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Manajemen Perubahan

Management 12th ed, Robbins, Stephen P. Chapter 1, 10 dan 11
What is an organization?
• Deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose. Your college or
university is an organization; so are fraternities and sororities, government departments,
churches, Facebook, and your neighborhood grocery store
• Pengaturan orang secara disengaja untuk mencapai beberapa tujuan tertentu. Perguruan
tinggi/universitas adalah sebuah organisasi; perkumpulan mahasiswa, Departemen
pemerintah, Gereja, Facebook, Toko kelontong.
• Characteristics of Organizations

Characteristics of Organizations Organization level manajemen

Organization as an Open System
Purposes of Organizing
• Divides work to be done into specific jobs and departments.
Menentukan pekerjaan pada bagian organisasi yang mengani secara spesifik
• Assigns tasks and responsibilities associated with individual jobs.
Memberikan tugas dan tanggung jawah kepada individu
• Coordinates diverse organizational tasks.
Mengkoordinasikan semua pekerjaan
• Clusters jobs into units.
Mengelompokan semua pekerjaan pada sebuah unit
• Establishes relationships among individuals, groups, and departments.
Menetapkan hubungan antar indivisu, kelompok dan Departemen
• Establishes formal lines of authority.
Menetapkan secara formal otoritas masing-masing jabatan
• Allocates and deploys organizational resources.
Mengalokasikan dan menjabarkan sumber daya organisai
Designing Organizational Structure
• Work specialization, dividing work activities into separate job tasks. Individual employees
“specialize” in doing part of an activity rather than the entire activity in order to increase
work output.
• Departmentalization, how jobs are grouped together is called.
• Chain of command, line of authority extending from upper organizational levels to lower
levels, which clarifies who reports to whom.
• Span of control, how many employees can a manager efficiently and effectively manage?
• Centralization and Decentralization, Centralization is the degree to which decision
making takes place at upper levels of the organization. Decentralization is the more that
lower-level employees provide input or actually make decisions
• Formalization, how standardized an organization’s jobs are and the extent to which
employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.
Chain of Command and Line Authority
Line authority entitles a manager to direct the work of an employee
Line Versus Staff Authority
Contrasting Spans of Control
Centralization and Decentralization
Mechanistic and Organic Structures
• Mechanistic organization (or bureaucracy), natural result of combining the six elements of structure: Work
specialization, Departmentalization, Chain of command, Span of control, Centralization and
Decentralization, Formalization.
• The organic organization, highly adaptive and flexible from the mechanistic organization. Rather than
having standardized jobs and regulations, the organic organization’s loose structure allows it to change
rapidly as required.
Contingency Factors Affecting Structural Choice
• Strategy and Structure, corporate strategy led to changes in an
organization’s structure that support the strategy.
• Size and Structure, Large organizations—typically considered to be those
with more than 2,000 employees—tend to have more specialization,
departmentalization, centralization, and rules and regulations than do small
• Technology and Structure, organization structure adapt their technology
depending on how routine their technology is for transforming inputs into
• Environmental Uncertainty and Structure, Some organizations face stable
and simple environments with little uncertainty; others face dynamic and
complex environments with a lot of uncertainty.
Traditional Organizational Designs
• Simple Structure, an organizational design with low departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority
centralized in a single person, and little formalization
• Strengths: Fast; flexible; inexpensive to maintain; clear accountability.
• Weaknesses: Not appropriate as organization grows; reliance on one person is risky.
• Functional Structure, organizational design that groups similar or related occupational specialties together
• Strengths: Cost-saving advantages from specialization (economies of scale, minimal duplication of
people and equipment); employees are grouped with others who have similar tasks.
• Weaknesses: Pursuit of functional goals can cause managers to lose sight of what’s best for the overall
organization; functional specialists become insulated and have little understanding of what other units
are doing.
• Divisional Structure, each division has limited autonomy, with a division manager who has authority over
his or her unit and is responsible for performance
• Strengths: Focuses on results—division managers are responsible for what happens to their products
and services.
• Weaknesses: Duplication of activities and resources increases costs and reduces efficiency.
Adaptive Organizational Design
To deal with the rapidly changing environment, increasing competition, the need for
collaboration, these conditions are encouraging the organizations need to be lean, flexible,
and innovative; that is, they need to be more organic. So managers are finding creative ways
to structure and organize work.
Untuk menghadapai perubahan lingkungan yang sangat cepat, peningkatan persaingan, kebutuhan
kolaborasi, kondisi tersebut mendorong organisasi harus ramping, fleksibel, dan inovatif; yaitu mereka
perlu lebih organik. Jadi, para manajer menemukan cara-cara kreatif untuk menyusun dan mengatur kerja.

