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Theory and Practice Authentic


An Article Titled “A Brief

In TOKYO Magazine

I Made Dwi Kardiasa (2180111009)

A.A. Sagung Dewi Prabasari K (2180111032)
Table of Contents
1 3

2 DAY 4


 In this era of globalization, the progress especially
in the field of communication technology is
growing rapidly resulting in communication

between human beings in various parts of the world.
A lot of information from many countries also can
be accessed easily. The act of transferring
information such as knowledge, cultures, and any
other social activities are mostly done through
translation. In other words, translation plays a big
role in becoming the center of perspective in global

●According to Cambridge Dictionary, translation is the activity or process of changing the

words of one language into the words in another language that have the same meaning. Various
expert also defined translation in a variety of ways.

●According to Catford (1965:1), translation is an action that occurs in language,

particularly the process of replacing text from one language to another language text. Larson
(1984:3) defines translation as a change of form from the source language into the target
language where the message must be preserved.

●The translator's role is important since it can convey messages and information to
readers who only master in one language. Translator must take into account limitations such as
context, grammatical rules, writing conventions, idioms, culture and other things in both
• One kind of texts that can be translated into
another language is an authentic text. Authentic
text is anything written or recorded for any
purpose other than teaching or learning about

• It can be anything that varies from an article in a

magazine, an email that is written to you or even
an episode of an English language TV show.

• These texts, no matter who they were created by,

were not specifically intended to be teaching
material (Westphal, 2016).
 An appropriate methodology is important in
conducting research because it involves a

system of researching a specific subject.
This research is a descriptive qualitative
research. The approach involves collecting
the data, translating the data, and analyzing

●The source of data in this research was taken from an authentic text entitled “A Brief
History” in a travel magazine called TOKYO by DK Eyewitness. The method of collecting data
used is observation method and implemented by note-taking technique to collect the relevant
data. The authentic text which is in English as the source language will be translated into
Indonesian as the target language. The collected data then classified and analyzed based on
types of translation procedures. Informal method then applied in this research to present the
analyzed data using words, phrases and descriptive sentence instead of symbols, diagram or
tables. (Sudaryanto, 2015).
 Theory of translation procedures used in analyzing
the data is proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet (1995).

 Vinay and Darbelnet identify two general methods

consisting of seven procedures in translating source
language into target language.

 The two methods are direct method and indirect

method or oblique translation.
 Direct translation  borrowing, calque, and literal
 Oblique translation  transposition, modulation,
equivalence and adaptation.
 Vinay and Darbelnet (1995) named seven
procedures of translation that can be applied

by translators which are borrowing, claque,
literal translation, transposition, modulation,
equivalence and adaptation. The analysis of
the translation procedures can be seen in the
following discussion.
3.1 Borrowing
This procedure is applied by borrowing a word
or expression in the source language to overcome an
unknown concept in the culture of the target
language. Borrowing is applied to introduce the
flavor of the source language culture. The decision
to borrow source language word or expression to
introduce an element of source language is a matter
of style, but at the same time it may have significant
effects on the message contained. The application of
borrowing procedure is shown in the data below.
Data 3.1.1 – Page 54
• SL: Tokugawa became shogun in 1603, closing Japan to most foreign
trade and travel in 1633.

• TL: Tokugawa menjadi shogun pada tahun 1603, membatasi Jepang

dari sebagian besar perdagangan dan perjalanan luar negeri pada
tahun 1633.

Data 3.1.2 – Page 56

• SL: In December 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on America’s
Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawai.

• TL: Pada bulan Desember tahun 1941, Jepang melancarkan serangan

kejutan terhadap Armada Laut Amerika di Pearl Harbor, Hawai.
3.2 Calque
Calque is a special type of borrowing in which
the borrowed expression is literally translated into
the TL. This strategy is actually similar to strategy of
borrowing. The result can be categorized into two
types; the first one is lexical calque which respects
the syntactic structure of the TL while introducing a
new mode of expression. The second type of calque
is called structural calque which introduces a new
construction into the language. So, in other words the
translation of the calque is based on the meaning of
the word and its structure.
Data 3.2.1 – Page 55
• SL: Military general Tokugawa Ieyasu is transferred to the Kanto
region, establishing himself at Edo.

• TL: Jenderal militer Tokugawa Ieyasu dipindah ke wilayah Kanto, dan

menetap di Edo.

Data 3.2.2 – Page 57

• SL: With the ascent to the throne of Emperor Naruhito and the dawn of
the Reiwa era in 2019…

• TL: Dengan naiknya takhta Kaisar Naruhito dan awal munculnya era
Reiwa 2019…
3.3 Literal Translation
Literal or word-for-word translation is the
direct transfer of source language text into a
grammatically and idiomatically appropriate target
language text in which the translator’s task is limited
to observing the adherence to linguistic servitudes of
the target language. In principle, a literal translation
is a unique solution which is reversible and complete
in itself. The application of literal translation can be
seen in the following data.
Data 3.3.1 – Page 55
• SL: Emperor Meiji moved to Edo, which was renamed Tokyo and
became the capital of Japan.

