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21st Century Literacies:

Bringing Together
Creativity and Literacy in
the New Normal
Here starts the
Contents of This Lesson
Creative Literacy
Benefits of Creative Literacy
A Cross-curriculum approach
Inclusivity and SEN
Why creativity is just as important as literacy
How do kids develop creativity?
How can they stay creative?
7 exercises to nurture the foundations of creativity
Creativity Creative Literacy
- is characterized by originality and - Bringing creativity and
expressiveness, so it can mean literacy together can be a powerful tool
making something or it can be in teaching. It allows children to be
something new and innovative. Sir active in literacy, from acting out plays
through characters that they’ve made
Ken Robinson has said that
themselves or through making props. It
“Creativity is about working in a allows children to explore their
highly focused way on ideas and imaginations. Getting involved in a
projects, crafting them into their story re-enforces the learning and can
best forms and making critical also teach practical skills, for example,
judgements along the way.” working with templates or basic sewing.
Benefits of creative literacy

-  It encourages greater
pupil engagement, brings a subject to life
therefore capturing pupils interest, and
improves knowledge retention. 
- It can also improve oral
and listening skills, encourage team
building, and can be made practical,
suiting those who may struggle with some
traditional methods of teaching, eg,
children who are dyslexic. 
- It can also encourage reluctant readers, build confidence, and help
teach practical skills.
- It encourages pupils to think creatively. They were more open to
new ideas and challenges. It gave them a greater ownership over
their learning, they became more interested in discovering things
for themselves and were more able to solve problems, so they
became more effective learners (Foghlam Alba).
-  It aided sustained learning as the children made strong connections
between reading, writing and their work in creative arts. It
enhanced their oral language skills, and a workshop atmosphere
promoted concentration and confidence and deepened their
understanding so they could reflect on their learning. It also
encouraged the children to work as a team (Kimberley Stafford
and Myra Barrs).
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Advocates of Creative Literacy
Pie Corbett
Ken Robinson

- an educationalist and author

known for his books on teaching creative
- In an interview, he said writing. 
students were different and you needed - He also advocates that if you
something to engage the whole class. use things such as puppets, role-play and
He went on to say: “If they are engaged acting out stories, it brings stories to life and
they will learn.” makes them more
- He believes drama also helps
children generate their own story ideas.
A cross-curricular
●  So where does creative
literacy fit into the curriculum? Well, in a
variety of areas. Research carried out for the
CLPE showed that the role of texts brought
together reading, writing, crafting and bodily
enactment in a holistic way that addressed
curriculum demands. Creative literacy
resources can also be used to teach
geography, history or PSHE. All of these can
be brought vividly to life through a creative
literacy approach to learning.
SEN Know
Special Education Needs – is used to
describe learning difficulties or
disabilities that make it harder for "Inclusivity and SEN" does not
children to learn than most children of the simply mean the placement of
same age. students with disabilities in
Children may have difficulties
general education classes. It
in one or more areas. Here are means that all students are
some examples: welcomed – regardless of gender,
ethnicity, socio-economic
 Thinking, understanding and learning background or educational need.
 Emotional and behavioral difficulties They learn, contribute to, and
 Speech, language and communication take part in all aspects of
 Physical or sensory difficulties
school .
Why Creativity Is Just As
Important As Literacy ● Creativity — is the ability
to both imagine original ideas or
solutions to problems and actually do
what needs to be done to make them
happen. It's a critical skill, not only for
artists or musicians, but also for kids
as a way of thinking about—and being
in—the world.

● Creativity is also the

means by which humans of all ages
make an impact on the world and other
people around them.
by Meghan Fitzgerald
According to the World Economic
Forum’s Future of Jobs Report Education expert Sir Ken
complex problem solving, Robinson
critical thinking and
creativity are the three "Creativity is as important now in
most important skills a education as literacy, and we should
child will need to thrive. treat it with the same status.” 
How do kids develop creativity?

-It gives them freedom of self-

● Creativity is the freest expression.
form of self-expression. There is nothing more
satisfying and fulfilling for children than to be -Child's creativity sends deep message
able to express themselves openly and without
about their mental state
judgment. The ability to be creative, to create
something from personal feelings and
experiences, can reflect and nurture children's
-Promotes mental growth of one's child
emotional health. The experiences children have
during their first years of life can significantly -Improves one's uniqueness
enhance the development of their creativity.
How to develop creativity in
classrooms? 6.)Help students know when it’s appropriate to
be creative.
7.)Use creative instructional strategies, models,
● Creativity requires a and methods as much as possible in a variety of
safe environment in which to play, exercise domains.
autonomy, and take risks. As teachers, it’s up 8.)Channel the creativity impulses in
to us to establish this kind of supportive “misbehavior.” 
classroom.  9.)Protect and support your students’ intrinsic
motivation. Intrinsic motivation fuels creativity. 
1.)Create a compassionate, accepting 10.)Make it clear to students that creativity
environment. requires effort. 
2.)Be present with students’ ideas. 11.)Explicitly discuss creativity myths and
3.)Encourage autonomy. stereotypes with your students.
4.)Re-word assignments to promote creative 12.)Experiment with activities where students
thinking. can practice creative thinking.
5.)Give students direct feedback on their
How can they stay creative?
How can you develop the creativity 9 Ways to Support Your Child's
in your child at home? Creativity
Below, three experts share how
1. Creativity begins in the mind parents can encourage their kids’
2. Inside them 1.Designate a space for creating. 
3. Give examples 2. Keep it simple.
4. Let them at it 3. Allow for “free time.”
4. Help your kids activate their
5. Location can make a difference senses. 
6. Showtime! 5.Discuss creativity.
7. Feedback 6. Cultivate creative critical
8. Proper tools 7.Avoid managing. 
9. Encourage them to go further 8.Help kids pursue their passions. 
10. What do they want to do? 9.Take the time for your own

"Creativity is more than a product — it's a process."

7 exercises to nurture the
foundations of creativity
1. Give kids purposeful play experiences
- Allow kids to play with things that have something to do with their
progress. In providing starting point it should be wise and
constructively chosen.
2. A mindset a week
Always know what is the progress of the child week by week, be
more observant in this area so that you can provide the best tool
for them in exploring more or new things.
3. Encourage (or even just allow) kids to make messes
Allowing children to do whatever is literally not good, but in this way
we allow children to explore by themselves. Being messy
sometimes could also be a way for a child to understand new
things like mixing colors using clays and muds, in this way the
child is thinking outside from the box and will soon be the best
asset in dealing with life.
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4. Cheer when kids take things apart
In this area destruction takes part. This is crucial yet needs to be
Guided in any form. Always remind the child that in doing this matter
there are always limitations.
5. Remember, every object has infinite uses to the creative mind
Creative minds will always have an idea on every object they see. But
the best thing to avoid misleading is to say “be careful”.
6. Model creative thinking yourself
Always share what you have in learning creativity or somehow play
alongside the kids to help them boost their creativity through the use
of objects.
7. Join Tinkergarten at Home!
Our curriculum is designed to help kids strengthen their natural
creativity for the long haul. Each week, parents and kids will learn
about how to preserve creativity through play and, in whatever way is
possible for your family right now, they’ll connect to nature and one
another as they do!
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Litera and
Group 8
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