Pallavas Art and Architecture

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Pallavas Art and Architecture

 Pallavas were the pioneer in the field of rock-cut temple

 Pallavas monuments are mostly found at Kanchipuram,
Mahabalipuram, Siththannavasal near Puthukottai.
 Mandagapattu Inscription mentioned about the Pallavas
built temples without using bricks, timber, metal and
 They constructed several mandapas and monolithic
 Monolithic temples are known as Rathas.
 Most of the monolithic temple constructed during the
period of Mahendravarman I
 Patronised the learning of art and Temple building in
both Cave temples and structural temple including
monolithic rathas.
 Divided into to broad divisions of architectural style
1. rock cut temple
2. structural temple
 further divided into two Excavated pillared hall and
Monolithic shrines.
 Monolithic shrines called as Rathas
 Rathas were commonly known as 'pagodas'
Different style of architecture followed by the Pallava rulers.
1. Mahendra Style (610-640) - Mahendravarman I
2. Mamalla Style (640 - 690) - Narashimhavarman I
3. Rajashimha Style (700-900) - Rajashiman
4. Aparajita Style (800-900)- Aparajitavarman
According to K.A. Nilakanda Sastri
'the Pallava architecture and sculpture constitute a most
brilliant chapter in the history of South India".
Mahendra Style
 Mahendravarman I discovered new kind of
architeture methods
 he laid basic foundation for the Mahabalipuram.
 he followed new technique that 'excavating stone
temple out of solid rocks'.
 he was the first person who started the traditio of
rock-cut temple without using bricks, timber and
 Mahendra style of architecture mostly found in
Tondaimandalam or in and around the
 Pillard mandapas was the special feature of the
Mahendra Style.
 Rock-Cut Temple at Vallam, Thanjavur dist
 Mandagapattu, Villupuram dist
 Mahendravadi, Vellore dist
 Mamandur, Kanchipuram dist.
 he constructed a new town which known as
Mahendramangalam near Kanchipuram.
 Due to his intrest and contribution of art and
architecture he was known as 'Vichitrachitta'.

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