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Quarter 2

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Quarter 2 – Learning Competency Week 4

In this week, the learners will understand the avenues of

Divine Revelation

Learning Targets
The Grade 11 learners can:
1. identify the different avenues of revelation; and
2. understand the avenues of Divine Revelation.

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Key Concepts
 Avenues
 Full revelation
 Partial revelation 

Core Values
   Faith
  Love
 Service

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Opening Prayer:

In the name of the Father and of the

Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God, author of all truth. Send down your Spirit

upon us, that we may be inspired to know You,
and in knowing You we may love You better,
and in loving You better we may serve you the
most. All these we ask through Christ our Lord.

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Session 1
Learning Target

A blessed day dear student! To be By the end of the session,

able to learn the lesson this week, you will be able to say
you are expected to follow the
instructions in the module and
perform the tasks on your own or I can identify the
with a guide. Do the tasks
sequentially, beginning with the different avenues
tasks for Session 1 until Session 2. of revelation.
Learning this topic is an exciting
journey. So, let’s get started now.

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Topic: Avenues of Communication
Instruction: Read, understand, and take note of the points below.

Avenues of Communication:
1. Creation

- creation is the first act of God’s revelation.

- The beauty of nature awakens our religious
sense. Realizing that we cannot be responsible
for the grandeur of creation, we end up
concluding: there must be a God who is the
cause of everything.

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2. History 3. Prophets
 For history to be revelatory, we  Historians enable us to
have to learn looking at history remember significant events. The
with the eyes of faith. We have to PROPHETS of God, both ancient
realize that God is not merely and modern, help us to see
watching us from a distance. historical events with God’s own
Rather, he is actively involved in eyes.
the story of our lives, both as
 While prophets may tell future
individuals and as a people.
events, prediction of the future is
 Even the most secular historical just incidental to prophecy. The
events, when seen with faith, main task of a prophet is to
become evidences of God’s divine convey the message of God by
plan gradually unfolding through interpreting the SIGNS OF THE
time. TIMES.

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4. Jesus Christ 5. Church

 He is the fullness of God’s  God speaks to us in and through the

Revelation. By becoming man like life of the church. God speaks to us
us, he revealed to us everything we through the lives of holy people who
need to know about God, using a have evidently taken Jesus’ message
language that we can understand to heart and serve as an example to
and relate to. all. As we participate in the life of
the church, we participate in
 “In times past God spoke in varied
revelation. We believe that Jesus is
ways to our fathers through the still speaking and acting through the
prophets; in this, the final age, He
church, that is through us and our
has spoken to us through His Son.”
participation in the life of the
Hebrews 1:1-2 community. We believe that we as a
 “No one has ever seen God, but the church, continue Jesus’ preaching
only Son, who is the same as God, and mission to the world.” – Fr. Ian
made Him known…” John 1: 18 Knox

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Task 1: Give one event in the history of mankind which for you is revelatory.


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ASPECTS (Fullness of
In relation to the The prophets’ role is to relay the Jesus is the message
message message of God. in the process of Himself because He
relaying, there may be distortion in the is God.
message. God Himself is the message
but the message is too vast that it
cannot be fully understood, contained
and expressed by the human mind. The
prophets cannot but relay the message
bit by bit because they cannot bear the
message fully.

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ASPECTS Revelation) (Fullness of
In relation to the The prophets are limited Jesus is the perfect
messengers in their capability, time, messenger because He
culture, place, language is the full representation
and understanding. of God since He himself
is God.

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Revelation) (Fullness of
In relation to the desired The message of the prophets is Jesus’ message is salvific
outcome not salvific; they only dispose because he gives us the
humanity to receive salvation. promised salvation.

Blessings of Divine Revelation:

 We know God once again
 We are reunited with God but this reunion is not between the Creator and
Creature but between a Father and children. That’s why we become
adopted children of God through Jesus Christ.

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 It becomes our response to God’s
 God’s revelation is contained in:
TRADITION  Many of the truths revealed by God to
 God, the one and only source of us are beyond the power of our
human comprehension. Yet because
revelation, so willed that his revelation
we believe that God, who is all good
be transmitted to us through two
"cannot deceive nor be deceived” we
modes: Sacred Scriptures and Sacred
say “AMEN” even to things we do not
Tradition, two phases of the same
fully understand.
revelation forming one sacred deposit
of the word of God entrusted to the

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Assessment: Let’s check your understanding.
How can you prove that Jesus Christ is the fullness of
God’s Revelation?

5 points 3 points 2 points

Content Organization of thoughts Persuasiveness
Congratulations! You are through with Session 1. Now you can identify the different paradoxical characteristics of
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Session 2
Learning Target
By the end of the session,
you will be able to say

I can understand the

 Revelation likewise challenges us
avenues of Divine
to interpret the events in our
Revelation. lives in the light of the life-
changing Gospel of Jesus, that
Pre-Assessment: Conclusion we might know and obey God’s
REVELATION IS BOTH A GIFT AND A will and thus become tangible
TASK. signs of God’s loving presence.

 Revelation is God’s free, undeserved

act of love by which he enables us
to have knowledge of him and of the
salvation that he offers.

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Assessment Proper: Essay Post- Assessment
How can we be a revelation of God to
others? List down the most important thing
_________________________________ you learn from this module.
_________________________________ ____________________________
_________________________________ ____________________________
_________________________________ ____________________________
_________________________________ ____________________________
_________________________________ ____________________________
_________________________________ ____________________________
_________________________________ ____________________________

5 points 2 points
3 Persuasiveness
Content points
Organization of thoughts

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Great job!
for accomplishing
Module! Have a
blessed day!

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In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Closing Prayer:
Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it
was in the beginning is now and will be forever, Amen. 


Kimrey Pintor,Theology I, St. Catherine’s College, 2017.

Personal notes from San Carlos Seminary College.
Catechism of the Catholic Church

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