1 - Project Selection I - V22

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Corporate Finance

Fifth Edition, Global Edition

Chapter 8

Capital Budgeting and Investment

Projects’ selection I

I. Fundamentals of “Capital Budgeting”

Estimating Free Cash Flow and Net Present Value (NPV)
Analyzing the Project: Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis
Project-Based Cost of Capital
I. Fundamentals of“Capital Budgeting”
Estimating Free Cash Flows and NPV

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

8.1 Forecasting Earnings

Capital Budget
 Lists the investments that a company plans to undertake

Capital Budgeting
 Process used to analyze alternate investments and decide which ones to

Incremental Earnings
 The amount by which the firm’s earnings are expected to change as a result of
the investment decision

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Valuation of Investment Projects
The Key Variables

 The distinctive features of an investment project :

- it calls for a significant initial investment (-I0);
- It is expected to generate uncertain cash flows over a given time span

Initial Expected future cash flows

Financial valuation methods

Calculating the NPV

The NPV of an investment project is equal to the present

value of all expected cash flows, net of the initial investment I0


t0 t1 t2 t3 tn

 The NPV depends on the project’s initial investment, on expected cash flows and on
the cost of capital r (the TRIAD of an investment project)
Revenue and Cost Estimates

Linksys has completed a $300,000 feasibility study to assess the
attractiveness of a new product, HomeNet. The project has an estimated
life of four years.
Revenue Estimates
 Sales = 100,000 units/year
 Per Unit Price = $260

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Revenue and Cost Estimates (Cont'd)

Cost Estimates
 Up-Front R&D = $15,000,000
• (5KK Design&Engineering + 10KK software Development)
 Up-Front New Equipment (CAPEX) = $7,500,000
• Expected life of the new equipment is 5 years; Housed in existing lab
 Annual Overhead = $2,800,000
 Per Unit (production) Cost = $110

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Incremental Earnings Forecast

Table 8.1 Spreadsheet HomeNet’s Incremental Earnings


Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

The $7.5 million in new equipment is a cash expense, but it is not directly
listed as an expense when calculating earnings. Instead, the firm deducts a
fraction of the cost of these items each year as depreciation.
Straight Line Depreciation
• The asset’s cost is divided equally over its life.
Annual Depreciation = $7.5 million ÷ 5 years = $1.5 million/year

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Interest Expense

In capital budgeting decisions, interest expense is typically not included. The

rationale is that the project should be judged on its own, not on how it will
be financed.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection


Marginal Corporate Tax Rate

• The tax rate on the marginal or incremental dollar of pre-tax income. Note: A
negative tax is equal to a tax credit.

Income Tax  EBIT  c

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Taxes (Cont'd)

Unlevered Net Income Calculation

Unlevered Net Income  EBIT  (1  c )

 (Revenues  Costs  Depreciation)  (1   c )

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 8.1

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 8.1 (Cont'd)

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Indirect Effects on Incremental Earnings

Opportunity Cost
 The value a resource could have provided in its best alternative use
 In the HomeNet project example, space will be required for the investment.
Even though the equipment will be housed in an existing lab, the
opportunity cost of not using the space in an alternative way (e.g.,
renting it out) must be considered.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 8.2

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 8.2 (cont'd)

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Indirect Effects on Incremental
Earnings (Cont'd)

Project Externalities
 Indirect effects of the project that may affect the profits of other business
activities of the firm. Cannibalization is when sales of a new product
displaces sales of an existing product.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Indirect Effects on Incremental
Earnings (Cont'd)

Project Externalities
 In the HomeNet project example, 25% of sales come from customers
who would have purchased an existing Linksys wireless router if
HomeNet were not available. Because this reduction in sales of the
existing wireless router is a consequence of the decision to develop
HomeNet, we must include it when calculating HomeNet’s incremental

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Indirect Effects on Incremental
Earnings (Cont'd)

Table 8.2 Spreadsheet HomeNet’s Incremental Earnings

Forecast Including Cannibalization and Lost Rent

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Sunk Costs and Incremental Earnings

