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Environmental stress

cracking resistance
Prepared by
Sivaprakash. S
of Polymer
college of
2 Introduction

🠶 Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance is one

of the most common cause of unexpected brittle
failure of thermoplastic (especially amorphous)
polymers known at present.
🠶 ESC may account for around 15 - 30% of all
plastic component failures in service.
3 Predicting Environmental Stress
Cracking Resistance
🠶 The rate of esc is dependent on many factors
including the polymer`s chemical makeup,
bonding, crystalinity, surface roughness,
molecular weight, residual stress.
🠶 It also depends on the liquid reagent`s
chemical nature and concentration, the
temperature of the system and the strain
4 Environmental Stress Cracking
Resistance Testing Machine
5 Top View of ESCR
6 ESCR sample holder and test

After clamping

7 Procedure

🠶 The sample of 1.5 X 4 cm is taken.

🠶 The sample is clamped in the sample holder. (ten samples
per holder)
🠶 Then it is placed into the boiling tube.
🠶 The tube is filled with detergent solution.
🠶 Then it is closed with cork.
🠶 Then it is placed in the instrument.
🠶 The temperature is turned on.
🠶 The test is carried out for half an hour.
🠶 Then the samples are taken out.
8 What to do after the test?

🠶 The samples are carefully taken out.

🠶 The samples are examined for cracks on the
🠶 The results are given by defects per 10
9 Significance

🠶 The test is carried out to know about the

withstanding of the material to the contact of
the environment.
🠶 This test tells about the character of the
sample to the environment.

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