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Python Web framework

Django – Introduction

Django is a web application framework written in Python

programming language. It is based on MVT (Model View
Template) design pattern. It takes less time to build application
after collecting client requirement. This framework uses a
famous tag line: The web framework for perfectionists with
Starting a Project
Starting a Project
• Choose a python interpreter
• Make sure you have your interpreter Python 3.7.4 or higher

Note: While choosing interpreter use relevant idea as discussed in class

Django Installation
• Open terminal
• Type following command to install Django

pip install django==3.0.2

• if this version is not supported try lower version

Start a Django Project
• To start a Django project use following command

django-admin startproject project_name .

• . Refers to parent directory and avoid folder repetition (but if you

forget to put ( .)a space and dot after project name it doesn’t affect in
any other way)
Start a Django Project
• Following files can be seen after creating a Django project
• refers a python package
• and are useful while
deploying a website to a live domain
• refers setting file
• helps in URL mapping
• is used to perform many
actions like run server, migration,
create super user etc.
Identify your projects modules
• Identify the different modules as per requirements of a web
• To create a Django module use following command

django-admin startapp module_name

For Example: products, bookings, services, appointments

Prepare your modules
• After creating a module you can see a folder containing following files
• refers a python package
• is used to assign the module to
admin panel
• refers to module configuration file
• is used to deal with database
• is used for testing
• refers to deal with presentation layer
Prepare your modules
• Better to make a python file for managing current module
Right click to module folder
Go to “New”
Go to “Python File”
Name the file “urls” (don’t avoid convention)
Run the server
• Use following command to run server
python runserver
• You will be able see a server URL as seen below:
Run the server
• Use the address in web browser
• You should be able to view a Django (automatic built home page of a)
website for the first time. However it may disappear after starting
some URL mapping
URL Mapping
• Decide URL for your project according to modules
• For example
• In this example BASE_URL is and our module is
products so we will map first two URLs i.e.
URL Mapping Contd.
• You should be able to view in Django project folder as:

• Make following change to define URLs start with BASE_URL/products/

URL Mapping Contd.
• Now in inside the products module:

• So, we have defined two URLs

URL Mapping Contd.
• As we can see response of two URLs are returned by the function
show_products and show_new in

• Define these two functions in file of the current module

URL Mapping Contd.
• Render in used to return a html page on HttpRequest
• As you can see two different pages are returned for two different
URL Mapping Contd.

Where to add html files??

Where to add locally linked files for html pages

like CSS, JS or images??
URL Mapping Contd.
• Make a folder/directory named “templates” to add html pages
• Make a folder/directory named “static” to add locally linked files
• Make both folders/directories in your root
(project) folder
{ otherwise you will have to define their
path differently than in this slide }
• As you can see you can manage different
types of files by making different folders in
URL Mapping Contd.
• Add path for “templates” and “static” in Django project “”
file as shown below:
URL Mapping Contd.
• Add any linked files in static folder and to load static links use the
following format :
MySQL Client Installation
• Open terminal one more time and use the given command to install
MySQL client
pip install mysqlclient
• If this doesn’t work get mysqlclient wheel file
You can get the file in this link ) & place it in root
directory and use the following command
pip install mysqlclient-1.4.6-cp38-cp38-win32.whl
MySQL Client Installation
• If it still doesn’t work just run the following command
python -m pip install pymysql

• Add the following codes in “” of Django project

Database Connection
• Create a database in MySQL for example “myproject”

• Add the following codes in “” of Django project (as

discussed in class)
• To migrate default tables for admin panel provided by Django, run the
python migrate
• You will be able to see various tables in your database
• To create table according to your module go to “” in
respective module and define attributes for columns of database
• Go to “” in the list of installed apps add the configuration
file of your module
• Do accordingly for

all your modules

• Use this command to make a file ready for migration
python makemigrations
• Once again run following command to create
table in database
python migrate
• You will be able see a new table named as
<modulename_modelclass> ( in this example
“products_product ”)
Admin Panel
• Default admin panel provided by Django can be accessed in URL
“BASE_URL/admin” i.e. “”
• To create a super user run this command:
python createsuperuser
• With username and password you will be
able to login in this admin panel
Admin Panel
• Django administrative panel
Admin Panel
• To add your module in Django administrative panel
• Go to “” of the relevant module and add following code:

Refresh your admin panel in browser to see the change

Admin Panel
Add this class to “” to make administrative panel looks clear:
Fetching Data
• Pass object to view and retrieve.
Example for products:
User Registration & Login
Add two html pages with registration and login form in templates folder
& define a module (“allusers”) and required URL mapping
User Registration & Login
User Registration & Login
User Registration & Login
• Add proper URL mapping for registration & login pages. Example:
(new module name is “allusers”)
New module’s “”
Main project’s “”

New module’s “”

User Registration & Login
• In “” we can get the form data & proceed them further (for
registration) on post request like:

These should match

exactly as name
attribute of the
form elements
User Registration & Login
• Similarly, for login:

Redirecting to
dashboard, do
according to your
URL mapping
A new module for logged in users
• Try a similar process to create any module and perform CRUD

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