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Ferdinand Magellan

Magellan’s Life
 Ferdinand Magellan was possibly born in 1480 but we don’t
know for sure.
 Magellan was born in northern Portugal.
 As a young man, Magellan fought as a soldier while Portugal
seized different colonies in India and Africa.
 Magellan believed he could make it to the Spice Islands by
finding a water route around South America.
 He convinced the king of Spain to support him by telling
him that part of the Spice Islands were in Spanish territory.
 Magellan died 1521
Exploration and Achievements
 Magellan visited The Philippines.
 He also found a water route to the Spice Islands by sailing
around South America.
 He was the first to sail around or circumnavigate the world.
 Magellan visited the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Ocean
also, he named the Pacific Ocean.
 “Pacific” means “peaceful” in Spanish.
The Voyage
 Magellan explored from 1519-1521
 Magellan left from Portugal, and he landed
and was killed in the Philippines.
 Magellan’s crew finished the voyage
without him.
Encounters with Natives
 Magellan had native encounters at the
 The crews of the ships stayed at the Philippines
for several weeks.
 He became friends with one of the native kings.
 Ferdinand and his crew fought in “wars” against
the natives.
 He was killed by natives in 1521.
By Jackson Meyer and Chris Boren

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