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Vocational Educational Diploma Program General Foundation

Program A’Seeb Vocation College

Advantages and disadvantages

of online learning

Name: Luqman Salim Mohammed Al Harthy

Level: 4
Teacher: Ms. Julia
Table of Contents
Contents Slide No.
1 Table of contents 2
2 Introduction 3
3 Objective of assignment 4
4 Advantages of online learning 5-7
5 Disadvantages of online learning 8-10
6 Conclusion 11
7 Findings 12-15
8 What I have learned from this survey 16
9 recomendation 17
10 References 18

• Importance of online
• Positive side of online
• Negative side of online
Objective of assignment
• To show that online learning
is a new way to learn.
• To discus the quality of online
• To insight on the challenges
online learning face.
• To look on ways of improving
online learning.
1-good quality education
• Creative ways of learning
• Multi task during class.
• Unlimited access to
• Less physical paperwork.
• Less stress at home.
• Fast and easy switch between classes.
• Excludes transport coast.
• Limits unnecessary expenditure.
• Lowers education fees.
1-Long classes=tiresome
• Online classes can be boring.
• Getting sleepy during
2-internet connection issues
• Having poor connectivity effects learning
• Slow internet creates lag
Lack of communication
• Students may find difficulties
to communicate.
• Slower process's during
• Online learning offer a good
replacement for regular
• E- learning is relatively new
and needs improvement.
• Online learning is the best
short term solution for
emergencies .
Findings (survey Questionnaire)

S NO. Questions yes no

1. Is online learning a good education method? 85% 15%
2. Do you enjoy e-learning? 70% 30%
3. Can online classes replace institutional learning? 20% 80%
4. Is e-learning comfortable? 100% -
5. Have you spent money less during studying at home? 90% 10%
6. Can connection issues effect you're will to learn during online classes ? 85% 15%
7. Do you feel disconnected from you’re classmates and teacher in e-learning? 30% 70%
8. Do you get distracted during online classes by other distractions? 45% 55%
9. Dose e-learning still needs improvement? 95% 5%
10. Has online learning revolutionized education during the Covid-19 pandemic? 90% 10%
Findings (graph)
100% Q1 Is online learning a good education method?

90% Q2 Do you enjoy e-learning?

80% Q3 Can online classes replace institutional learning?

70% Q4 Is e-learning comfortable?

Q5 Have you spent less during studying at home?
Q6 Can connection issues effect you're will to learn?
Q7 Do you feel disconnected from you’re classmates
40% and teacher in e-learning?
30% Q8 Do you get distracted during online classes by
other distractions?
Q9 Dose e-learning still needs improvement?
Q Has online learning revolutionized education
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10
10 during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Findings (survey)
1. 85% of students think online learning is a good method of learning,
but, 15% of students disagree.
2. 70% of the students enjoy online learning, While on the other hand
30% of the students don’t.
3. Only 20% of student believe online learning can replace institutional
learning, On the other hand, 80% didn’t agree.
4. All the students in this survey believe online learning is comfortable.
5. 90% of student spent less money during studying at home, In
contrast,10% thought other wise.
6. 85% of students agreed that internet issue in can be stressful during
e-learning, But 15% said differently.
7. 30% of the students feel disconnected during online classes, But
70% didn’t agree.
8. 45% of students got distracted with other things during online
classes, While 55% didn’t think the same.
9. 95% of the students think online learning
method still needs improvement, On the other
hand , 5% don’t think so.

10. 90% ofsurvey takers think e-learning

revolutionized education during the covid-19
pandemic, While only 10% disagreed.
What I have Learned from my survey

• More about ways of learning

(online learning).
• New PowerPoint skills.
• Ask more questions during online classes.
• Try solving you're network problems for a more efficient learning
Communicate outside the virtual class to fell less disconnected .

• The internet
• My own point of view
Thanks for listening, I hope you learned
feel free to ask any questions!

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