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Manufacturing Systems / Methods

Manufacturing Systems / Methods

 The combination of operations and

activities required to create goods and
services is known as manufacturing
system or manufacturing method.
Factors Influencing Choice of
Manufacturing System
 Volume / Quantity

 Capacity of the plant

 Variety of products

 Lead time

 Efficiency

 Environment
Classification of Manufacturing System

 Project Production

 Jobbing Production

 Batch Production

 Mass and Flow Production

 Process Production
Project Production
 Project production is characterized by
complex sets of activities that must be
performed in a particular order within
the given period and within the
estimated expenditure.
 For example ships, locomotive, aircraft,
construction of dams, roads, buildings,
shopping malls etc.
Characteristics of Project Production

 Definite beginning and definite end

 Non uniform requirement of resources
 Involvement of different agencies
 Fixed position layout
 High cost overruns
 Personnel problems
 Scheduling and control
Jobbing Production
 Jobbing production is characterized by the
manufacture of one or few numbers of a
single product designed and manufactured
strictly to customer’s specifications, within
the given period and within the price fixed
prior to the contract.
 For example manufacturers of cranes,
furnaces, generators, pressure vessels,
boilers, hydraulic machines, JCB machines,
heat exchanger, turbines etc.
Characteristics of Jobbing Production
 Small production runs
 Discontinuous flow of materials
 Disproportionate manufacturing cycle time
 General purpose machines and process layout
 Highly skilled labour
 Highly competent and knowledgeable supervision
 Large WIP
 Limited functions of production, planning and
Batch Production
 Batch production is characterized by the
manufacture of a limited number of a
product (but many such quantities of
different products) produced at regular
intervals and stocked in warehouses as
finished goods (or finished parts) awaiting
sales (or withdrawal for assembly).
 For example industries such as
pharmaceuticals, paints, chemicals, switch
gears, heavy motor vehicles etc.
Characteristics of Batch Production
 Short production runs
 Skilled labour in specific trade
 Supervisor to possess knowledge of a
specific process
 Limited span of control
 General purpose machines and process
type of layout
Characteristics of Batch Production
 Less materials handling
 Manufacturing cycle time affected
due to queues
 Large WIP
 Flexibility of production schedules
 Need to have production, planning
and control
Mass and Flow Production

 Mass as well as Flow Production are

characterized by the manufacture of
several number of standard products
produced and stocked in the
warehouses as finished goods
awaiting sales.
Mass Production
 The goods under mass production are
manufactured either through a single
operation or a series of operations on
one machine.
 For example plastic goods, metals and
ceramics products, hardware etc.
Flow Production
 Goods under flow production are
manufactured by a series of operations on
different machines, arranged as per
sequence of operations.

 For example automobiles, refrigerators,

radios, TV, electric fans, domestic
appliances etc.
Characteristics of Mass and Flow Production

 Continuous flow of material

 Special purpose machines and product type
 Mechanized material handling
 Low skilled labour
 Short manufacturing cycle time
 Easy supervision
 Limited WIP
 Lesser flexibility in production schedules
Process Production

 Process production is characterized by

the manufacture of a single product
produced and stocked in the
warehouses awaiting sales.
 For example sugar, steel, cement,
paper, coal, refineries etc.
Characteristics of Process Production
 Special purpose machines
 Highly mechanized material handling
 Virtually zero manufacturing cycle time
 Low skilled labour
 Supervisor to be process specialist
 Negligible work in progress
 Limited production planning and control
Mass &
Factors Project Jobbing Batch Process


Cycle time


Control &

Mass &
Factors Project Jobbing Batch Process

Quantity Single Few Limited Many Infinite

Manu. Virtually
Longest Longer Considerable Short
Cycle time zero

Highest Higher Considerable Negligible Nil

Control & technical Negligibl
Supervisio & Limited Less e
n knowledg

Highest Higher Considerable Negligible Nil
Any Questions?
Thank You…
Prepared by: Dr. K. M. Rahman
Associate Professor
Sinhgad Institute of Management,
Vadgaon, Pune

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