Contemporary Organizational Designs

• Team Structure, the entire organization is made up of work teams that do the
organization’s work or project
• Matrix-Project Structure, different functional departments to work on projects being led by
a project manager.
• Boundaryless Structure, design organization structure is not defined,
Contemporary Organizational Designs
• Virtual organization typically consists of a small core of full-time employees and outside
specialists temporarily hired a lot of employees as needed to work on projects.
Organisasi virtual biasanya terdiri dari sedikit karyawan inti kecil karyawan penuh waktu
dan spesialis, kemudian mempekerjakan banyak karyawan sesuai kebutuhan, biasanya
untuk untuk mengerjakan proyek.
• Network organization (modular organization), collaborate with other companies in word
wide to do some work activities.
Organisasi jaringan, sebuah organisasi Perusahaann bekerja sama dengan perusahaan lain
secara luas untuk melakukan beberapa aktivitas kerja.
Organizing for Collaboration
• Internal Collaboration, Some of the more popular include:
• Cross-functional teams, form work team composed of individuals from various
functional specialties
• Task forces, form ad hoc committee
• Communities of practice, groups of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or a
passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise in that area by
interacting on an ongoing basis
• External Collaboration
• Open innovation, Today, many companies are trying open innovation, which is opening up the search
for new ideas beyond the organization’s boundaries and allowing innovations to easily transfer inward
and outward.
• Strategic partnerships, which are collaborative relationships between two or more organizations in
which they combine their resources and capabilities for some business purpose.
A Basic OB Model
A Basic OB Model
Diversity in
• Workforce diversity
• Discrimination
• Biographical characteristics
(age, gender, race, disability,
and length of service)
• Intellectual Abilities
• Physical Abilities
• How organizations manage
diversity effectively
Marriott International strives for consistency between employee
attitudes and behavior through its motto “Spirit to Serve.” CEO and
chairman J. W. Marriott, Jr., models the behavior of service by visiting
hotel employees throughout the year. “I want our associates to know that
there really is a guy named Marriott who cares about them,” he says. The
Attitudes and Job company honors employees
Satisfaction with job excellence awards for behavior that exemplifies an
attitude of service to customers and co-workers
• Attitudes are evaluative Marriott International berusaha keras untuk konsistensi dalam
statements—either favorable or
unfavorable—about objects,
sikap dan perilaku kepada karyawan, melalui nya moto "Semangat
people, or events. They reflect untuk Melayani".
how we feel about something.
When I say “I like my job,” I am
CEO dan ketua J. W. Marriott, rutin mengunjungi karyawan hotel.
expressing my attitude about “Saya ingin rekan-rekan kita tahu bahwa memang ada seorang pria
work. bernama Marriott yang peduli pada mereka, ”.
• The Components of an Attitude: Perusahaan menghormati karyawan dengan memberi penghargaan
cognitive component, affective
component, behavioral
keunggulan kerja untuk perilaku yang mencontohkan sikap
component pelayanan kepada pelanggan dan rekan kerja.
Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
• Attitudes are evaluative statements
—either favorable or unfavorable—
about objects, people, or events.
They reflect how we feel about
something. When I say “I like my
job,” I am expressing my attitude
about work.
• The Components of an Attitude:
cognitive component, affective
component, behavioral component
• Job satisfaction and show how we
can measure it.
Affect, Emotions, and Moods

Affect sebagai berbagai perasaan yang dialami

orang. Pengaruh bisa dialami dalam bentuk emosi
atau suasana hati.

• Penyebabnya hal umum dan tidak

jelas • Bertahan lebih lama dari
emosi (berjam-jam atau hari) • Lebih
umum (dua dimensi utama—
pengaruh positif dan pengaruh
negatif- yang terdiri dari beberapa
• Disebabkan oleh peristiwa tertentu • Durasinya sangat spesifik emosi) • Umumnya tidak
singkat (detik atau menit) • Spesifik dan banyak jumlahnya diindikasikan dengan jelas ekspresi •
(banyak emosi tertentu seperti kemarahan, ketakutan, Sifatnya kognitif
kesedihan, kebahagiaan, jijik, kejutan) • Biasanya disertai
dengan perbedaan ekspresi wajah • Berorientasi pada tindakan
• Personality is something that
we can without choice, which is
in nature (kepribadian)
• Identity is something that is
adopted from a nurture
• Identity is a creative form of British entrepreneur Richard Branson, chairman
personality of Virgin Group, is described as energetic, enthusiastic, charismatic, decisive,
ambitious, adaptable, courageous, and industrious. These traits helped
Branson build one of
the most recognized and respected global brands for products and services
in the areas of business travel, entertainment, and lifestyle.

Pengusaha Inggris Richard Branson, Manager Virgin Group, memiliki

kepribadian seorang yang energik, antusias, karismatik, tegas,
ambisius, mudah beradaptasi, berani, dan rajin. Kepribadian ini
membantu Branson membangun produk dan layanan di bidang
bisnis perjalanan, hiburan, dan gaya hidup.
• Values represent basic
convictions that “a specific
mode of conduct or end-state
of existence is personally or
socially preferable to an
opposite or converse mode of
conduct or end-state of
• Nilai mewakili keyakinan dasar
bahwa "cara perilaku tertentu
atau keadaan akhir keberadaan
secara pribadi atau sosial lebih
disukai daripada cara perilaku
yang lain."

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