Section A - Group 6-FHRH-GE

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Talent Machine
Ainab Zaidi - H21003
Akshat Bhatia - FH21001
Ananya Kundra - H21007
Ashray Sharma - H21012
Farheen Neyaz - H21017
Timeline & HR Practices

Coffin Reg Jones Immelt

Succeeded Edison Increased the development Through recessions,
Created a meritocracy of managers by strategic bubbles, and
within GE. planning. geopolitical risk ,
Became the foundation of Upgrade to Session C and Immelt had the task
GE the EMS reviews of remaking GE

Cordiner Welsh
Introduced the “Work Out”
Decentralized GE. initiative.
Increased the company’s employees meet for three days to
management efficiency. discuss how their individual area of
work could be made more efficient.
Problems - HR aspect
Recruitment Strict
Mechanisms: repercussions:
02 MBAs often hired after 03 Employees were not
Mckinsey, bain and wall given second chances
street. They had lost to learn from their
Vitality Curve: their initial zeal by this mistakes. Eg: Harvard
time as they were MBA case
01 Meritocracy
based culture,
exhausted/sick of the
rewarding top
20%, high attrition
of highly valued Ambitious goals: Lack of alignment:
70% 04 In the middle of
traumatized financial
05 Non-Americans generated
40% of the total revenue,
markets, they aimed at however less importance
10% annual growth was given to them leading
and 20% return on to low retention
Solutions - Recruitment
Was a more aggressive international approach needed at the moment?

1. 2. 3.
Adapting to the Tie up with leading Arrange MDPs in the US for
differences in business schools of students recruited
professional cultures and countries GE wants to internationally to give them a
practices in other expand in to be able to taste of the grandeur of the
countries. recruit some of the top company, its policies and the
talent available in the benefits of associating with it
country. in the long term.
Executive Bands
Were there other ways to respond to employee need for recognition and reward?

Benchmarking against levels and bands in other countries in

1. resonance with other firms, a more customizable hierarchical
structure in countries.

Begin "Employee of the Month" programs, which might not cost the
2. company financially but can prove to be a huge psychological boost.

Integrating employees and managers from countries like India to

3. work for short periods in comparatively more developed countries in
Europe and North America
1. 3.
Incorporating the concept of
More equitable distribution of
360 degree appraisals, BARS,
rewards and bonuses among
essay and psychological
the tiers.

Vitality Curve
Should recognition and
rewards be less sharply
focused on the
top 20 %?

2. 4.
Less focus on performance A formal framework to enhance
target and more attention on employee engagement in this 70
employee’s contribution to the percentile tier, training programs
workplace beyond work. specific to them and career
roadmaps and checkpoints.
Modified rank and yank (Amazon)

The vitality model (Rank and Yank) was
Modifying the vitality overhauled by Amazon too in 2016 and Continuous updation in
model currently in use at a new review system focusing on the Review model based
GE. teamwork came into picture. on employee response.

IV. V. VI.
Fostering teamwork by The initial model at GE was based on Focus on employee
introducing recognition by the employees promoting themselves strengths than
cooperation over and tearing down their peers to reach weaknesses.
competition. the top productivity level.
Broadening performance bands
Encouraging and
10% Greatly exceeds assuring the
employees on
flexibility in the band
such that the Misses
percentage can be
25% Exceeds shifted to 0% based
employee hard work
and efforts

50% Achieves (the largest pool) Vitality Model

Being used at
Yahoo, introduced
by CEO Marissa
10% Occasionally misses Mayer.

*Remaining 5% are the misses.

Mid level managers
Individual rewards for employees within each
Individual Recognition for standout employees even in
the mid and lower level of the organization.
Ensures innovation is not stifled while giving
scope to work with individual creativity.


Use strength of meritocracy, make employees

feel valued
Fine tuning with Motivation through interactive sessions and
employees activities , ensuring cohesive culture of the
organization is maintained irrespective of band
Develop a sense amongst the employees that
there is always a scope of improvement and
Thank You

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