Sunk costs are costs that have been or will be paid regardless of the decision
whether or not the investment is undertaken.
 Sunk costs should not be included in the incremental earnings analysis.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Sunk Costs and Incremental
Earnings (Cont'd)

Fixed Overhead Expenses

 Typically overhead costs are fixed and not incremental to the project and
should not be included in the calculation of incremental earnings.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Sunk Costs and Incremental
Earnings (Cont'd)

Past Research and Development Expenditures

 Money that has already been spent on R&D is a sunk cost and
therefore irrelevant. The decision to continue or abandon a project
should be based only on the incremental costs and benefits of
the product going forward.

Example: The company has already conducted a feasibility study, which

costs $300,000  Not to be included

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Sunk Costs and Incremental
Earnings (Cont'd)

Unavoidable Competitive Effects

 When developing a new product, firms may be concerned about the

cannibalization of existing products.
 However, if sales are likely to decline in any case as a result of new
products introduced by competitors, then these lost sales should be
considered a sunk cost (not to be included).

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Real-World Complexities

 sales will change from year to year.
 the average selling price will vary over time.
 the average cost per unit will change over time.
The next 2 slides will show how to account for these effects

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 8.3

 New Sales Volumes t1/t4

 New Sales Prices t1/t4
 New Sales t1/t4

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 8.3 (cont'd)

25% * 125000= 31250

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection
8.2 Determining Free Cash Flow and NPV

Free cash flow (Definition)

The incremental effect of a project on a firm’s available cash.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Calculating the Free Cash Flow from Earnings (Cont'd)

Table 8.3 Spreadsheet Calculation of HomeNet’s Free Cash Flow (Including

Cannibalization and Lost Rent). From “Unlevered Net Income” to “Free Cash

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

How to compute the «Operational Cash Flow»
From NOPAT to Operational Cash Flow

Sales Revenue
- Cost of goods sold (COGS)
- Other operational costs
- Depreciation
- Taxes (EBIT * Tc)
= Unlevered Net Income or NOPAT
+ Depreciation
+/- Changes in Net Working Capital (NWC)
(-/+)Investments/Disinvestments in fixed capital (CAPEX)
Operational Cash flow (OCF) of YEAR t

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Further Adjustments to Free Cash Flow (Cont'd)

Terminal or Continuation Value

• This amount represents the market value of the free cash flow from the
project at all future dates.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 8.7
Continuation Valuet4 = FCFt5/r-g

Constant-Growth Perpetuity

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 8.7 (Cont'd)

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Further Adjustments to Free Cash Flow (Cont'd)

Tax Carryforwards/Carrybacks
• Tax loss carryforwards and carrybacks allow corporations to take
(current) losses during its current year and offset them against gains in
nearby years.
• In the USA
o firms can offset losses at t0 against income for the last 2 yrs
(getting a tax credit at t0); OR
o Save losses at t0 against income of the next 20 yrs (no taxes will be
paid in the future until the carryforwards are exhausted).

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 8.8

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 8.8 (Cont'd)

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Calculating the Free Cash Flow From Earnings

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

 Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) are the actual cash outflows when an asset
is purchased. These cash outflows are included in calculating free cash
 Depreciation is a non-cash expense. The free cash flow estimate is
adjusted for this non-cash expense (D is added back).

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Calculating the Free Cash Flow from Earnings (Cont'd)

Net Working Capital (NWC)

 Most projects will require an investment in net working capital.

