2

Legal Issues (15%) 2 10 8 10 10

Confidentiality (15%) 2 2 10 6 6

Employee Motivation (15%) 8 6 10 4 2

Content Control (5%) 2 8 6 6 10

Total 6.4 7.6 8.5 5.8 4.2

Best Option:
Option C: Offer Glove Girl a corporate communication role with strict NDA and start a company blog where
Glove Girl can publish about company
• Meeting with VP HR, VP Legal,
Communications Chief & VP

• Agenda
To prepare a policy for
i. Content on company blog
Action Plan ii. Non disclosure agreements

• Offer Glove Girl a role in

corporate communications

• Sensitise Glove Girl on the legal

risk of unsubstantiated claims on
her blog and benefits of
following company policy
Contingency Plan
In case Glove Girl after accepting
corporate communications role
continues to publishes sensitive or
unsubstantiated information:

Step 1: Terminate employment

contract of Glove Girl for breach of
terms and look for replacement

Step 2: Will Somerset, CEO Lancaster-

Webb to continue with company blog

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