The Evolution of Media

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The Evolution of Media

Media forms and technology
that come with them have
evolved dramatically over the
years. This display of ingenuity
is a testament of how media
has been ingrained every
human being’s sensibility.
Media Form Traditional New




Paperback Novel    



Online Video Games    

Web Video Portals    

Online Telephone and Messaging Capability  

“The medium is
the message”
• First father and leading prophet of
the electronic age
• “high priest of pop-culture”
• Proponent of the Media Theory on
technological determinism
•Explained that society adapts to
Marshall advances in technology, thus
changing cultural, political and even
historical aspects of that society
“Hot” Media “Cold” Media
•Forms requiring little involvement •With high-level user interactivity
from the audience •The experience is more involved
•The experience cannot be
“touched” and thus the experience
is relatively passive and static
• Marshall McLuhan, who is famous for

the phrase “the medium is the message,”
the proponent of the media theory on
technological determinism, believed

that society is driven by changes in
media and communication technology.
McLuhan (2007) explained that

Mantra society adapts to advances in

technology, thus, changing cultural,
political, and even historical aspects of
that society.
McLuhan’s Media Map of
• The three most significant inventions in
community would be the phonetic alphabet
according to McLuhan (1962), the printing
press, and the telegraph where each of them
linked one period to another. As mentioned
earlier, recent forms of media carry the
features of the older media.
Four Main
Periods of
• Tribal Age.
• Literacy Age
• Print Age
• Electronic Age
Tribal Age

Hearing was the most valuable

sense of reception

Highly acoustic

Everyone hears at the same

time making listening to
someone in a group a unifying
act, deepening the feeling
Literacy Age
Sense of sight is dominant

Highly visual

The period where the alphabet

was invented

Hearing no longer becomes

trustworthy; seeing was believing
Print Age
• The period where
the printing press
was invented
• Libraries and other
repositories are built
to accommodate
humans and their
Electronic Age

• McLuhan’s “global
village” came to life
• The telegraph was
• The age of sound and
tactile sense of reception
• This ability to
communicate instantly
returned to the tradition
of sound and touch rather
than sight.
New Age
The onset of the 21st century marked
a breakthrough in communication in
which the information became widely
available through improved and more
internet connectivity backed with
advanced technological hardware
such as mobile devices. These two
other eras are not covered in
McLuhan’s periodization.

1. Information Age
2. Infrastructure Age
Information Age

New era of media Digital or new media age Everything relied heavily
experience in the 21st in the use of computers
century to run major industries

formed by capitalizing microminiaturization

on computer advanc es
Infrastructure Age

Digital technology and internet became


More involvement in the cyberspace

the infrastructure age is about where we

expect computers to live

physical space has been irrevocably

transformed by cyberspace
Traditional vs. New Media
Traditional New Media
•One-directional •The experience is more
•The media experience is The audience can send feedback
Sense receptors are very •Integrates all aspects of
specific traditional media
Four Main Categories Of
New Media
Interactive play

Information search Collective

media participatory media
Interpersonal Communication
Interactive Play Media
Information Search Media
Collective Participatory Media
Functions and Communications of
Inform citizens of what is happening around
Educate the audience as to the meaning
and significance of the “facts”
Provide a platform for public political discourse,
facilitating the formation of the “public
Give publicity to governmental and political institutions
Serve as a channel for the advocacy of
political viewpoints
Four Theories of the Press
• All forms of communications are under the control of the
governing elite, authorities, or influential bureaucrats.
• Controlling the media is necessary to protect and prevent the
people from national threats through any for of
• The government has all the rights to restricts/censor any
sensitive issue from press to main peace and security in the
Soviet Media
The government undertakes or controls the total media and communication
to serve working classes and their interests

Government media provides positive thoughts to create a strong socialized

society as well as providing information, education, entertainment,
motivation, and mobilization.

The public is encouraged to give feedback which would be able to create

interests toward the media.

Liberalism means information is knowledge and

knowledge is power.

Libertarianism is free from any authority or any control

or censorship and is an idea of individualism and
limited government which is not harmful to another.
Social Responsibility

Social responsibility should be reached by self control, not

government intervention.

Media has obligations to society, and media ownership is a

public trust.

Media should follow agreed codes of ethics and

professional conduct.
Performance Task
Learning Competency: (U) Explain how the evolution of media from traditional to new media shaped the values and norms of
people and society.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: Using any application that you are most competent with, make a timeline of your exposure to traditional
and new media

SITUATION: You are assigned by your teacher to introduce traditional and new media to your fellow grade 12 students.
GOAL: Your goal is to draft a timeline of your exposure to traditional and new media on a bond paper. For online modality learners, create and
present that timeline through a PowerPoint presentation. For each item of media, make sure to include a picture or image, year, short description, and
a personal insight. Consider the rubric below as your guide in the development of your timeline.
ROLE: class presenter

PRODUCT: Timeline Exposure to Traditional Media

AUDIENCE: Grade 12 students and MIL Teacher
STANDARDS: Your timeline will be evaluated based on the following:
1. Completeness of the timeline for both traditional and new
2. Content of the timeline covered the relevant details of your
exposure to traditional and new media;
3. The graphics aptly illustrate the concepts and ideas presented
in the timeline;
4. Mechanics – Correct spelling and punctuation, appropriate
choice of words well organized/sequenced details in the
Submit your work

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