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Operating and Managing

Hitachi Content
Platform v8.x

Search Activities

© Hitachi Vantara LLC 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Module Objectives

 When you complete this module, you should be able to:

• Give an overview of the search capabilities and how a customer would use
• Explain the Metadata Query Engine (MQE) Search Facility
• Enable:
 MQE indexing
 MQE Search Console
• Create tenant MQE Search User
• Locate and display specific objects and its properties using MQE Search

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What is it?

• Search engine for system and custom metadata

• Built into all Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) systems
• No license required
• Indexing performed by HCP

What it is not?
• A full-featured search engine for content

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Metadata Query Engine (MQE): Benefits

 Identify sets of related objects based on system and custom metadata

• Management example: Set litigation hold on all objects owned by John Smith
in email namespaces
• Application example: Give user Debbi read access to all John’s pictures in
the Cloud

 Can be fully customized using Content Classes

© Hitachi Vantara LLC 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Metadata Query Engine: Details

 Built-in: No additional hardware or software required

• Designed to scale with the cluster
• Can optionally be enabled any time per Tenant or Namespace

 Query via API, Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) MQE Search Console or
MQE Tool

 Conforms to HCP data access authorization security

© Hitachi Vantara LLC 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Metadata Query Engine: Qualifications

 Only valid XML in custom metadata is indexed

 MQE does not index or search object content data (only metadata)

 1MB per object of custom metadata is indexed

 Capacity consumed by index counts toward HCP licensed capacity

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Active Learning Exercise: Follow the Manual

To get detailed information on the Custom Annotations or customer XML metadata,

refer to the Supported Limits section of the HCP Tenant Management Help

© Hitachi Vantara LLC 2020. All Rights Reserved.

MQE Search

MQE Search Criteria  Can define multiple

• content classes
• content properties

 Appear in search GUI for the tenants they

are defined on

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MQE Content Classes

 Content classes serve as a blueprint for bringing structure to

unstructured content

 Classes consist of a set of user-defined content properties

• Each property provides the ability to extract a specific metadata field from
objects (for example, any custom metadata XML tag), index it efficiently
under a user-defined name with strong typing, and make it queryable

 Content classes group and organize a set of content properties into

named categories

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MQE Content Classes

 Configuration of class

 MQE criteria is fully


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Active Learning Exercise: Raise Your Hands If
You Know It!
What is a Content Class, and what is it used for?

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Enable HCP MQE Search Facility

1. Log into the System Management Console and select Services 


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Enable HCP MQE Search Facility

2. Click on MQE in the Search Facility Settings panel.


3. Check Enable indexing and click Update MQE Settings.

3 © Hitachi Vantara LLC 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Enable Search in Namespace

 Enable: Click icon to add picture

• Search
• Indexing
• indexing of customer
metadata (optionally

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Launch MQE GUI

For example: https://legal.hcap1.hcap1.local:8888

Log in using the tenant-level

user account credentials:
username: search
password: hds123

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Structured Query: Size Metadata

The same object was found in

the Arbitration and Litigation

Let’s narrow the search – See

next slide

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Narrow the Structured Search

1. Click the plus sign (+) to the right of the third box indicating the object size (14009749)
to add another query field.

2. Select Namespace in the left panel and Litigation (Legal) in the right panel and click
the Query button.

See next slide for output of search results

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Narrowed Search Results

To perform a Control Operation (like delete), open the object or save it to a target

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MQE Tool

 MQE tool is MS Windows based

Application that connects to
HCP using Search API

 OpenSource @ Sourceforge


 Not officially supported

9 © Hitachi Vantara LLC 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Module Recap

 MQE can be set to index System Metadata, Custom Metadata, or both

 Metadata search can be customized using Content Classes

 Only valid XML may be indexed

• This may be tested on ingestion

 The MQE is accessed like the TMC but at port 8888

 The MQE tool is available in public domain

• Although it is not supported by Hitachi Vantara

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Questions and

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Module Review

1. Which interfaces are available for metadata search?

2. How many MQE consoles are there?

3. How do you configure a namespace for search?

4. Should MQE be installed in HCP?

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Search With Metadata Query Engine

3 © Hitachi Vantara LLC 2020. All Rights Reserved.

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