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Q2 FY’15

A3 - FY15 JC Lab Strategic Priorities - Q2 Update
Activity Plan                                            

Strategy Initiative Objective Activities P.I.C Target Comments
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
III. Transform our sourcebaseII. Elevate our integrated offenseI. Accelerate pace and scale of manufacturing revolution.

Modernization & Simplify process

Support Minitab 16 program to deal Participate on training that cordinate by Nike Lab Q2 - Q4         Done on 11/11-11/12 at JJ
with better data analysis for Daily
Bonding Data and Correlation Study Practice and use statistic Softwear Soleh Q2 - Q4         On Trial

Bonding test Tuckboard with strobel using Faozi,        

Q1 Waiting final spec from Nike FB
hotmelt application (reach 2.5 kg/cm average). Evi        
IP to tuckboard using Hotmelt project Q2         Hold by CE due cosmetic issue

Support CE projects for simplify

process, by performing related Lab
tests and evaluation (Football
Faozi, Project hold by CE due trouble to
Unified Hotmelt for toe and heel lasting process Q1        
Evi machine

Product Excellent
Passed Lab audit ownership program Q4         Q1 = 97 & Q2 = 98
Lab Shared Manufacturing Programs team
PTRSS Approval - move stage 3 Soleh Q4         Still in stage2
Daily bonding review with related team
Faozi Q1-Q4         Continue - every day
Bonding excellent Shared daily bonding report up to top
Evi Q1-Q4         Continue - every day
Continue share alert bonding fail by SMS Faozi Q1-Q4         Continue - every day

Support the New Approach of Bond

Share to related JC team & implement Soleh Q1-Q4         Done 
Testing Calibration
Optimize material Vendors
Support Nike for expand Supplier
Lab Elevation Program to 3 Local Audit Lab Serim and report to Nike Lab - PU Foam Faozi,
Q3 - Q4         Planned on January'15
Chemical Suppliers, focused on Lab vendor Soleh
Vendor Lab test report review and feedback - Reviewed in Vendor Score Card
Soleh Q1 - Q4        
focused on discrepancy test meeting
Eliminate material DR - related Lab
Vendor Lab audit Faozi Q1 - Q4         Continue - 1 time/month

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