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OMP Demand planning process health check


Total responses: 22

Typical time spent: 7m:47s

Collection period: 13.1.2020. – 17.02.2020.

Q1: How do you grade the Demand Planning process before and after the OMP tool?
Answered: 22 Skipped: 0

- Better visibility, easier to compare, more user friendly for inputting data
- Numbers are entered manually into the cells. My suggestion is to do a new session of training to refresh the potential of this tool
- Better visibility, accessibility, more user-friendly interface
- Efficient to use - less time consuming
- The main plus that you can see the history of each ends type for any customer, on the other hand it takes more time to check and correct all the data
- Tool is better arranged, better layout. Little errors not corrected since months, time to enter FC reduced to only one day for SM, FC after initialization not usable (inaccurate), tool has too many
functions which are not needed
- More logical and correct tool
- All data in one place, new functionalities, overview of different versions

- Takes the same amount of time and we don't get LL issued earlier
- For me there is no change. I set the sales forecasts and that's all. Maybe in the next part of the chain is where they can give a better feedback
- Does not provide me any benefit to me
- 45cl is not forecastable for KAs.
- Tool cannot provide FC - FCs have to be amended
Q2: What are the biggest changes in the process you see versus before ?

Answered: 22 Skipped: 0

- OMP forecast
- Availability of AOP and previous forecast in the same page. Ends forecast easier (it is not necessary to do copy paste for each customer)
- More structured way of forecasting
- Process more lean and precise
- Better visibility, relevant info available and faster input
- New system, software
- Better visibility, accessibility, more user-friendly interface. Forecast accuracy tracking. More hierarchy levels. Visibility of R&O and commentary
- Process
- Control of the input supported by the tool. Reports to see and measure the accuracy
- Option to insert SM figures in just couple of seconds and have better overview of any conflicts SM vs CF figures and data
- That we have a system to work with, and no Excel files
- In my opinion the biggest change in the process is the tool give the user information based on the past and other statistical data, but the most times this doesn't help to get a better forecast.
Concerning the ends, I think the tool improves the previous process doing it quicker
- Right codes, right responsibilities
- Cycle opened before 1st of the month

- No huge changes
- The issue that I see is that we can't do reporting and the hierarchy is not yet the best for some customers
- Now we need more time to set the forecast, lock and unlock customers or sizes is crabby. Before it was not a nice system but this one is not user friendly as well
- Not big changes. Just the way to update numbers in the new system
- Somewhat confusing hierarchy when it comes data entry on sold-to or ship-to levels. If data is entered on one level, it is often not seen on another
- In the previous version you have to add the total volume of each type of end, using OMP tool you have to add each type of end for each ship to separately
Q3: How do you grade your level of knowledge on the system?
Answered: 22 Skipped: 0
Q4: How satisfied are you with the level of cooperation and support given to you  on using the system since after the go-live
Answered: 22 Skipped: 0
Q5: Do you track and manage your market’s forecast accuracy result?
Answered: 22 Skipped: 0

- We don’t have functional tool that is measuring fcs accuracy

- We (CF) can’t change sales figures - we can only let them know we are not ok
- Not sure I can do this
- Not enough data from the market
- Will be frequently in 2020
- The system is not so user - friendly to go in after and check what you have add on a certain SKU etc
- Lack of time and it is not required
Q6: To what extent do you use the forecast proposed to you by the system?
Answered: 22 Skipped: 0
Q7: Do you regularly give feed-back about your market data on factors influencing in-year forecasting to the Demand
planning Manager
Answered: 21 Skipped: 1
Q8: How important do you think is regular outlier adjustments in the system to the quality of the forecast proposed by the
statistical engine?

Answered: 22 Skipped: 0
Q9: How important do you think is regular supersession management to the quality of the forecast proposed by the statistical

Answered: 22 Skipped: 0
Q10: How do you find the monthly OMP meetings (calls)?
Answered: 22 Skipped: 0
Q11: What are the biggest benefits you see from using the new OMP system? What are the most useful functionalities?
Answered: 18 Skipped: 4

- Easier data input, visibility of previous fcst

- More info available on previous forecast and comparison with AOP. Good to have R&O in the same system. Quick the forecast for ends (just one button) from Sales profile perspective
- Visibility, user-friendly interface, having all related data (FC/R&O/Commentary) in one place
- Being more process structured. Also ability to see greater input AOP etc (pending the input of Customer's forecast, 12 weekly, Valorization etc)
- Playing with calculations and assumptions. Automatic match from cans vs ends to start the end planning on SKU level
- Overview of conflicts, info regarding previous consensus FC/ sales history, quick upload of SM figures
- The ends sales history & forecast proposal for some customers as they do not update their data on a regular bases
- That we have one system to work with
- The biggest benefit in my opinion is the end process
- The layout is prettier and a bit more user - friendly
- Right data
- All data in one place, dummies, CF vs SM conflict, cans to ends 1:1

- None
- I don't see much benefits from using the new OMP
- In theory OMP should improve the process and accuracy, but given non-forecastable 45cl, it's a very limited use for Russia
- None at the moment because I work according to the old system and overwrite the FC
- In general I do not see a big advantage of OMP yet
Q12: What do you need to be able to further utilize the OMP system?
Answered: 15 Skipped: 7

- More time for input! And reports by Customer availability

- Forecast accuracy visibility
- A dedicated training (session with reduced number of participants so it is better to interact)
- Training in downloading forecasts from the system. Improved reporting functionality
- Improve personal knowledge and take all the offered coaching with every cycle
- Quick training to review the several functionality
- Refreshment session
- Reports. I need to be able to take so many reports out and now it's only a one way (entry only) system. Has no sense not to be able to get bespoke reports if all information is already in
- Export of reports
- A proof that anyone can trust OMP numbers and line managers accept it
- People resource
- For OMP to have option to use QlikView fc data for ends that is already inserted in QlikView, so that we do not need to manually insert this FC in OMP. Additionally, to have easier access to report
in excel or some other format that shows all forecast per customer/SKU that we inserted in OMP.
- To remove all materials/sold tos/ship tos which are not used in current times
- It must be easier to access data that we have typed in, now I add the FC in OMP and later on in a month I check the flow model instead to see what sales are on a SKU. As the OMP is not user -
friendly to get in to access and see a data you have added
- Errors need to be solved quicker, more time to enter FC, more accurate FC given by the system
Process is more or less the same, but ends forecasting process is improved
and more efficient. Users have sufficient level of knowledge and are
satisfied with cooperation given after go live.

Users think that there are not many advantages (except better visibility and
more structured data) and are not aware of importance and impact of
outliers and supersessions. Monthly meetings are somewhat valuable.

In order to improve way of work, trust, FA and satisfaction, we should

organize refreshment sessions, forecastability study, reports
development/extraction and visibility/comparison of Calculated FA vs SM

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