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Try to explain the meaning of the words in bold

1. It is often said today that we live in a global village, not least because it is so easy to
communicate with anyone around the world.
2. Coca cola and MacDonald's are almost ubiquitous throughout the world.
3. Many people fear that our world is being run by the plutocrats who own most of the world’s
4. Travel television provides us with a window on the world.
5. Capitalism and competition force us to live in a dog eat dog world.
6. Many people follow global trends not for any practical reason but more as a way to jump on
the bandwagon.
IELTS speaking part III: Questions about Globalisation
1. What do you think about globalisation and its effect on businesses?
2. Will big multinational companies replace smaller companies?
3. Is globalisation good or bad for friendships? Why or why not?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation? Is it a good or a bad
B. In your opinion, which of the following have
happened in your country as a result of
Globalisation globalisation?
How does it affect your everyday life? 1. There is more immigration / emigration.
2. There is a greater tolerance of cultural and
religious diversity.
A. Which of the things below have you 3. People mix more with people of other races and
experienced personally? Describe what cultures.
happened and what you found interesting 4. Our way of life has changed considerably.
about the experience. 5. There is a clash of cultures within our society.
1. Visiting another country to go shopping, 6. We have become a multi-ethnic society.
for a sporting event, to visit a theme 7. Our culture has become very Americanised.
8. There’s more freedom and choice.
park, etc.
9. There are more multinational corporations and
2. Making online contact with someone fewer local businesses.
from another country. 10. Mass tourism from abroad has really changed
3. Using English as a lingua franca to some parts of the country.
communicate with other non-native 11. People eat more imported food rather than
speakers. local produce.
4. Working / studying with someone from 12. People have a higher standard of living.
another country. 13. There has been a ‘brain drain’ of talented
people going to work abroad.
5. Following an international celebrity on
14. Many of the goods we buy are made in
Twitter, etc. sweatshops in other parts of the world.
6. Participating in international conference 15. We are more vulnerable to global financial
calls, webinars, etc. crises.
16. People have become obsessed with global
VOCABULARY: 1. Try to categorise the words on the left into
Online contact the following categories (some fit into more
Lingua franca than one category):
International conference calls Culture / society
Immigration / emigration Travel
Cultural and religious diversity Food
Way of life Shopping
Clash of cultures Business / money
A multi-ethnic society
Americanised Communication / language
Multinational corporations
Mass tourism 2. Describe the difference between each pair of words /
Imported products phrases:
Local produce a) emigration, immigration
A higher standard of living b) Multinational, multi-ethnic
Brain drain c) Cultural diversity, a clash of cultures
Sweatshops d) A business, a corporation
Global financial crises e) Your standard of living, your way of life
Global brands
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation? For homework, write a short
essay detailing the advantages and disadvantages and say whether you think it is a good or a
bad thing overall.
Globalization is such a commonly used term in the twentieth century. It
simply means that the world has become integrated economically, socially,
politically and culturally through the advances of technology,
transportation and communication. It is undeniable that globalization has
resulted in both positive and negative effects which must be addressed
To begin with, globalization has contributed to the world’s economies in
many beneficial ways. The advances in science and technology have
allowed businesses to easily cross over territorial boundary lines.
Consequently, companies tend to become more productive and
competitive thereby raising the quality of goods, services and the world’s
living standard.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation? For homework, write a short
essay detailing the advantages and disadvantages and say whether you think it is a good or a
bad thing overall.
Secondly, several companies from the more developed countries have already
ventured to establish foreign operations or branches to take advantage of the low cost
of labor in the poorer countries. This kind of business activity will provide more influx
of cash or investment funds into the less developed countries.

However, one cannot deny the negative effects which have derived from globalization.
One crucial social aspect is the risk and danger of epidemic diseases which can easily
be spread as the transportation becomes easier and faster in today’s advanced society.
This is evidenced in the recent birds flu disease which has infected most Asian
countries over a short period of time.

As large corporations invest or take over many offshore businesses, a modern form of
colonization will also evolve which may pose certain power pressure on the local
governments of the less developed countries. Unemployment rates in the more
developed regions such as Europe may also escalate as corporations choose to
outsource to the cheaper work force from Asian countries.

In conclusion. I like to reiterate that globalization is inevitable and we must urge

individuals, companies and governments to use a more balanced approach by taking
the appropriate steps to deal with matters relating to the financial or economical gains
verses the social, political or ecological concerns of the world.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation? For homework, write a short
essay detailing the advantages and disadvantages and say whether you think it is a good or a
bad thing overall.
• Discussion Essays
Essay writing-Task 2 1. Discuss both views.
2. Discuss both Advantages
and Disadvantages
40 MINUTES for writing
3. Discuss Positive and
Negative development.

Only PEOPLE’S Opinions are

No personal (I think, in my
opinions) views are written.
• Opinion Essays
Essay writing-Task 2 1. Do you agree or disagree?
2. What is your opinion?
3. Is it positive or negative?
40 MINUTES for writing



No PEOPLE’S Views are

allowed. (Don’t say they think
that..; they believe that…)
• Discussion+ Opinion Essays
Essay writing-Task 2 1. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion.
2. Do the advantages
40 MINUTES for writing
than the disadvantages?

You should write BOTH –

Other people’s choice and
Your Option.
• Problem and Solution
Essay writing-Task 2 1. Cause and Solution
2. Cause and Effect
3. (RESULT) Effect and
40 MINUTES for writing
• Task response:
Criteria of Task 2
Assessment 1. Answer all the parts of
the topic;
Task response- 25%
Coherence and Cohesion- 25% 2. Answer all the parts of
Lexical Resources- 255
Grammatical range and accuracy-25%
the Question;
3. Give reasons and
examples if required in
the instruction;
4. Clear and well-
developed ideas;
5. Avoid off-topic.
• Coherence and Cohesion
Criteria of Task 2
Assessment 1. Coherence=macro
Task response- 25%
Coherence and Cohesion- 25% a. Paragraphs:
Lexical Resources- 255
Grammatical range and accuracy-25% Introduciton+Body
b. Accurate paragraph:
Body part 1: Topic
sentence+ supporting
• Coherence and Cohesion
Criteria of Task 2 1. Cohesion=micro connection:
a. Avoid repeated words: use
1. Task response- 25%
synonyms; change the
2. Coherence and Cohesion- 25% structure of the sentence;
3. Lexical Resources- 255
4. Grammatical range and accuracy-25% use word family (accurate,
accuracy, accurately)
b. Use Transition words
c. Substitution: by doing so,
d. Reference words:
It, this, which, that…
• Lexical Resources:- 25%
Criteria of Task 2
Assessment 1. Appropriate use of vocab;
2. Don’t use idioms;
1. Task response- 25%
2. Coherence and Cohesion- 25% 3. Care about the spelling;
3. Lexical Resources- 255
4. Grammatical range and accuracy-25%
4. Uncommon vocabulary:
e.g. Negative effect (6.0-6.5)
syn: detrimental effect;
dire consequences, baleful
effect, deleterious outcome;
• Grammatical Range and
Criteria of Task 2 Accuracy:
1. Range: Complexity of grammar
1. Task response- 25%
Passive voice
Coherence and Cohesion- 25%
Lexical Resources- 255
Cleft sentence
4. Grammatical range and accuracy-25% If conditionals
Different tense forms
Compare and Contrast
Not only.., but also..
Inversion sentences
2. Accuracy of grammar:
No mistake

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