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Reseach Methodology

3.Types of Research

Scientific research could be categorized into different types
depending on the perspective of classification.
Research could be classified according to its:

-Discipline : the field to which the research belongs

-Objective: the overall purpose/goal of the research work
-Mode of inquiry: the method employed by the researcher to
collect/analyse data
-Applicability: the use of the results that are obtained from the
Main Types of Research

Discipline: every field of knowledge has its own needs, specific

methods and results
• Research in Natural Sciences
• Research in Social Sciences
• Research in Humanities
Applicability of Results:
• Applied:
Its findings are applicable. It offers concrete solutions and it is
based on experiment/ field experience
• Fundamental (Pure):
Its results are intended to formulate theories, procedures or abstract
methodologies. It is based reasoning
Mode of Inquiry
. Quantitative: based on testing and measuring variables with numbers
or figures (statistical)
. Qualitative: involves looking in-depth at non-numerical data.
. Mixed : integrates both quantitative and qualitative procedures
. Conceptual : uses concepts, theories and abstract ideas to study a
. Empirical :uses experiment and concrete action to study a phenomenon
. Descriptive : reports or describes a situation, problem or
. Analytical: analyzes and makes critical/correlational evaluation of
. Explanatory : clarifies why and how a phenomenon happens.
. Exploratory : investigates an unexplored area of research

1. Sometimes the same research could fit under different classifications.

For instance, pure research (fundamental) research is the same as
conceptual research, yet one classification focuses on the results whereas
the other focuses on the method employed.
In other words, it is the same object under different labels so that should
not confuse you.

2. Classification does NOT mean an order of importance.

For instance, though explanatory research seems more important than
descriptive research, in some cases a descriptive study could be regarded
as a great acheivement ( for example, scientists have been studying the
properties, functions and effects of Black Holes but they could never
describe its exact apparence. So, when the EHT produced the 1st real
image of a black hole in 2019 that was considered a great event in the
scientific community)

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