Amity School of Engineering and Technology: B.Tech (ECE), VI Data Communication Network (TELE 301)

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Amity School of Engineering and Technology

Amity School of
Engineering and Technology

B.Tech(ECE), VI
Data Communication Network (TELE 301)

Amity School of Engineering and Technology

Module III: Data Link Layer  

Amity School of Engineering and Technology

CSMA/CD (Collision Detection)

 CSMA (all previous methods) has an inefficiency:
 If a collision has occurred, the channel is unstable until colliding packets have

been fully transmitted

 CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision

Detection) overcomes this as follows:

 While transmitting, the sender is listening to medium for collisions.

 Sender stops transmission if collision has occurred reducing channel wastage .

CSMA/CD is Widely used for bus topology LANs (IEEE 802.3, Ethernet).
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of its own
signal, it means collision occurred
CSMA/CD Protocol
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• Use one of the CSMA persistence algorithm

(non-persistent, 1-persistent, p-persistent) for
• If a collision is detected by a station during its transmission then it should do the
– Abort transmission and
– Transmit a jam signal (48 bit) to notify other stations of collision so that
they will discard the transmitted frame also to make sure that the collision
signal will stay until detected by the furthest station
– After sending the jam signal, backoff (wait) for a random amount of time,
– Transmit the frame again
CSMA/CDAmity School of Engineering and Technology
• Question: How long does it take to detect a collision?
• Answer: In the worst case, twice the maximum propagation delay of the medium

Note: a = maximum propagation delay

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 Restrictions of CSMA / CD:
 Packet transmission time should be at least as long as the time needed to
detect a collision (2 * maximum propagation delay + jam sequence
transmission time)
 Otherwise, CSMA/CD does not have an advantage over CSMA
Performance of Random Access Protocols
Amity School of Engineering and Technology

• Simple and easy to implement

• Decentralized (no central device that can fail and bring down the entire system)
• In low-traffic, packet transfer has low-delay
• However, limited throughput and in heavier traffic, packet delay has no limit.
• In some cases, a station may never have a chance to transfer its packet. (unfair protocol)
• A node that has frames to be transmitted can transmit continuously at the full rate of channel
(R) if it is the only node with frames
• If (M) nodes want to transmit, many collisions can occur and the rate for each node will not be
on average R/M
Amity School of Engineering and Technology
Controlled Access or Scheduling

• Provides in order access to shared medium so that every station has chance to
transfer (fair protocol)

• Eliminates collision completely

• Three methods for controlled access:
– Reservation
– Polling
– Token Passing
Token-Passing network
Amity School of Engineering and Technology

Station Interface is in two states:

 Listen state: Listen to the arriving bits and check the destination address to
see if it is its own address. If yes the frame is copied to the station otherwise it
is passed through the output port to the next station.
 Transmit state: station captures a special frame called free token and
transmits its frames. Sending station is responsible for reinserting the free
token into the ring medium and for removing the transmitted frame from the
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•This data frame proceeds around the ring, being regenerated by each

•Each intermediate station examines the destination address, finds that

the frame is address to another station and relays it to its neighbour.

•The intended recipient recognizes its own address, copies the message,
checks for errors and changes four bits in the last byte of the frame to
indicate address recognized and frame copied.

•The full packet then continues around the ring until it returns to the
station that sent it
Token-passing procedure
Amity School of Engineering and Technology
Amity School of Engineering and Technology

Question: An ALOHA network uses 19.2 kbps channel for sending

message packets of 100 bit long size. Calculate the maximum throughput
for pure ALOHA network?

Amity School of Engineering and Technology

The rate of transmission = 19200 bits
Frame length = 100 bits

Number of frames per second = Rae of transmission / Frame Length

= 19200/100 = 192 frames/ sec

The maximum throughput for a pure ALOHA system is 0.184.

Therefore, Throughput = 0.184 x Number of frames / sec
= 0.184 x 192 = 32.328 frames/ sec

Amity School of Engineering and Technology

Question: Given building a CSMA/CD network running at 1Gbps over

1 kilometre cable with no repeaters. The signal speed in the cable is
2,00,000 kilometre/second, what is the main minimum frame size?

Amity School of Engineering and Technology

Bit Rate R = 1x 109 Bit/ sec, No repeaters used
Length L = 1 Km = 1 X 103 m
Speed v = 2,00,000 km/sec = 2 x 108m/s
Now, we have to find minimum frame size.
(i) Let the frame for a signal to propagate between two farthest
station be τ. The contention interval is such that width of each
slot is 2 τ
(ii) On a 1 kilometre long cable, τ = 5 µ sec, so, 2 τ= 10 µ sec.
(iii) To make CSMA/CD work, it must be ensured that minimum
frame size must be equal to 2 τ = 10 ms.
Amity School of Engineering and Technology

We have R= 1x 109 Bit/ sec

Therefore , we have 1 sec = 1x 109 Bit/ sec
Or 10 x 10-6 sec = ?
Or 1/ (10 x 10-6 ) = 1x 1010 / x
x 1x 109 x 10 x 10-6 = 10 x 103 = 10,000bits.
Therefore minimum frame size = 10,000bits or 1250 bytes.

Amity School of Engineering and Technology

• Foruzan B. 2005, Data Communication Networking TMH.
Tata McGraw Hill

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