• Trade credit is the difference between receivables and payables.
 The increase in net working capital is defined as:

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Calculating the Free Cash Flow from Earnings (Cont'd)

Table 8.4 Spreadsheet HomeNet’s Net Working Capital Requirements

COGS Cost of Goods Sold

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Calculating Free Cash Flow Directly

Free Cash Flow

Free Cash Flow  (Revenues  Costs)  (1  c )  CapEx  NWC

 c  Depreciation

• The term tc × Depreciation is called the depreciation tax shield.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Calculating the NPV

NPV   16,500  4554  5740  5125  4576  1532

 5027

Table 8.5 Spreadsheet Computing HomeNet’s NPV (WACC = 12%)

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Applying the NPV Rule to Select Projects

 A practical rule :

If NPV > 0 accept the project

If NPV < 0 reject the project

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Analyzing the project
Sensitivity Analysis

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

8.5 Analyzing the Project

Break-Even Analysis
• The break-even level of an input is the level that causes the NPV of the
investment to equal zero.
• HomeNet IRR Calculation

Table 8.7 Spreadsheet HomeNet IRR Calculation

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

8.5 Analyzing the Project (Cont'd)

Break-Even Analysis
 Break-Even Levels for HomeNet (that drive EBIT down to
Table 8.8 Break-Even Levels for HomeNet

 EBIT Break-Even of Sales

• Level of sales where EBIT equals zero

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity Analysis shows how the NPV varies with a change in one of the
assumptions, holding the other assumptions constant.

“Point Estimates” vs “Confidence Interval Estimates”(Range of variation of a

given parameter)

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Sensitivity Analysis (Cont'd)

Table 8.9 Best- and Worst-Case Parameter Assumptions for HomeNet

Impact on the project’s NPV? See following slide

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Figure 8.1 Homenet’s NPV Under Best and Worst-case
Parameter Assumptions
Break-even levels for each variable

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 8.9

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 8.9 (cont'd)

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Scenario Analysis

Scenario Analysis considers the effect on the NPV of simultaneously

changing multiple assumptions.

Table 8.10 Scenario Analysis of Alternative Pricing Strategies (Price/Units Sold)

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Figure 8.2 Price and Volume Combinations
for Homenet with Equivalent NPV

Scenario Analysis

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Alternative Example 8.9

• Assume NRG originally forecasted its marketing and support costs at
$500,000 per year during years 1 – 3. Suppose the marking and support
costs could be as low as $200,000 or as high as $900,000 per year. How
would these changes impact the NPV of the proposed energy drink project?
Recall, NRG pays a 39% tax rate on its pre-tax income. Assume their cost
of capital is 9%.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Alternative Example 8.9 (Cont’d)

• We can answer the question by computing the NPV of the resulting free
cash flow, given the change in marketing and support costs.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Alternative Example 8.9 (Cont’d)

• A $300,000 decrease in marketing and support costs will increase NRG’s
EBIT by $300,000 and will, therefore increase NRG’s free cash flow by an
after-tax amount of:$300,000 x ( 1 – 0.39) = $183,000
• The present value of this increase is:

$183,000 $183,000 $183,000

PV=  2
 3
 $463, 227
1.09 1.09 1.09

• thus, the NPV of the project would rise by $463,227.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Alternative Example 8.9 (Cont’d)

• A $400,000 increase in marketing and support costs will decrease NRG’s
EBIT by $400,000 and will, therefore decrease NRG’s free cash flow by an
after-tax amount of:
$400,000 x ( 1 – 0.39) = $244,000
• The present value of this decrease is:

-$244,000 -$244,000 -$244,000

PV=  2
 3
 $617, 636
1.09 1.09 1.09

thus, the NPV of the project would fall by $617,636.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

NPV and Shareholder Value
 Example: Io = -1
PVo= 3
NPV= 2 Delta Equity


Delta NPV=2
PVo=3 Equity
Value Created for
Equity=10 Shareholders =
Equity=10 A+PVo-E = PVo-Io=NPV

Asset=9 Asset=9

NPV is the increase in Equity

created by the project (value
for Shareholders)

A=10 E=10 A=12 E=12

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection II

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Project-Based Cost of Capital

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

18.5 Project-based Costs Of Capital

In the real world, a specific project may have different market risk than the
average project for the firm.
In addition, different projects may vary in the amount of leverage they will

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Estimating the Unlevered Cost of Capital