• TL: Kaisar Meiji pindah ke Edo, yang berganti nama menjadi Tokyo
dan menjadi ibu kota Jepang.

Data 3.3.2 – Page 56

• SL: In December 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on America’s
Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

• TL: Pada bulan Desember 1941, Jepang mengerahkan serangan

kejutan terhadap Armada Angkatan Laut Amerika di Pearl Harbor,
3.4 Transposition
Transposition involves substituting one-word class with
another without changing the meaning of the message. This
translation strategy is carried out to change the grammatical
structure, change the position of adjectives or even change the
plural to singular with the aim of being adjusted or being matched
with the TL structure. Transposition is almost the same as
Calque's strategy. But the difference is, the Calque only translates
words and phrases. Meanwhile, transposition can change more
than just phrases, but start from grammatical structures, change
the position of adjectives or even change the plural form to
singular. The application of transposition is presented as follows.
Data 3.4.1 – Page 54
• SL: The Sakoku (closed country) policies begin.

• TL: Dimulainya kebijakan Sakoku (politik isolasi).

Data 3.4.2 – Page 56

• SL: Intended as a pre-emptive strike to prevent the United States
becoming involved in Japan’s military affairs in the Pacific…

• TL: Dengan maksud sebagai serangan pendahuluan untuk

menghindari AS terlibat dalam urusan agresi militer di Pasifik…
3.5 Modulation
Modulation is a variation of the form of the message,
obtained by a shift in the point of view. This change can be
justified when the close translation results in a grammatically
correct text, but it is considered unsuitable, unidiomatic or
awkward in the target language. The application of modulation
procedure is presented and discussed as follows.
Data 3.5.1 – Page 54
• SL: A warrior of the Edo clan builds a residence in a fishing village at
the mouth of the Sumida River.

• TL: Prajurit dari klan Edo membangun tempat tinggal di sebuah desa
nelayan di muara Sungai Sumida.

Data 3.5.2 – Page 56

• SL: The war drew to a close, and was followed by the Allied occupation
of Japan.

• TL: Perang kian dekat menuju akhir, dan menyusul saat Jepang
dikuasai oleh sekutu.
3.6 Equivalence
This procedure is applied by using an entirely different
structure with different meaning from that of source language text
so long as it is considered appropriate in the communicative
situation equivalent to that of the source language.
Data 3.6.1 – Page 54
• SL: The Sakoku (closed country) policies begin. Nearly all foreign
nationals are barred

• TL: Dimulainya kebijakan Sakoku (politik isolasi). Hampir semua

warga asing dilarang masuk.

Data 3.6.2 – Page 56

• SL: The stunning building erected to mark the event, and the
construction of the first shinkansen (bullet train)…

• TL: Peristiwa itu menandakan kemunculan berbagai gedung memukau,

dan pembuatan shinkansen (kereta kecepatan tinggi) pertama…
3.7 Adaptation
This procedure is adopted when the object or situation
referred to in the source language is unknown in the target
language culture. In such a case the translator has to create a new
expression for a new situation that can be considered equivalent.
Data 3.7.1 – Page 54
• SL: Kabuki, sumo, and ukiyo-e art begin to thrive in Edo culture.

• TL: Kabuki (seni teater tradisional Jepang), sumo dan seni ukiyo-e
(seni melukis tradisional Jepang) mulai terkenal dalam budaya Edo.

Data 3.7.2 – Page 57

• SL: With the ascent to the throne of Emperor Naruhito and the dawn of
the Reiwa era in 2019…

• TL: Dengan naik takhtanya Kaisar Naruhito dan awal mula era Reiwa
pada 2019 (era baru setelah Kaisar Akihito turun takhta/setelah 1 Mei
2019) …
Translator has a big responsibility as a mediator in transferring message
in one language into another language so that the message can be
conveyed well.

Messages contained in one language cannot just be translated literally

because it can limit the message to be conveyed. Cultural aspects also
need to be considered in the translation process in order to get a good
equivalent result.

Therefore, a translation procedure is needed to help the translator choose

the right word. The use of translating authentic text can help translators in
exploring translation process. An authentic text can be accepted if it is
translated using the right translation procedure to get a translation that is
understandable by the reader.
Larson, Mildred L. 1984. Meaning Based Translation, A
Guide to Cross-language Equivalence. Lanham:
University Press of America, Inc.

Catford, J.C. 1965. A linguistic theory of translation.

London: Oxford University Press.

Vinay, J.-P., & Darbelnet, J. 1995. Comparative

Stylistics of French and English A Methodology for
Translation. Philadelphia: John Benjamis Publishing

Sudaryanto. 2015. Metode dan Aneka Teknik Analisis

Bahasa. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma
University Press.

DK Eyewitness. 2020. Tokyo. United States: DK

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