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Dork Diaries:

Tales from a NOT-SO-Perfect Pet Sitter

By: Rachel Renee Russell

Plot Description
This book is about a teenage girl,Nikki Maxwell, and how she hid 8 dogs from 2
parents, an entire middle school, and one mean girl out for revenge! The plot is
Nikki and her crush, Brandon Roberts, went to go help out at a pet adoption center
and found a dog and her puppies in a cardboard box. They went to let the dogs
stay at the pet adoption center, Fuzzy Friends, until they found out it was full, so
they had to help the dogs themselves. Nikki and Brandon made a plan, Nikki
would have the dogs one night, then her friends, Chloe and Zoey, would get them
two nights, and Brandon would swoop in and take the dogs to the shelter when it
wasn’t full three days later. But, one problem, Nikki’s parents don’t want the dog,
and Chloe can’t take them! So, they must find a way to keep the dogs without
ANYONE finding out.
The first main character is Nikki Maxwell, she is a teenage girl who attends middle
school. She is kind, artistic, and a COMPLETE dork! The next main character is
Brandon Roberts, he is a teenage boy who attends school with Nikki, and is the
school photographer. He is kind, caring, Nikki’s crush, and cute, in Nikki’s opinion!
The last main character is Mackenzie Hollister, she is also a teenage girl who
transferred schools to be as far away from Nikki as possible. She is the most
popular mean girl around, and is the BIGGEST ENEMY Brandon and Nikki have
EVER had!
Major Conflicts
The major conflict of the story is NIkki and Brandon want to let the dogs live at the
pet adoption center, but the place is full. So, like any 14 year olds would do, they
decide to take the dogs for three days until the shelter has any extra rooms for the
dogs. Nikki takes them for one day, Zoey and Chloe take them for two, and
Brandon takes them to the adoption center on the last day, Only problem, Nikki’s
parents don’t want dogs, and Chloe can’t have the dogs either! So, again, like any
14 year olds would do, they take the dogs anyway! Nikki attempts to hide them
from her parents, and when Chloe can’t take them, well off to school they go!
The resolution of the story, is when Nikki takes the dogs to her house, her parents
don’t find out! Also, when the girls take the dogs to school, no one notices!
(Somehow, no one notices) Finally, Brandon is able to take the dogs to the
adoption center where all off them get adopted, even Nikki gets one!
My Opinion
In my opinion, this is one of the best books of its series! Its funny, cringe worthy,
and it makes you root for the good guy. I would definitely recommend this to a
friend or colleague. This doesn’t remind me of any other books, but that’s what
makes it so unique!
THE END!!!!!


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