Suppose Avco launches a new plastics manufacturing division that faces

different market risks than its main packaging business.
 The unlevered cost of capital for the plastics division can be estimated
by (using “comparables”) looking at other single-division plastics
firms that have similar business risks.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Estimating the Unlevered Cost of Capital (cont'd)

Assume two firms are comparable to the plastics division and have
the following characteristics:

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Estimating the Unlevered Cost of Capital (cont'd)

Assuming that both firms maintain a target leverage ratio, the unlevered
cost of capital for each competitor (rU) can be estimated by calculating their
pretax WACC.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Estimating the Unlevered Cost of Capital (cont'd)

Based on these comparable firms, we estimate an unlevered cost of capital for

the plastics division is approximately 9.5%.
With this rate in hand we can now use the APV approach (Compute the
project’s VU and then add PV of ITS).
To use WACC or FTE methods we need to estimate the project’s equity cost
of capital, which depends on the incremental debt the company will take on as a
result of the project.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Project Leverage and the Equity Cost Of Capital

A project’s equity cost of capital may differ from the firm’s equity cost of
capital if the project uses a target leverage ratio that is different than the
firm’s. The project’s equity cost of capital can be calculated as:

rE  rU  ( rU  rD )

“Re(De)levering” of rE

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Project Leverage and the Equity Cost of Capital (Cont’d)

The division’s WACC can now be estimated to be:

rWACC  0,50  13,0%  0,50  6,0%  (1  0,40)  8,3%

An alternative method for calculating the division’s WACC is:

rwacc  rU  d c rD

rwacc  9,5%  0,50  0,40  6%  8,3%

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Project Leverage and the Equity Cost of Capital (Cont’d)

Now assume that Avco plans to maintain an equal mix of debt and equity
financing as it expands into plastics manufacturing, and it expects its
borrowing cost to be 6%.
 Given the unlevered cost of capital estimate of 9.5%, the plastics division’s
equity cost of capital is estimated to be:

rE  9.5%  (9.5%  6%)  13.0%

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 18.5

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 18.5 (Cont'd)

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Determining the Incremental Leverage of a Project

To determine the equity or weighted average cost of capital for a project,

the incremental financing that results if the firm takes on the project needs to
be calculated.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Determining the Incremental Leverage of a Project (Cont'd)

In other words, what is the change in the firm’s total debt (net of cash) with
the project versus without the project.

• Note: The incremental financing of a project need not correspond to the

financing that is directly tied to the project.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Determining the Incremental Leverage of a Project (Cont'd)

The following important concepts should be considered when determining a

project’s incremental financing.
 Cash Is Negative Debt
 A Fixed Payout Policy Implies 100% Debt Financing
 Optimal Leverage Depends on Project and Firm Characteristics
 Safe Cash Flows Can Be 100% Debt Financed

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 18.6

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Example 18.6 (cont'd)

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection
Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection
Alternative Example 18.6

 F5 Networks (FFIV) ended their fiscal year 2012 with approximately
$532 million in cash and securities and no debt. Consider a project with
an unlevered cost of capital of rU = 18%. Suppose F5 Networks’ payout
policy is completely fixed during the life of this project, so that the free cash
flow from the project will affect only F5 Networks’ cash balance.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Alternative Example 18.6 (Cont’d)

 If F5 Networks earns 1.1% interest on its cash holdings and pays a 36%
corporate tax rate, what cost of capital should F5 Networks use to
evaluate the project?

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Alternative Example 18.6 (Cont’d)

 Because the inflows and outflows of the project change F5 Networks’ cash
balance, the project’s debt-to-value ratio is 100%; that is, d = 1. The
appropriate cost of capital for the project is
rwacc = rU - τcrD = 18% - 36% * 1.1% = 17.6%
• Note that the project is effectively 100% debt financed, because even
though F5 Networks itself had no debt, if the cash had not been used to
finance the project, F5 Networks would have had to pay taxes on the
interest the cash earned.

Capital Budgeting and Investment Projects’ Selection

Thank you for your kind attention

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