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3/1/2021 1
Group Members:
1913041 - Manaswini Peram
1913056 - Rudrani Sinare
1913057- Harshal Soman

Theme Chosen :
Healthcare, Machine Learning + Data Science

3/1/2021 2
Topics Explored:
A. Detection of Heart Disease
To increase the accuracy of diagnosing in the Heart disease Machine Learning Techniques are frequently
used. Dataset considered from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
B. Analysis of diabetic Diseases
To increase the accuracy of scrutiny of diabetic diseases various machine learning techniques are used.
Dataset considered from the UCI Machine Learning Repository
C. Machine Learning in Disclosure of Breast cancer
It is one of the top cancers that occurs in a woman and it is the second main leading cause for women in
the United States and in Asia countries. Some machine learning algorithms are used to predict breast
cancer. The data considered from WISCONSIN dataset UCI machine learning repository.
D. Diagnosis of Thyroid Disorder
To predict thyroid diseases machine learning techniques are used. Classification algorithms that support
vector machines and Decision trees are used and dataset considered from UCI repository.
E.Covid Detection using cough audio
Audio dataset available on Kaggle consisting of voice notes of people with and without covid. The app uses
machine learning to learn the differences and detect the disease efficiently.

3/1/2021 3
F. NLP to identify Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms in patients with
schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or bipolar disorder/(Sentiment Analysis)
Datasets available on kaggle or can attain dataset by web scraping twitter or any social media
websites. This app will help find symptoms of the respective disorder and help treat patients in the
early stage of the disorder itself.

G. Detection of Cardiograms
Dataset of ECGs used to read and understand the anomalies in them and declare heart condition.

H. Time-series forecasting of Covid-19 cases and mortality rate

The objective is to identify the nature of the pandemic and forecast its progression. The datasets are
also available.

3/1/2021 4
Broad Themes in ML:
1. Prediction : to analyze history of data and predict the disease
e.g: from a patient’s family history and current medical state predict
if they could have a disease(probability)
2. Detection: to detect disease from scans/X-rays

3/1/2021 5
Topic Chosen:
Covid-19 Detection by Cough audio using Machine
Learning Techniques
Dataset consists of audios divided in various categories like breathing-deep, breathing-
shallow, cough-heavy, cough-shallow, counting-fast, counting-normal, vowel-a, vowel-e,
Target variables- 0 for non-Covid
1 for Covid
Imp. Features- Health ailments
Simple dataset consisting of audios with labels infected, healthy and symptomatic.

3/1/2021 6
Basic Literature Survey:
Dataset-2 open source databases Coswara and Virufy.
Basic Algorithm - Sound Extraction(Basically preprocessing),Sound
Feature Extraction,Cough Detection, Cough Classification,COVID-
19 Diagnosis.
Accuracy of RNN model-0.8125

3/1/2021 7
Problem Statement
Detection of Covid-19 using audio signals of voice, cough and breathing
patterns using Machine Learning Techniques.

3/1/2021 8

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